Great job, thank you guys .
Q400 Aircraft and Major Update- Latest IPACS Release!
Fantastic job! Thanks for this.
We change it so that you can assign a key for speedbrake extension and retraction.
And I can confirm: the speedbrakes in the F18 do not work for me either, I'll look into it.
I have my speedbrakes mapped to slider and they are working fine. So hope that helps.
Just want to give a big thank you to the IPACS team. What a great job for all the hard work you folks have put into this sim.
This sounds brilliant, many thanks. Was the P-38 ineffective landing elevator and nose gear false bounce adjusted? The excellent PAPIs news elsewhere had not been mentioned here.
- Official Post
This sounds brilliant, many thanks. Was the P-38 ineffective landing elevator and nose gear false bounce adjusted? The excellent PAPIs news elsewhere had not been mentioned here.
Only the airliners were touched by this update. Other aircraft were updated but no flight models have been altered yet. We still plan on doing this but we want to keep the amount of changes moderate. If we also changed the flight setups of all aircraft things would go crazy and it would be too hard to manage your feedback.
Give us some time, we know there are some issues in few aircraft and we've noted them all down and will attack them one problem after the other.
- Official Post
Jan, ensure this all moves to the Wiki eventually. People need a good source to find out about this special stuff!
My framerate issues are down to the clouds being re enabled after update and I guess the textures issue is due to OrbX updates being required.
Thanks MrBean and Jetpack for replies and action.
My favorite plane in FSX was the Majestic Q400, I can tell you one thing, it's as amazing as the Majestic version... well maybe at 95% ha ha ha.
Been flying at the new ORBX south america LC, for an hour with ok FPS, I then return back to AF2 in Switzerland for 2 hours with the Q400
Does the Q-400 come with simulated fuel consumption ?
- Official Post
Does the Q-400 come with simulated fuel consumption ?
Not yet. We have to program the mass reduction when fuel level is reduced over time yet and we need a GUI to set the fuel levels as well. And currently there is no option to refuel either, so there is some work to do before we can do that properly. But for now, yes we could make the fuel quantity go down and then kill then engine, would be nice to have a low fuel warning trigger and then see the engines actually fail
Jan, if you do work on some Q400 fuel quantity measurements and such, please see if some of that knowledge could be applied to the Learjet45. A simple slow reduction in quantity readout with maybe a low fuel or fuel imbalance would add some realism. Pounds of fuel would be a good option to add vs Kg.
As Aerofly FS2 doesn't simulate malfunctions an artificial fuel imbalance wouldn't make much sense IMO.
At present, yes. We are discussing possible features to be added in AF2 where they would make a lot of sense. Even if it was not accurate, it is one of those things to check during a flight and respond as if it was a real fuel imbalance. Everything is simulated in a simulator it is the constant movement toward simulated realism that I keep seeking.
- Official Post
Once we do simulate a reduced mass, fuel imbalance and asymmetric weight distribution will be a byproduct. I think it's easy to forget to switch the tanks in the Cessna for example. Sure failure simulation isn't around the corner currently but if some add on developer hops on board this could become near future. I can think of a lot of causes for a fuel imbalance, add on developers have total freedom in the Aerofly here.
Yes it would be nice to have one master option to display fuel in lbs or kg. The Q400 is prepared to feature both units as far as I remember. Changing the learjet is no big deal, getting the option into the different aircraft will probably be more difficult.
One more item on your list.
The sailor has returned home for leave.
First thing I did was a short flight with this fantastic plane, I always fly this turbo props.
At start the engines spooled down so I had to restart and I noticed that in VR the mouse pointer is off to the right.
So with the first attempts to hit the start button I turned right engine to the off position, after I got what was wrong I was up in the air.
Easy to fly by hand, I have to learn more of the systems.. do I? If I do something wrong an alarm goes off
Next thing tomorrow is GeoConvert!!
Hey seaman,
good you returned and can now concentrate to aerofly
For geoconvert you need the FSET tool, linked in the wiki tutorial.
Select an aera of your interest and start downloading it.
Also donwload the SDK with the geoconverter tool itself.
Then you may use the tool published by admoore63, to go on:
Tool which simplifies the usage of the GeoConvert tool
Happy geoconverting!
Heey, you may think of a sailor with all tattoos and a parrot on his shoulder but we have internet now these days, I followed al GeoConvert discussions and threads, all in and outs and problems. I know you better than you think
But thanks for your intro, if all goes well you don't hear from me..
Ow, one question, some people who succeeded are wondering how to distribute there scenery and yesterday I remembered AVSIM, isn't that a possibility?
you followed also the discussion about legal usage of earth services.
So I think, it is not IPACS's assignment to distribute the custom sceneries.A neutral forum would be better and legal data like USGS will be better as well.
No new conclusions up to now.
"Heey, you may think of a sailor with all tattoos and a parrot on his shoulder.."
Hehe, pirats of the caribbean is my common image of a seaman