Posts by ussiowa

    More great videos of the Kai Tak approach:

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    Oh I so miss the old 1980s Hong Kong, all of it.

    Don't forget the essential landmark for landing there (see bottom left quadrant of the pict), checkerboard hill.

    It also was lit up at night.

    Fun stuff, landing jumbo jets like fighter aircrafts.

    More info (not talking about me here). Lots of great info and anecdotes in the comments of the video.


    I was a tower controller in this era at Kai Tak. The ILS was based at the checkerboard and called an IGS (instrument guidance system). When you got to minimums on the ILS, you either turned and landed if you had the runway in sight, or you turned and started a go around if not visual. Not turning was not an option! Due to the crazy weather in the harbour, landings turned into go arounds often. Cathay Pacific pilots always made this landing look easy because they developed the habit of moving left off the ILS when they were visual and then had more space to do the turn.

    Complainers are people that are strongly asking to keep doing business with you. Others move on silently.

    Anyway just saying. I'm not here to defend IPACS by any means, but we still have to understand that they're doing things the way they think is right for them, whether it is so for us individually or not, and it must be very tiring to get constant criticism (even constructive), and many time the same one over and over. Lots of people (not people here necessarily) claim that what they want is what "everyone " wants and any other preposterous message to justify their own personal agenda or demand.

    There is also I suspect cultural issues at play, we're a bunch from all over the world here, cultural differences and sensitivities play a role in how we see things.

    Bottom line is none of us are IPACS, nor do we have ownership, therefore a say in company strategy. We are all welcome to create our own "better" product and market and sell it.

    In the alternative, we can accept what is, be patient, go along or not, contribute or not, and complain or not knowing that there is definitely some censure at play. They have a tough skin though, because a lot of the complainers would have thrown in the towel already if they had been on the other side.

    Again, I'm not defending IPACS, far from it, I have the same frustration with what is happening. I absolutely despise the censorship that is happening, but it's not my company, my product , my forum to manage. They make their bed, they lay in it, they most likely believe that is the best way for them to do so, so be it. Is there a LOT of potential lost of overseen, in my opinion (professional at that) yes there is, but again they're not asking me, and I have no skin in the game.

    We can take a horse to water, we can't force him to drink.

    A lot of it I wish they would listen, and I firmly believe it may be in their strong interest. But that being said, it's their show.

    And I'm still here, still contributing somewhat, although not flying much if at all, because of people like JetJockey, Tomsimmuc, Zosochile, and others that I've come to interact with (Even Jet-pack and I let him be :))

    I'm sorry we lost Larry and his great contributions (and many others who have very likely silently disappeared). I wish I could help, or take over (even though Helos are not my thing, still fun though) but to each his own and I understand.

    Carry on!

    And I don't know much about airports, but for Apollo stuff and others I created quite a few objects that "go underground" so the blending is nice.

    Bottom line I created objects that extended below ground level so that the blending would be the ortho intersection (controlled by Z positioning). It looks great, blends textures, and if we were to ever have dynamic water for example then the shores would automatically be dynamic as well.

    Maybe similar issues on airport can be solved that way or with other methods. Again I'm not familiar with what the issues are with airport building versus general scenery, or objects (3D buildings).

    Take a look at the locks, or the Port canaveral Cruise terminal, both are big objects including ground around that sink into the ortho because of volume necessities. Airports should not be too different I think, and since it's almost always pretty flat, to create an entire airport in Sketchup would be really fast.

    I assume the biggest issue comes from interaction/collision with the planes and the ground features. Since I don't know how that is implemented I don't know what are the potential issues and solutions.

    And don't forget that Sketchup is fully customizable in Ruby, so we could if push comes to shove create and export pretty much anything providing we program it.

    One more info, there are 3 standard "weights" for vertices in SU, solid, soft and smooth. If that were to be used instead of red/black, then it makes it super easy to work with, there are tools that help and we can definitely do more with programming.

    Solid is solid, soft is hidden but still solid, smooth is hidden but applied a gradient for rendering purpose.

