• I also like the new style way better, they indeed seem much more like in real life. Always hated the huge light coronas. Also keep in mind that the runway can be hard to detect in real life too, that's why you should make a good VFR flight plan and/or use your navigation instruments. If you don't like to do so, Aerofly also features some helpful tools like the visual flight corridors.

    • Official Post

    Also keep in mind that the runway can be hard to detect in real life too

    I could tell multiple stories right there :)

    Couple weeks ago we were in a glider and due to the low cloud base we were already quite low, then we made a very long glide towards the next airfield and luckily found a thermal 300m above ground. We knew we were close to that airfield, only about 3km but it took us literally 10min of thermalling to finally be able to spot it. Any we only saw it because there was a towing plane releasing a glider and nosediving back down towards the field. It was green in green surrounding, no visible traffic and we also looked right down the extended center line. No papis installed there though but man we were so confused... WHERE IS THE *** airfield???

  • Thanks for adjusing the PAPI!

    I agree, they look better now, but maybe a little bit too dim now... Now on approach the lines on the runway look brighter than the PAPI.

    I think the PAPI should be a bit brighter.

    In my opinion maybe also the glow could be even a bit less. in general I think that there might be a bit too much glow around lights in Aerofly (e.g. lights on aircraft).

    • Official Post

    In my opinion maybe also the glow could be even a bit less. in general I think that there might be a bit too much glow around lights in Aerofly (e.g. lights on aircraft).

    This is true for daylight flying. At night any camera would create such intense glow as well. The landing lights are insanely bright. Back in the days when I adjusted the brightness of the lights I made them all of similar brightness so that this glow could be fixed easily. Now this is a shader problem not an aircraft problem anymore. And it's only problematic at day I think

  • Well it looks like I am a minority of one.

    They may now represent the real world PAPI lights better but in the RW they are a 1000 times bigger than looking at pinpricks on my 34" monitor.

    I can barely make them out at touch down in daylight but they are fine at night.

    I'm all for realism but lets not forget it's a simulation on a small screen.

    I mainly fly GA vfr without a flight plan, been doing that for 30+ years with numerous flight sims and never had this problem before.

    Visual flight corridors, I don't think so.

    As much as I like Aerofly FS2 it's back to P3D+Orbx for Ga.

    I guess I will have to learn to fly the A320 properly (what a fantastic model that is) wont need the PAPI lights if the aircraft lands it's self! I was having a lot of fun and learning a lot setting up 6m out for manual landings in the A 320 and others.


  • That's kind of a weird reason. If you are flying IFR and are following the ILS you don't need a PAPI.

    If you read what I wrote you would know I I mainly fly vfr. and yes I can visualize the glide slope, but what is the use of PAPI lights if they cannot be seen until I am on the runway. Anyway it is what it is and no one else seems bothered by it, but I suspect most fly ifr and follow the ils.

    Yes I do fly Ga from larger airports most of the time but not exclusively.


    • Official Post

    am on the runway. Anyway it is what it is and no one else seems bothered by it...

    I've already noted down your concern and will forward the issue to the developer. I can imagine he will increase the PAPI light brightness towards the approach sector so that you can see the PAPIs better if you are aligned with the runway.

    In the mean time try to increase the zoom of the camera so that the PAPIs fill more of your field of view and are rendered larger. If they are bigger than a few pixels they may be better to see.

  • If you are using an 34" monitor and can't see the PAPI from e.g. 5NM then maybe your graphic settings are incorrect. Have you thought about that?

    If you can visualize a 3deg glideslope (congrats btw) why do you need a PAPI if I may ask.

    So you are disregarding a flightsim due to a single feature you don't need, is that correct?

    Sorry but you seem to be looking for an argument which I have no wish to take part in. Each to their own.

    I've already noted down your concern and will forward the issue to the developer. I can imagine he will increase the PAPI light brightness towards the approach sector so that you can see the PAPIs better if you are aligned with the runway

    Thanks Jan much appreciated.


  • Let's not forget that Aerofly is a sim in development!

    The great thing is that we can help improve this sim by telling the developers what we, the users, think could be better.

    No use to abandon Aerofly and run to Prepar3d; try to be patient! Or use both (or even add X-Plane which is also a great sim) and watch Aerofly mature over time.

    Thanks Jan, for forwarding this to the devolopers. A bit brighter PAPI towards the approach sector with less glow would be great!

    • Official Post

    Guys, you need to understand that some users are using Aerofly in 2D (on a monitor) and some users in 3D (in VR), so there has to be a balance between the two scenarios.

    When one might not like the lights seen on a monitor and it's adjusted to be better there, it might make is worse in VR and vise versa, so there always needs to be that balance to where the setting is good for both.

    The adjustments made recently made it perfect for VR users and 2D as well. It's in a good spot now.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • I never said I would abandon Aerofly FS2 I said I would use P3d for Ga,I was already alternating between the two sims anyway. Like a lot of people I have a big investment in other sims, but I will still use Aerofly to learn how to use the AP in the A320 etc.

    As for being patient I waited 30 years to get to where we are now.

    Aerofly FS2 has the potential to be a great sim.
