With HTC Vive Pro and X52 HOTAS work simulator very good. I am use Metal boxed AeroFly2 version with Switzerland addon. I have last BETA version SteamVR. X52 HOTAS i am use with standard drivers.
Posts by petr.fort@centrum.cz
New VR setup for test with HTC Vive Pro from my CAD station in work. I am wondering what the outcome.
i see this addon, please work only with trees or building too ? It is free or i must purchase FTX Central v3 ?
I am use HTC Vive: C:\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\bin64\aerofly_fs_2.exe" --othervr
I have HTC Vive 1. I test in next week HTC Pro
Exists diferent options for HTC Vive ? or no ?
Installer from DVDs version in metal box create only 2D icon on desktop. In win menu Oculus VR too. HTC Vive no. Work with options -othervr. I am contact support for second options help.
1. Steam VR Beta 1.4.7
2. Add no Steam app
3. C:\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\bin64\aerofly_fs_2.exe" --othervr
or only: C:\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\bin64\aerofly_fs_2.exe" --othervr on desktop
Alps view in VR is excellent. Thank you Martin. Do exist all command line options PDF or Help?
Hello i have problem with Aerofly FS2 in VR. I have Aerofly FS2 (boxed AEROFLY FS 2 COMPLETE EDITION with SWITZERLAND addon. On simulator case text: Full VR and TrackIR support. After starting game on PC with HTC Vive (fully working in secoond aps.) do not exist menu VR support. Where is problem? What i switch Aerofly FS2 to VR mode? Thank you for your help. Petr
Hello, please help me. I need for AeroflyFS2 with HTC VIVE PRO headset stick and pedals. What type is supported?
Hello, i like Alps scennery for F3F training. Please add to Aerofly RC8 F3F beep bases. Thank you, Petr
Hello i have Aerofly RC 8 no Aerofly FS2. In Aerofly RC8 this file exists too ?
Hello, i am install Aerofly RC8 to new clear instalation Windows 10 1809. I have Nvidia Card with support VR mode. All apps work fine. I have last update Aerofly RC8. In standard mode work fine. After click VR mode HTC set detect Aerofly and close demo room. After 15 secoonds Aerofly window on my monitor close and in HTC Vive headset still demo room. Aerofly is closed and do not working. In task bar Aerofly VR not exists. Where is problem? Thank you, Petr.
I am testing new AeroFly RC8 on my PC. In right corner is actual FPS or only settings number? I am testing my PC on 240 Fps in Full HD and Ultra detail and see already 240 Fps.
Users scennery from version RC7 not working. I like Alps scennery for soaring.
Please HTC Vive support only head rotation or walking around airport too ?
Version 8 is very good :O)
plese where is payment by PayPal in shop IKARUS?
In help this icon exists:
please I need help with upgrade my Aerofly.
I have many years fine working legaly upgraded Aerofly RC7 Ultimate from retail Aerofly 5 with original USB interface.
I need sell new upgrade to Aerofly RC8. Purchase upgrade from my upgraded RC7 Ultimate not working. Where is problem?
Do not work my Aerofly 5 key number and my actually activation key for Aerofly RC7 Ultimate do not working too.
My format in web is: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
I do not find email address for IKARUS support. Web concept not supporting attachment.
I must write to upgrade web Serial number from Aerofly 5 XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or Activation Key in format for Aerofly RC7 Ultimate in format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ?
Thank you for your information.