    Vertices can also be "hidden". Solid can be hidden or not, smooth and soft are hidden by default.

    It's a bit confusing I know, but it gives us options.

    OK Antoine, it seems you have a good grasp of where we need to be. Sketchup can easily create mesh, flat or not, and I can select any color for the vertices. See test below created in like 10s (Ignore green fluo color). I can import pictures and thus create any patch that matches them easily, with lines, polys, beziers, etc..

    Once I have a mesh I can give it volume with sculpting tools if I need to and work on the mesh various ways.

    Wouldn't that work? Now on the weighing of the vertices, that is what I heard before, but I can create any color for any vertices. Would that satisfy the "weighing" process or is it a different parameter than pure color?

    A toi de voir, on peut faire des essais si tu veux. Et en plus j'utilise Sketchup 8, un vieux soft.

    First interesting issue. When exporting to jpg, the edges that were red, are now a combination of red and black at the same time, so they're hard to see, it's a few on the right bottom and one isolated int eh center. I should try exporting collada, or other 3D or vector formats. Anyway more testing is probably necessary.


    Arghhh I like this, but I still feel like they have it backwards. The "controller" should track fingers, but not have a "body" so to speak, the body (trigger, etc..) should be virtual, or at least optionally virtual.

    The idea is to be able to use HOTAS and yet to track fingers for dashboard interaction. Right now the only options are to go fully virtual, dashboard and controller controlled virtually, or full hardware (HOTAS) and use some form of controller grabbing (mouse or others) to control the dashboard and systems.

    Even better for people like Ray who use a hardware dashboard, would be to have either hardware priority, or both equal priority but mapping selection: anything that is hardware controlled (HOTAS, switch, display, buttons, knob, etc..) is prioritized over virtual (or toggled through interface mapping), anything that is not hardware wired, is controlled virtually.

    The "knuckle controller" should be a glove or something similar not intrusive to use hand with other systems (HOTAS).

    I want to develop such controller, but haven't had time to mess with it.

    Anybody has a solution? I tried leap motion but not much success so far.

    Yep they are complicated but the biggest problem by far to a sole developer is we become a Jack of all trades and a master of none.

    Modeller, texture artist, sound engineer, aerodynamicist, systems analyst, computer programmer, tea boy and general dogs body. Thermodynamicist

    And that's why we should try to form teams to develop things. I know it's difficult, but in a sense it helps too to compensate for the extra effort and process. And also I think it's more fun too.

    I know I can do a few of these, but not all of them, that is what is keeping me from developping some aircrafts.

    On the Apollo 50 we worked as a team and it seems pretty much each one has a specialty and we collaborated very well. I don't think anyone in the team knew how to do everything well, except maybe Tom.

    What it also says is that anyone that does it as a single developper earns tremendous respect, because it's so complicated and it would be so easy to stumble on one process and not been able to master it. So kudos!

    Check whether the faces are "reversed". I can't really see what your problem is on your pict, but it seem like some ghosting surfaces. We have that a lot when we convert from sketchup.

    From sketchup the process is basically three fold (we haven't fully figured out why, but it seems to work like that now):

    Make sure that there is no reverse face showing

    Use texture on both sides of all faces (I think that is only a sketchup thing, i.e. only for sketchup models)

    Convert with alpha off (although that part would need more testing as sometimes we want a transparent texture, but anyway)

    Si vous êtes intéressé par la scène de Corse (ou je vie), j'ai images horto + couverture végétations et constructions + réseau pylônes haute-tension + les aéroports (mais en provenance de FsCloudPort ... pas génial !) ... la couverture "Cultivation" est très réussie (pas de moi). Le tout via Filemail qui accepte les très gros envois.

    a+ et encore merci à vous.



    Tu pourrais le mettre sur avec le reste des sceneries generees par les utilisateurs.

    Ici (sur ce forum), ils ne vont pas te laisser mettre un lien sur tes fichiers directement, ou je je sais quoi, probleme legal. Sur tu peux.