Hi, I know the Quest 3 has hand-tracking capabilities, so you can interact with the virtual world without holding controllers. Is this feature available in Aerofly, or do you always need to use the controllers? It would be awesome if we could use our physical hands to press switches and control the plane's yokes or throttles directly.
Posts by GameAddict
Thanks for the tip! Good to know it is already there.
Hi, I'd like to make a request: somewhere in the configuration file, set up the path for the User Generated Content.
By default right now is the main drive C, but many of us have limited space in that unit and have other HD to store big files (like orthoimages)
So can I use my old photoreal images from AF2 to AF4? The thing is that they took up a lot of space, so I had them in a different folder than the USER in the main HD. So now I'm not sure how to reference the new folder.
Good to see the IPACS team; these updates are excellent for keeping the community engaged.
Respect for you guys. Seeing how good this sim is becoming, having a small team is impressive.
Hi, I'm following the CRJ tutorial, and I have some questions:
1) The hydraulic 3A switch doesn't get into the ON position. I can only move it OFF or Auto.
2) Set the pitch trim to about 3.8 for departure: How do I do that? (it's already in the correct position, but how to do that?)
3) Rotate the ATC transponder selector in the pedestal to ATC1: I cannot find that knob.
Any help? Thanks!
Actually, I was going to ask where the folder goes because my ortho scenery was in a folder within the steam root:
\steamapps\common\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator AddOns\scenery\iberia\ -
So the old aerial images just can be moved to the new Aerofly FS4 root and will work?
When you have a family or other things that can interrupt your flying session, you really appreciate the fast loading times and the possibility to skip to the landing phase.
Not important? Are you serious? Then what’s important to you? System and visual realism are two key factors of flight simulator. Cloulds, rains, water, those are as important as what IPACS has been working on to improve the scenery. I believe it’s even more important than publishing new scenery and aircrafts. And I reckon many people would have the same opinion.
I see the water from the air. I don't need to be perfect, just look like water.
Of course, it would be better if it's 3D, has reflection and all the fancy stuff, but if that impacts the performance heavily, I'd rather leave the water as it is.
I love flying the Aerofly A320. The only thing I'd improve at this point is the sounds.
In the end, when you have a small team, you have to be careful about where you put your efforts to get the max out of it.
My most anticipated function.
Just out of curiosity, why is this so important for you?
Thanks! Sounds great!
I read the following in the coming features for AFS4:
- Flight missions based on real world airline flights as well as custom flight mission presets and challenges
- Pilot career achievements, logbook, recorded flight paths, statistics
What does it mean? Is there some Role-playing game built-in or is it just a way to quickly fly using real-world flights without having to deal with flight planning?
I think I know where the problem is. Trying to establish the localizer before the right time.
I'm running on a PC.
Interesting fact: I tried in another airport (LEPA), and then I managed to get the ILS2 on the right side PFD and the ILS worked. Maybe is something related to the KLAX airport?
Hi, I have been following the tutorial to fly the Q400, and there is a step I can't make work. It's related to the preparation to intercept the ILS of runway 25R in KLAX, as the tutorial said.
The problem starts in the following step:
Preparing The Right PFD
- On the right side PFD switch the navigation source to NAV2 (“ILS2”) and check if we are receiving the ILS signal. For our tutorial flight the PFD should show “ICFN” on the legend to the right of the display, the course of 250° should be set automatically.
I can't get the "ILS2"... it says ILS1 (check the attached image) No matter how much I turn the knob, ILS2 doesn't show up.
Then when I'm getting close to activating the approach button to intercept the ILS, I select ILS1 in the PFD on the left side. But I get these weird red cross lines on the MFD. And the ILS course is also wrong by default.
What am I doing wrong?
I have been away for a few months. I just took a couple of flights to the A320. I love it! It shows the work you guys put into it, and I'm excited as I'm sure you will continue updating it.
I'm one of those sim fans that are not so worried about everything being 100% accurate, mainly when I have limited time. So what if you press a few buttons in the MCDU and data gets populated? When you don't have two hours to fly, that's precisely the type of experience I want. Something that makes me feel on command but makes my life easier. I want the experience! And honestly, after flying the study-level planes on other sims, I love this type of choice. It feels pro-and easy. The only thing I would love to see improved is the sounds... and still, I recognized the improvements in this area too.
I'm excited about the future of this product! And I feel sorry for those who don't give this beautiful sim a chance.
Existing 3rd party airports are not compatible with Aerofly FS 4 right out of the box. However the work required to convert them is not very high. We will publish more details once Aerofly FS 4 is out.
That would be great and one more plus for Aerofly.