If you have Aerofly FS 4 then enable global streaming and you have the whole world to fly in, cost no extra, this is the desktop version im talking about
Posts by jr6000dk
Hi thanx for the release - Just made a short video about it -
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Keep up the good work - Use this simulator more and more - Works better than the others i have - Seeing forward to a bright future with this one
Hi from Denmark, you are really doing a great job, with the AFS 4, have been using your sim since AFS 1 and i must admit your guy's rocks, the best in your sim is the airplanes, wow very detailed outside and in the cockpit and better than in other sims, continue the good work, seeing forward to many great updates from you, sad that external developers wont build for this sims, in my eyes it has great chances to grow more, so it's a shame.
My wishes for the future
1. Traffic on the ground
2. Ground services in the airport
3. Weather System
4. Water simulation5. ATC
6. More regions to fly in
Keep up the good work
Driver was okey - In game my settings was on Ultra, so now on High and it works 60 FPS Paris City / New York - So very happy now
After update to Windows 11 22H2 i have problems, but only when i fly in big city's like Paris / New York - I have only 13-15 FPS on 21H2 I had more and there was no stutter in other places i have 45 FPS or more and thats fine - Some of you experience the same with Windows 11 22H2 ?
The cultivation for Helgoland and Dunes is there, but no photoscenery or mesh only water, must be a bug !
Do i need the Aerofly SDK to use AeroScenery, would like to build tiles for my country for Aerofly FS 4 ?
Yeah and IPACS missed Greece, no airports in there - Greece is a part of EU, looks like they forgot ?
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
Use OpenGL now, all scenery runs fine
Hope that Vulkan will be fixed
Have made some tests, the sim only crash with scenery from TriSoftSim Gibraltar and Skiathos, have never done it before, strange ?
My Specs
Core i7 3770
32 GB DDR3 1600 mhz ram
GTX 1070 8 GB
Boot : 240 GB SSD
Drive 1 : 2 TB SHD
Drive 2 : 2 TB HD
Drive 3 : 2 TB HD -
Wheb I have setup the simulator and want to fly and i have selected Vulkan, it crash to desktop, under openngl it runs fine, i have always been running with Vulkan qnd i haven't change anything on my system, so thats strange ????
I think that i just stick with my Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS, have tried to use the controllers, but feel better with Joystick an Throttle !
Have flown Aerofly FS 2 for long tim on my monitor, but today i just bough a used ACER Mixed Reality Headset with Controllers, got it to a good price and i know ther is better headsets out there, but just to try real VR...Must admire tha i'm impressed over AFS 2 in VR thats for me WOW WOW and it's runs smooth and i don't have a new modern PC only a old Core i7 3770 - 32 GB DDR3 1600 MHz - GTX 1070 8 GB and it's run very welll, so am a bit amazed....
Have also X-Plane 11 Beta (vulkan) runs also very well, with no stutter....
How do you fly, with joystick,yoke or are you just using the VR controllers to fly ?
Just bought it, looks great,but some airports from fscloudport has problemms with the runways, they are flickering, other have same problem ???
Sightseeing in Palm Springs - Enjoy the video
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Scandinavia - Denmark / Sweden / Norway
When i open the map with "m" it's transperant and it's difficult to look at, is it a bug or where can I set it
I run OpenGL not Vulcan
Thanx for the update, keep up the good work, seeing forward to get this new big update in the coming weeks