Posts by Bahrometrix


    What am I doing wrong?

    I have been trying for several hours to compile a 60cm/px WGS84 GeoTiff file with the Geoconverter tool to ttc-Files. Although ttc-Files are generated, but from a certain point of time it does not continue. Only 53 ttc-Files with a total file size of 22 mb are created. Then the tool stops - it does not generate any more tcc-Files and does not report an error. Is it even possible to process GeoTiff files with the GeoConverter, or does it have to be a FSET tile?

    Here is the content of my AID file:






    <[vector2_float64][top_left][11.5599743989 50.9554641902]>

    <[vector2_float64][steps_per_pixel][7.0374e-06 -7.0374e-06e]>





    And here is the content of my TMC file:



    <[string] [folder_source_files][./input_aerial_images/]>

    <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]>

    <[bool] [write_ttc_files][true]>


    <[bool] [always_overwrite][true]>



    <[uint32] [level] [9]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [11.6198274859 50.900305049]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [11.5599743989 50.9554641902]>



    <[uint32] [level] [11]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [11.6198274859 50.900305049]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [11.5599743989 50.9554641902]>



    <[uint32] [level] [12]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [11.6198274859 50.900305049]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [11.5599743989 50.9554641902]>



    <[uint32] [level] [13]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [11.6198274859 50.900305049]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [11.5599743989 50.9554641902]>



    <[uint32] [level] [14]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [11.6198274859 50.900305049]>

    <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [11.5599743989 50.9554641902]>

    <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // do not create images that would require a mask





    My GeoTiff file is about 317MB in size, has an embedded coordinate system WGS84. The geoTiff file has a resolution of 60cm/px and covers an area of about 20km². In addition, the file has two alpha channels:

    Alpha channel 1 = watermask

    Alpha channel 2 = blendmask

    What exactly do I have to do to get this aerial image into the AerofylFS2 flight simulator?

    Many thanks for your answers :)


    [Blocked Image:]
    At this point geoconvert stops working. No error message, no further generation of tcc files:(