Posts by MrRCSound

    Here is a list of recognized commands I have in the profile right now. I have not done any "arrival" yet, but I will get those done tonight.

    Look over the list, let me know of common requests that I may have missed. Remember, I am trying to keep it pretty basic and generic so it will work around most any airports.

    List of currently working commands:

    Departure Cessna 51911 With you
    Departure Cessna 51911 I am With you
    Departure Cessna 51911 request turn to the east
    Departure Cessna 51911 request turn to the north
    Departure Cessna 51911 request turn to the south
    Departure Cessna 51911 request turn to the west
    Departure Cessna 51911 I would like to open my VFR flight plan
    Departure Cessna 51911 I would like to close my VFR flight plan
    Ground Cessna 51911 Ready to Taxi
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting permision to Taxi
    Ground Cessna 51911 request clearance to Taxi
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting taxi clearance
    Ground Cessna 51911 request permision to Taxi
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting permision to Taxi
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting clearance to Taxi to business
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting clearance to Taxi to ramp
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting clearance to Taxi to signature
    Ground Cessna 51911 requesting permision to Taxi to signature
    Tower Cessna 51911 request clearance for takeoff -(this will be changed)
    Tower Cessna 51911 Request takeoff Clearence -(this will be changed)
    Tower Cessna 51911 request Clearence to Land
    Tower Cessna 51911 request landing clearance
    Tower Cessna 51911 requesting Clearence to Land
    Tower Cessna 51911 requesting landing clearance

    Thanks for the tip. Having only limited flight time, mostly in gliders with limited ATC interaction, that is something I did not realize. I did a bit more research, and will be changing the requests from "takeoff" to "departing, departure, or just holding short".

    I should have a first cut of a basic ATC for the Cessna this evening. I may try to do a video in a bit.

    Hi Ray,
    I think that can all be doable. Still learning VA myself.

    There is a pretty neat pause function. For example. One random request for takeoff clearance results in a "hold short" for traffic (of course there is none in AF2, but still cool). The pause function allows for a period of time, I think I have it set for 25 or 30 seconds, then ATC comes back with clearance for take off. So cleared to 10,000ft. with higher a few minutes later should work.

    Requests to depart directions should work with both direction or numerical degrees. It is just a matter of putting in an extra line of what may be expected.

    It will take some work, but I think most of your requests will work. Wind speed and direction will not be accurate, as there is no way to read it from the program, and the voices are pre-recorded. Likewise, things like "ground" "tower" etc. will need to be kept generic. That way it kind of works for all airports.

    I have a good base starting point right now. A few hours work tomorrow, and it should work fairly well. I will see what I can get done.


    First off, thank you to HiFlier for letting us know about using Voice Attack, and thanks to "The DX Gamer" for showing us how it is done, and sharing his VA profile.

    I have been playing with this quite some today. Personally I am not interested in the co-pilot, automatic voice commands, I want it more for the ATC, at least till IPACS incorporates ATC.

    I based what I have been working with off his VA profile, removing the stuff I did not want. I re-recorded all the ATC responses to Cessna 51911, which is the number of the 172 in Aerofly. (Kind of wish it had a letter in there)

    Anyway, I have added some commands and responses. Sometimes I stumble when I speak, as I am sure we all do. So I have created commands that are basically the same thing, but might make the difference of it being recognized or not. Example: "Tower, Cessna 51911, request take off clearance." and "Tower, Cessna 51911, requesting clearance for takeoff." will both work, as well as a couple of other variants.

    I have added a few more responses from ATC such as "hold short, await departing aircraft", or "inbound traffic at your 3 o'clock. Hold position 2 miles south of runway."

    Right now it all works pretty darn well.

    I am not up to speed on my ATC speak and responses. Any suggestions on proper requests, responses that can be entered?

    I am more than happy to share the profile and sound files once I get everything sorted.


    Has anyone had any luck with running RC in the Rift? I know there is no native support for it. I have tried using VorpX and can get it to display, but tracking is way out of wack, and it just does not feel right.

    Just wondering if anyone has tried.

    It is, isn't it. :) I just got done flying for about an hour on the Rift. I have a bunch of games for it, but nothing is more satisfying than just flying around. I like Aerofly 2 much more than Xplane. We just need more airports. :)

    Only 2 complaints. The Rift needs more resolution for better clarity of distant objects. Sometimes it can be hard to locate an airport.

    Second complaint, the clouds. They look great from a fixed view, and look good when flying through them. It spoils the realism though when the clouds spin when you turn your head. Something needs to be done with that.