Posts by jcomm

    Since I do not have AEFS2 installed I only get the chance to know about updates through posts, mostly by HiFlyer at AVSIM.

    It would be great to have a sticky thread here at the forum just for Ipacs to announce each new update and it's contents :)

    I am holding on the release where we finally get fuel consumption, full engine management, additional weather effects... Can be more than a year away, I guess, and meanwhile, 100GB is just too much to fill my 250 SDD, so, knowing about any news is always great :)

    Of course some of the already announced upcoming aircraft can make me buy a bigger disk :)

    Because it can be didactic.

    I use(d) ELITE IFR for my training and in that simulator, with spartan visuals, damage from stress is still displayed in the form of a popup message / alert window stating such things as flaps having been deployed at too high an IAS ( above Vfe ), or gear, or g-stress...

    This is important because we can use the simulator and "feel" restricted to operations within limits, while in MS FLIGHT, and now in AEFS2 too, you can do things that a real counterpart of one of the aircraft could never be subject to without damage.

    It also affects the flight dynamics modeling and that is something I really don't like. Accelerated stalls aren't happening for instance when you dive well beyond VNE and then fully pull the stick and the aircraft recovers and continues it's flight peacefully....

    I was running some tests while playing with the C90 during taxi, and found that, apparently ( but I can be wrong! ) beta range is indeed modeled in the sim?

    Can anyone confirm it ?

    Well, at least, with my throttles "bellow" idle and above "reverse", I did get what I believe to be a rather plausible modeling of beta range ...

    Hehe Hiflyer,

    don't know but my younger daughter ( a psychologist ), told me the other day people who drink espresso without sugar are more prone to have mental problems :)

    Maybe this damage thing could be given to her to examine more in detail :)

    Not really a big deal for me not having damage modelled at least as in AEFS1, but if possible in the future I would like it too :)

    It's been a long time since I last had Aerofly FS1 installed, so I don't really recall if this was modelled, but I guess it was...

    In AEFS2 the resistance of all aircraft to stress when operating way above their limits is infinite. It reminds me of MS FLIGHT.

    I can take the F4-U, for instance, to 25000 ft and from there dive at max speed and above and then fully pull on the stick to recover and gladly continue flying.

    I would like to see some damage due to stress implemented in the aircraft.

    VSync tried to syncronize the display rate of the game with that of your monitor ( usually 60 Hz vertical display refresh rate ).

    On some sims it works great, but in my rig the best is to disble it, and set FPS limit to 120. Unlimited cause the weird sound effect from the graphics board I mentioned in the OT.


    A simple "DELETE" over the button or axis does the job - so straightforward after all ...

    Just deleted the wrong assignments I had and all fine now...

    Just miss my prop and airbrake axis :(

    I could even delete that button 2 assignment that was fixed in the change view Category ...

    With my T16000, instead of the brokem X52 Pro, I now have just one slider axis for throttle, and a total 12 buttons in the joystick base plus the joysitck ones..

    I am trying to do my best to assign buttons to the more important functions, but even the Flaps Retract / Deploy is becoming a nightmare, with multiple functions being assigned to other functions.

    So, I just wanted to delete a given button assignment, but - how do I do it ?

    For functions that can be controlled by Axis, joystick buttons and keyboard presses, it is really difficult to find out how to only delete the button or keyboard assignments ?

    Any help really appreciated...

    when using AEFS2 with unrestricted FPS.

    If I set FPS limit to VSync ( I don't use this one because it causes lot's of stuttering ), 120 or 240, everything is fine, but if I set the FPS to no limit, my PC starts making a strange high pitch noise, as if it was music, changing when I change views or menus... It is really weird, and apparently goes OFF when I START the flight ( or the sound of the aircraft overrides it ? ) ...

    It's not the graphics board fans.

    Just so additional info...

    One of the ELITE Flight Simulation team members is interested in looking into AEFS2's SDK, after he installed the game and really appreciated it's performance and graphics.

    AFAIK and since he is always rather busy with is support work, he will probably try to use the SDK to create some compatibility plugin.

    For me it would be great to use at least the twin power quadrant, while AEFS2 doesn't get it's own GNS 430 or 530 :)

    I'm a long time ELITE Flight Simulator ( Home version - since v7, now on v8.6 ) and owner of their GNS 530 and one of the throttle quadrant hardware modules.

    These units are meant to be used with the ELITE software, but drivers for MSFS and X-Plane are available, for free in the case of MSFS and P3D, payed in the case of X-Plane because they were developed out of ELITE.

    It would be wonderful to be able to use ELITE hardware also with AEFS2. I believe they can be contacted for that matter ( ) but I can initiate the contact myself if the AEFS2 team considers this for future updates :)

    An even better scenario would be to make available AEFS2 visuals ( out of windshield ) just as ELITE allows for both ESP and now P3D.