Posts by stavka

    The problem here looks a misunderstanding from IPACS of what navigraph provides. They provide a database files in a specific format for the flightsim/addons that use it. Its facultative and an option, not obligatory. So what IPACS should provide is only where is the navdatabase and in what format of that data. NOTHING more. This is mainly an agreement and information. For the current users that not have a Navigraph subscription, he stay as it is and nothing became more costy or diferent, for the other users that want the database updated, they received from Naviigraph the files to replace the default ones that will enable the AFS4 with an updated database.

    I not see what this can affect users that not want updates, neither see the end of the world only providing to Navigraph where and in what format the database is to them provide the files exactly in the same format to us have them updated. IMHO it not requires any development time.

    Yes, its hard to find it again, because the mission was done, what i was doing was the challenges in a round, completing them, when i arrived to that challenge it was like that, i open others and was ok, when i repeat open that challenge, it still unavailable. I exist afs4, open again and it was all ok.

    P.S.: by the way, it was better that "completed" tag not covers the airport tag. It will be cool if after completed we still knows the name of airport.

    Thank You so much!

    Exactly, this flight sim have already enough aircraft. What we need is features to the core to make it a real competitor to other flight sims.

    Another aircraft is only to hhave another aircraft that we can't have rain, real weather, atc, configuration of load/fuel, fuel consuption (yes, a shame to want another aircraft, another aircraft another aircraft, when even the core aircraft have infinite fuel).

    This could be an amazing flight sim that could be another option against the real flight sims, and still be an arcade flight sim like a mobile app to use vr.

    Its really sad because even the current included aircraft mix is better than any other flight sims, all the other features are worst....

    We need:

    ATC (even rudimentary, promissed since afs2 for years)

    real weather from metar (including rain)

    navigraph database updates compatability

    Aircraft feature that can change fuel and cargo/pax with real fuel consuming.

    THAT features improves all current aircraft and future ones to a new level, and not another half backed aircraft to the already enough aircraft hangar where you can't have rain, atc etc.

    Sorry, all this rant, but i trully want to love afs4 as my nr1 sim, but now its getting dust and rust because if i want a flight sim experience others provide better, even having vr...

    In my own opinion, atc, weather, weight/balance, navdata updates and pushback, is way way much more important than another aircraft.

    If you improve the core afs4 with the features mentioned above, you are improving all existant aircraft and also the future ones. Its strategic improvements that whatever aircraft that you will use you will benefit of these features, its not another aircraft that sometimes you use sometimes not. Also you are building something that will true compete with the "top dogs" on the market.

    Another aircraft even if its my or yours favorite one, in the current state of afs4, is to fly in a capped flightsim that sadly soon i will jump to another flight sim where that aircraft already exist there and all the simulator gives full realistic experience with real weather, atc, etc.


    I have the RC9 brough on ikarus store some time ago, and now i want to buy the upgrade version. If i install the v10 can i uninstall the v9 or exist some features/aircraft/sceneries that exist on v9 that are not included on v10?

    Thank You!

    First, Thanks alot about the update that includes global scenery.

    In a future update will be nice if we have the parking place to all the airports to enable the start from park with cold and dark start.

    I noticed that only the default arports (Europe + few parts of USA) only have parking start.

    Thank You!


    I did some tests and strangely the screen of DIR on MCDU not works well. It shows, allow me to manually select a new waypoint or choose one from the flightplan list, do DIR TO INSERT, but then nothing happens! It should create a flightplan between my current position to the point that i choose on DIR Menu. IMHO it should be fixed because DIR TO is an important function on MCDU.


    Depending on the region, when you zoom, if you see small blue circles (airports symbols) is the only place where you have very good resolution and plantation (3d trees, vegetation and buildings and structures), all the other USA regions not have high resolution neither objects (mainly central area of USA.