The problem here looks a misunderstanding from IPACS of what navigraph provides. They provide a database files in a specific format for the flightsim/addons that use it. Its facultative and an option, not obligatory. So what IPACS should provide is only where is the navdatabase and in what format of that data. NOTHING more. This is mainly an agreement and information. For the current users that not have a Navigraph subscription, he stay as it is and nothing became more costy or diferent, for the other users that want the database updated, they received from Naviigraph the files to replace the default ones that will enable the AFS4 with an updated database.
I not see what this can affect users that not want updates, neither see the end of the world only providing to Navigraph where and in what format the database is to them provide the files exactly in the same format to us have them updated. IMHO it not requires any development time.