Posts by IPACS Support


    we understand you are frustrated, but please don't start a flame-war here.

    The missing Product-Key on the disc is definetly something that should not have happened. We will check with IKARUS if that was an exceptionel case.

    We will support you, but please describe in detail what you current problem is and maybe provide us with the person you have been in contact.

    Its fastest if you could send us an email at mail (at), this is quicker than communicating through the forum.


    I think we found the issue. Its connected to the fact that your Mac is not running in english or german language. Its a program bug which is fixed in version 7.0.7 that is available soon. As a work around:

    - Temporarily set Mac OS X Language to ENGLISH
    - Reboot your Mac
    - Then try to run aerofly RC 7, it should now work
    - Then disable the Show Tips window and exit
    - After that you should be able to use your own language again

    Please report, if this fixes your issue.

    Dear aerofly RC 7 users,

    here you may download our latest update to version 7.0.7. This update is posted here to get some user feedback before making it public on our website.

    This update addresses the following issues:

    - add support to load user created models ( we will soon offer some models in this forum )
    - fixed a bug when trying to modify a quadcopter with the editor
    - some changes to the models Foka 4, Pilatus PC-11, UMX Beast and Helios glider

    Download the update right here:

    Just for your information. The upgrade from aerofly5 to aerofly RC 7 is $57 USD when you buy it in the App-Store. You first buy the App for $45. You may then upgrade with an additional $12 from aerofly5 by entering your Product-Key.

    Hello François,

    please post your tm.log file here as well, it helps us in diagnosing the problem.

    If it works with the Windows version it should also work with the Mac OS X version.

    However keep in mind we only support the IKARUS interface cables. So what do you mena by RSAT2?

    Please explain in more detail!

    If you post something, please inform yourself first!

    You can buy the Standard version for 39,99 Euro. You then have the option to upgrade from aerofly5 to aerofly RC 7 Ultimate as an In-App purchase for around 10 Euro. So prices are the same compared to the Windows prices. You need to have a valid aerofly5 Product-Key.

    Bitte keine Doppelpostings zum gleichen Problem! Dies verzoegert die Beantwortung lediglich.

    Die Mehrspielerfunktion funktioniert, wenn man selber einen Server einrichtet, das haben wir getestet.

    Es muessen auf dem Rechner der Server ist aber explizit die Ports 7100 bis 7120 geoffnet werden! Wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, kann sich ein Spieler nicht in die Session einloggen. Irgendwo wird also der Port noch geblockt.

    Leider ist hier nicht viel zu machen, eine tm.log wuerde auch nicht helfen. Es ist wie erwaehnt systembedingt ein hohe Netzwerklast. Wir koennen in einem Update aber mal pruefen, ob wir die Anzahl der Uebermittlungen etwas reduzieren. Dadurch koennen die Bewegungen manchmal eckiger wirken, aber die Netzlast wuerde abnehmen.

    Zum Hintergrund: Ein Modell im aerofly RC 7 ist nicht nur ein starrer Koerper, sondern jedes Bauteil, Rumpf, Rad, Querruder, Propeller usw... ist eigenstaendig, hat also eine vom Rumpf unabhaengige und eigene Positionen und Orientierung. Diese Daten muessen uebertragen werden ( und das sind ueber 50 Objekte bei komplexen Modellen! ) und das erklaert das hohe Datenaufkommen das uebertragen werden muss.

    Yes, there will be different versions. This was actually the most difficult part while doing the port to Mac OS X. We had to ensure people can do an upgrade from aerofly5 to aerofly RC 7 Ultimate. But we have to wait for Apple and see.

    We are currently in the final testing phase of aerofly RC 7 for Mac. We plan to distribute this version on the AppStore so we still have to go through the Review process by Apple which is an unknown time factor. It could be mid february, but since it is not completly in our hands, it could also be later or even earlier.

    Thank you for your detailed answer. The problem here is that we use an approximiation of the visible fuselage mesh when we do the collision. That means the collision mesh of the 747 might look different than the fuselage and is probably too low. Due to performance reasons we use very few polygons to do the collision and this optimization process might have added this extra 'bump' to the mesh.

    We will check and see if we can refine this mesh with an upcoming update, if the performance is still ok.

    -there is a strange behavior with the 747 on take off. I can not reproduce it, but sometimes, after rotating, the plane starts to vibrate (view in the cockpit is shaking, wing flex on the outside view shows vibration too). Looks like flutter from the outside. The plane will not lift off und break at some point (crash is detected).

    Please check carefully that while you are taking off, you don't hit the ground with the tail. The cockpit shaking usually only happens when you attempt to take off to early!

    Das haengt ein wenig von den Einstellungen ab, in denen man fliegt. Es gibt aber Szenerien im RC7, die von dieser grossen Aufloesung profitieren koennen!

    Unsere Fotoszenerien haben unterschiedliche Aufloesungen, die meisten aber mindestens 16000 Pixel in der horizontalen. Einige wenige bieten aber auch 24000 Pixel.

    Wenn man nun bei einem Panorama mit 16000 Pixeln ein Blickfeld von 90 Grad einstellt wuerde auf dem 4K Monitor noch alles Pixelscharf sein. Je weiter man dann aber reinzoomt (also das Blickfeld verkleinert), desto 'matschiger' wird die Szenerie.

    Grob gesagt aber sollte im Standardbetrieb der 4K Monitor nochmals einen deutlichen Qualitaetsgewinn gegenueber Full HD (1900x1200) bewirken.