Posts by Raspou

    Thank's for the fast update but don't work for me. Have you change the instruction to install it?

    I uninstall aircraft converter

    Install aircraft converter from the last SDK i just download

    Donwload DR400 and unzip it

    Right click on the DR400 folder and execute aircraft converter

    Aircraft converter begin and just before the end says "ERROR cannot load aircraft.set Aerofly FS 2 folder in config.tmc"

    Any idea?

    Thanks a lot for your help, working now :) I install and use notepad++ like Rodeo says for modify batch file and .TMC and now my batch file can begin the loading (so maybee using notepad++ willl be in the wiki?). I also modify my coordinates like admin says and process be succesfull. I now can join Switzerland from Innsbruck :P

    Thanks for you help Rodeo. Just try with level 9 instead level 10 but don't change anything, always same error for loading the .tmc file. I'm lost, i must made a mistake but can't find it, even i follow the wiki step by step. Hope someone make a video guide for the geoconvert, maybee it will help me.

    Read again the wiki and forum, try another time but always fail :( "(loading configuration file 'config-region-innsbruck1.tmc'= ERROR: (error loading 'config-region-innsbruck1.tmc')" Don't understand where i'm wrong.

    Have this in my input aerial image

    [Blocked Image:]

    In my batch file: "aerofly_fs_2_geoconvert.exe config-region-innsbruck1.tmc"

    In my TMC file call" config-region-innsbruck1.tmc"



    <[bool] [write_ttc_files][true]>


    <[bool] [always_overwrite][true]>



    <[uint32] [level] [10]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [9.48 47.66]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [10.97 47.04]>



    <[uint32] [level] [11]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [9.48 47.66]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [10.97 47.04]>



    <[uint32] [level] [12]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [9.48 47.66]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [10.97 47.04]>



    <[uint32] [level] [13]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [9.48 47.66]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [10.97 47.04]>





    I use the spit40 page and also try manually with all digits after the decimal for the TMC, same result.

    With the "old" SDK we have a PDF instructions with it, but i don't find it in the last version of the SDK.

    1. Install the Aerofly FS 2 Aircraft Converter as described above.

    2. Locate the 'dr400' intermediate folder in the SDK's 'aircraft_workshop' folder. Right click on the 'dr400' folder and choose Aerofly FS 2 Aircraft Converter from the context menu. This action opens the aircraft converter window for the example aircraft.

    3. Click the Convert button to start the conversion. The aircraft converter will copy the dynamics and configuration files to the user folder of Aerofly FS 2, convert the sounds, the 3d model and the textures, and will render the preview texture if necessary. Depending on your hardware, this may take a while.

    4. When the aircraft converter has converted the example aircraft, start Aerofly FS 2. The Robin DR400 should be available in the aircraft menu now. Enjoy your new aircraft

    Beautiful! Hope sharing scenery will be possible soon, some people here seems have great talent and it will be great for AFS2 if we can have new content from the community (and great for me i'm so bad with the geoconvert tool 8o)

    For the aircraft this is the DR400, you can have it with the SDK.

    Thanks for your help. Try with convert INF files to TFW files and try other way to rename INF files but same results, error to load the TMC file. Can't see where i make a mistake so i'll go sleep and retry from the begining later :P Maybe i make an error upstream.

    Just try with the wiki tuto. Put BMP files and inf files from Fset in input aerial images. Create my TMC files (with decimal geocoordinates) and batch file (same name TMC file and noted in the batch). But when double click batch files it says "Error initializing aerofly FS2 Geoconvert! See tm.log file." Any idea? Thanks for your help.

    Just try with the wiki tuto. Put BMP files and inf files from Fset in input aerial images. Create my TMC files (with decimal geocoordinates) and batch file (same name TMC file and noted in the batch). But when double click batch files it says "Error initializing aerofly FS2 Geoconvert! See tm.log file." Any idea?