Posts by uli057


    die Frage bleibt aber für uns User, was dürfen wir letztendlich zum Download und als Freeware bereit stellen.

    Unsere eigenen Gebäude...?

    Die bearbeiteten Sat Bilder für VFR Flüge...?



    Das bleibt leider unaufgeklärt...

    Und so kommt es, das nichts kommt, weil wir uns nicht ins rechtliche Ungewisse mit irgendwelchen Urheberfakten stürzen werden...

    Schade, es es eigentlich Aufgabe der Entwickler die Kunden zufrieden zu stellen, da Sie die Rechte haben, da Sie die Lizenzen haben...usw.

    Mir ist es egal wenn es Geld kostet, wenn es gut ist und es in mein Interresse fällt, zahl ich auch gern dafür.




    schließe mich Schnuffelduffel an.

    Ohne Bearbeitung der Sat Bilder geht es nicht.

    Siehe zB. Wattenmeer...was für grotten schlechte Aufnahmen, da macht man besser nur Wasser als alles nach zu bearbeiten!

    Nur in Aerofly FS verändert sich der Farbton nach Tageszeit bei den Wasserflächen, so das man den RGB Ton fast nicht trifft.

    Bin seit ewiger Zeit an den Nordfriesischen Inseln dran und krieg die Blaukanten der Kacheln nicht kpl. weg.

    So lang ich das nicht in den Grif kriege wird das nix um es Euch bereit zu stellen.

    Ein Versuch mit RGB Tönen...

    LG. ULI


    I was just an employee, the company was always with Mathias. I couldn't afford to have a part like that at home...

    I tried it with a Do328 cockpit in a self-made... ...that's 25 square meters and a money eater when you start out with that simulator...=O

    My wife at the time had limited understanding... ...but that's how it is when you're young.;)

    Its more than 20 Yaers at this company 3 Years



    one Night sleep...and all is good !:)

    The result is a Windmil with Rotation Foilblades...

    Perfect for me at Amrum...

    At this time i can go and constructed any rotation Blades at 3D Object.

    Thx to all User...specialy to Brunnobellic...he has give me the brain!;)


    to the Special 3D Object Builder...

    I have made animated Windmill at 3DS Max and export to tgi and tma file.

    When i converted with content converter i have the textures and the tmb file.

    But at this section, is the tsc file in scenery folder an another as rest Traffic files from me...or other Traffic files?

    The windmill himself dont run over ground, only the wind foils are circle at vertical path in 3ds max..must i write the tsc in scenery folder or/ and content converter with other codes?:?:

    I wonder that i dont see the windmill at my coordinates at Amrum...:/

    thx uli

    Hi "Schnuffelduffel"...oder wie auch immer Du in Wirklichkeit heißen magst.;)

    Hi all.

    For future it was better we had one Line for Groundtextures, Cultivation, or whatever.

    The Diffrent from many users he made ...example: Groundimages ...

    is to great, i mean when we install diffrent Maps...we see that:

    it is better we work for that together, and not any user alone.

    The most user has google , and for that big communiti its better we make all the same?!?! My animated files are based on google coordination and images...not other, and here are no diffrent acepted, otherwise the animated files not in correct position.

    Animated Files ..example: "Trains from Sylt"...has a very hard work over two full days!

    I prefer the same what the most other user used.

    regards uli


    thats not compatibel to the Airport Ground at my EDXW.

    My Images are repainted for Taxiways and so on at Airport Ground.

    With my Groundtextures at Airport no use the Runway Textures from Aerofly!

    Fly a test at Night then you see what i mean...;)

    Regards Uli


    question about Speed.

    At the Tsc are the scale... but no effect for speed.

    But i have for the three animated objects diffrent speeds.

    At 3dMax all objects with the same scale factor....

    Why are diffrent speeds at aerofly run...?







    The Traffic files can import to the folder from Documents, Scenery/Places/DE ...Airports EDKA and EDXW.

    The Images insert at Aerofly fs2 Steam/... Scenery/Images/DE

    The Maps at Aerofly FS2 Steam /... Scenery/Places/DE... EDDK and EDXW

    Hi Users...

    i upload next Time Airport EDXW and EDKA with cultivation and so on.

    EDXW are not at FS Cloudport, EDKA can you download from fs cloudport.

    Edxw with all signs and complete Night Taxiways and Lighthouses at Island...and more.

    ETNG are also at Fs cloudport, but here i must ask the user he has built the Awacs Aircraft for Traffic.:/

    Best Regards Uli


    No install routine, i hope all has the brain for right install all files.

    Tip... The maps are not at documents folder!

    He has own Folder at steam root for aerofly by place/ DE with named edka and edxw.;)