Unfortunately I do not have enough disk space for all the area that was circled. If possible smaller areas that would include Ramstein and EDDF if possible. Not sure which downloads will just cover those general areas.
The FS4 version looks promising.
Posts by ctiger
It has been awhile since flying with Aerofly. All I can say these past few weeks have been most enjoyable. Thanks for all those that have put in so much time and effort in adding new scenery, airplanes etc . I am still learning on the ins and outs on how to install various scenery. Now I could use some help in finding cultivation between Frankfurt and Ramstein Germany( ETNR}. I lived near Ramstein over 46 years ago and trying to enhance that area. If any one could point me to a download for cultivation in those areas will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all for your hard work in putting together the Hawaiian Islands. Excellent!
Much appreciated.
I have been using FSX-SE and even FS9 for years. But as the saying goes I don't like AeroFly 2 "I LOVE AeroFly 2". I totally agree what others have said. Thanks so much for all the hard work others have done to make ASF2 tops IMO.
Just finished installing the new Honolulu area. What brilliant work!. I have never been to Hawaiian Islands, but after flying around the Islands it gives you a real feeling of being there. Thanks so much for all the time and effort that all have put into this project.
Some good prices especially on scenery at 50%.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
My last edit (small print) mentioned I found the problem. Yes I also have the same problem with vulcan. Thanks for suggesting KGHG and KOWD from FSCloudPort. You many notice that my laptop has only a 256GB ssd which is almost full. That is where docs/aerofly/addons are installed. Steam installed the main steam aerofly in my 2.5TB. Will need to check if I can transfer some from the SSD to HD.
AOB, I am having problem with installing Boston under steam version.
Installation: extract the folder Boston_ma into your Aerofly FS 2\addons\scenery folder. Did that under Documents/aerofly folder but no Boston. Any ideas?
AOB, thanks for your comments. I do have the excellent Paris freeware. I might as well go ahead and purchase Boston and Gibraltar.
There are a few discounts at smmarket. Anyone have any comments if worth purchasing. Paris, Boston, and Gibraltar to name a few. Was also wondering if Boston ever had any updates.
Totally agree. Have all of them including the two freeware, Swiss cultivation and LSGK-Saanen Airport. Just wish they would produce a few more.
Agree! However at my age I already have too many prescriptions. Well Christmas is around the corner.
IPACS et all I finally can say it is fixed thanks for your continued help. Jan and the rest that help "it was the DRIVER". My AMD catalyst control continued to state there is no updates. The driver in 2016 worked and it appears that was the problem 3d driver issue. Many thanks and yes Thomas you are correct on this old computer. I will try to talk my wife of 50 years to let me consider buying a new computer,
Ok I am back,,,
Just to give a little more information, while I still have Aero installed. Checked the latest driver which is 7/6/15. It is stated best driver for device. I have been using this driver as you can tell for some time with no problems including Aerofly, FS9, and FSX Steam.
I have used “Vulkan” on several occasions in the past with no problems. Now Vulkan shows no change in problem.
Downloaded irfanview as suggested by Rodeo. Unfortunately I never could find the area to set file size to get the images at lower KB. I am sure it is there somewhere. Will keep checking for it.
Also noticed when you go to “location” for airport and zoom in all of the airport area is shown but lacks clarity or washed out. (planes still float above airports on take off. ) When you start at any aiirport it looks like they aren't even installed. "you might could get that impression on the pic I tried to show.
As you mentioned it could be a windows update override. But again this started with the latest Steam update. Everything was fine prior to that update. I checked windows update but none occurred when this problem started.
Recap: back Sept. 30 is when I noticed the problem with Beta was installed. “ AOB” suggested to uninstall “B” beta. It worked everything started working again. When Steam installed the lastest update is when the problem reoccurred. I wanted to uninstall but could not. And there is where we are today. This is not a problem with my laptop.
I am sorry I could not provide any more explanations what is happening on this PC. I do appreciate your help but you have already spent enough time and effort. At least it is only one person that has this problem.
(As maybe one last resort I may try an update that was not recommend)
This is my final note on this problem. Thomas made some good sense that having so many trying to help me with this issue. I fully agree as I look back on all the questions and assistance from many in trying to help me out of this problem that I could not fix. I too have spent many days/hours in trying to figure out what in world caused this. This is by far the best flight simulator out there especially for some of those that may still have an older computers like me. Rather than using any more of your time on this problem, I decided to call it quits. Will uninstall and just start using my 15" laptop. Just too much pressure on an old man reaching 80.
Thanks again for your time and help.
Well I really do hate to have some folks try to help. But this old computer has been running Aerofly for well over a year with no problems. Frame rates have been great and I have purchased almost every software from steam and Orbx and had no problems. The 24" monitor add more realizism than the 15". I only used the 15" laptop sparingly. And yes I do feel guilty in continually asking for help for so long. I have truly appreciated their help.
Thanks to all who have given me some help. Will try to use all of your comments and do a better job on pics. I agree they looked horrible. Learning a lot from "you all" as we say down south and pushing 80 years. Oh, yes the glider was floating.
That's the first good news I have heard. I have a few screenshots at KLAX, KJFK, and Key West. These are typical throughout. Unfortunately have not been able reduce the bmp using screenshot. "file too big" Still working on it.
Finally got one. Will try to send others but this is typical washed out. Can't see the floats will send asap.
As you may know I have been trying to fix my floating”ALL” airports, airplanes above runways ets. Also the airports appear to be washed out landscape is not flat. Steam has uninstalled and then reinstall but the problem persist. The integrity indicates no problem. All appears ok until I pick airport and plane and start at the location. Steam has installed recent update.
After reinstall
- C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Aerofly…/scenery/airports/usa and ch (folders) are “list of airports” Note under “airports” there are a total of 991.MB plus “3,371 files, 298 folders. (hope that makes sense)
- C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Aerofly…/scenery/places/ch and usa folders include data for cities etc. (appears normal) usa folders include az,ca,co,fl,nv, and ny folders.
- Xref has 6 folders: aircraft, airport, buildings, ch, generic, and vehicles.
- Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator AddOns/scenery/8 Orbx scenery folders
under /C: “documents/aeroflyFS2/all folders”are present but are empty.
Also EC135 is installed but does not show up when startup.
Sure would appreciate any comments/ideas on what could be tried to fix this problem.
Disregard main.mcf
Jan, I have still been trying to fix the floating on all airports etc. No luck. I have been unable to find one airport with correct elevation etc. Used the integrity check several times. I think I messed up so much that I may never figure out the problem. I have attached the latest tm.log just in case you might find another hint somewhere. What is so strange it is impacting all airports including Orbx scenery. How should someone figure on deleting/uninstalling and start from scratch.
Appreciate any help.
Update: integrity check OK. Also integrity check with Orbx scenery, can't find orbx duplicates.
On several airports "Xed" out Rwy file and floating of runways and trees etc. no longer float but graphics of RWYs exist but washed out looking. Some cases planes are flat and some buildings. (KOAK, KSNA, KEYW, KPHX) .
If can't fix problems would want to know if uninstall Steam Aerofly and use new USB HD and reinstall basic steam Aerofly on new HD. Delete all aero files purchased and hope I would be able to install to new HD.
Hpoe this makes sense.
Appreciate any comments form anyone.