Posts by prwood
Thanks for your quick response
Could anyone give me an idea of the best spec Mac to run global streaming. TIA
Guess that's a no then
Thank you. Is it possible to install Dubai & the Australian airports as stand alone scenery?
Any chance of a response to this issue?
Would it be worth trying the latest version? If that doesn't work I can go back to the stable version I am using atm.
Hi, after resolving an issue with the program crashing after an update, I am running version stable_v4010x0x under Steam which works fine. However I am unable to see any scenery for Dubai & all the Australian airports. Need some help, Thanks
resetting the controllers
Finally got it all working Jan. Many thanks for your help.
Thanks Jan I'll try that. The issue is that the controller inputs are recognised but the movements are erratic & it is impossible to control the aircraft. Another bug I have is when I try to select a region the map zooms out without any input from me. This is an intermittent problem.
My Saitek x52 & CH yoke & pedals work perfectly in X-plane but I cannot get them to work in FS4. Are there any work arounds that I can refer to that might give me guidance. I have tried repeatedly without success & it's doing my head in. BTW they worked perfectly in FS2
Yep. that's the one. Hopefully resolved when the mac update is released
iMac running Catalina 10.15.7, 8g Ram, 4g Vram, 4GHz quad core Intel i7, CH pro pedals, Saitek X52 Joystick & throttle, Running under Steam.
Initially had problem assigning axes & buttons & could not achieve stable flight so unplugged controllers & set up using default settings. On re-start, once I had selected aircraft & location a large red "stop" button displayed & the sim locked up. One time it re-started the sim & repeatedly locked up. A couple of times the computer crashed & re-booted.
Any suggestions will be gratefully received. Note, I have been running FS2 for 3 years without any problems.
So I deleted & re-installed & there she is in all her glory
The OP was notified of the update & was able to download it on his Mac, so it has to be available surely? I am running Mojave on my iMac but this shouldn't be an issue. Still can't work it out, maybe I should delete it then re-install, opinions anyone?
Apple still has to approve it