Posts by FournierRF5

    Good evening,

    I am playing around with a Quest 3 and have the problem that handtracking interferes with my throttle (I use a physical throttle, which happens to be positioned close to the real throttle)

    I did not find a setting to disable handtracking or VR hands completely. Is it possible?

    Dear IPACS-Team,

    have you thought of developing an Aerofly-Version for Standalone-VR, e.g. Meta Quest 3?

    I am currently using PCVR only, but I am dreaming of a VR flightsim I can take everywhere. An Aerofly-port would be perfect for this as it is extremely well optimised, has a perfect VR implementation and you also have plenty of experience with limited processing power from you mobile version. It would be a perfect fit.

    I just wanted (a bit late) to say thank you to IPACS for releasing FS4 for PC despite the strong competition. In my opinion it is a really good improvement over its predecessor, FS2. VR framerates are smooth as always, loading times are still very fast. And the flight physics are also still the best of all flight sims, I noticed that the Extra 330 was even improved compared to FS2. It has more power on the vertical up lines, which comes closer to the real 330, it also flies nicer stall turns than before. And I can finally practice in all the real life acro boxes with stock scenery, nice! Flying the Concorde in smooth VR makes a childhood dream come true.

    My future wishlist is now very short: Multiplayer for formation flight and maybe improved water looks and more weather options (rain etc.) would be nice.

    All in all I am very happy.

    Kind regards and merry christmas,


    I haven't flown a Pitts, but I have lots of tailwheel and aerobatic time in Decathlons and a few others (a little bit of competition too), and I own a fully inverted RV-7 that I built myself. I find the Pitts, Jungmeister and Extra in Aerofly FS2 in VR to be the best available tools on PC to practice aerobatics with. Balls aren't too useful for competition aerobatics IRL, as "coordinated" in comp aero means the airplane is doing what it's supposed to do, rather than ball center. And if using a ball to coordinate turns inverted you would need an inverted inclinometer. Better to develop the feel. 'course there's no feel in the sim, but you can "coordinate" by watching the nose slew (or not) rolling into our out of turns, upright or inverted as you would IRL. Cheers to you for taking that training. No doubt you are better for it. I hope they keep the excellent flight models in the next version. As for hardware, I'm using a Warthog HOTAS setup, with rudder pedals (of course). But I have replaced the stick base with a Virpil base. Much more precise than the Thrustmaster base. I have used the Virpil setup software to program a very slight curve in the XY axes to desensitize the stick just a little bit around neutral. Best tool I have to practice with outside my real aerobatic RV-7. Now, if we could talk IPACS into including an RV-7 in the next version...

    Hey, so we are already two, is that enough? :D

    I have a similar background as you and agree with all you said. I haven't built an RV but fly an RV-4 in competition and have flown the -6 and -7, too. I have tried an MSFS RV-14 Addon and the flightmodel is just awful. The Aerofly flightmodel is still the best in all consumer flightsims.

    This is so cool! :D

    One Aircraft that I can really recommend for all the airfields, is the Bücker Jungmeister. It has good STOL-capabilities and the engine is strong enough. The Extra and the Pitts are also no problem in Lukla, though quite a challenge in Syangboche (but it works!)

    Q400 also works in Lukla, but only just... On my first take-off with normal flap setting I stalled and burned to death, but on second try with almost full flaps I was able to takeoff and also to land (on first try, without dying! ^^), approach speed 120 knots, touchdown at the threshold, immediate reverse thrust and max. braking.

    The experience in VR really makes this a 10/10. Amazing!:thumbup::thumbup:

    Thanks for your reply Jan.

    You are modelling a different behavior than I thought then. What you explained could happen if the (engine-driven) fuel pump was to weak, that's why I said I would go see a mechanic :D. Fuel priming also wouldn't help in that case, an additional electric fuel pump would help though, but the Cub hasn't got one. The common reason why airplane engines stop at low gs is because the carburetor isn't working then. Happens all the time when flying aerobatics in a Robin 2160...

    Regarding restart, you are absolutely right, you need quite a bit of airspeed to overcome cylinder compression. In the RF 5 (2.0l Limbach engine) it is about 200-220 km/h, as you can see here. It is a handbook method in a TMG like the Fournier.

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    In SEP-aircraft you are usually not allowed to kill the engine on purpose (at least in Germany as far as I know) but in the Robin 2160 (Lycoming O-320) the propeller will come to a complete stop in a few turns of a spin. It restarts at around 250-270 km/h, or using the starter of course.

    Again, thank you very much for continuously improving aircraft physics in the sim!

    The fuel gauge works and you can even kill the engine in low g maneuvers and fly the fuel tanks empty. I'm not sure if it is realistic but you can also pump the primer to get a bit more fuel into the engine in these situations :D

    Once that prop is stopped there is no way to restart the engine in the air.... once you are on the ground you can grab the prop with the mouse or vr hands to get it spinning again though :)

    Gave the little bird a try and had good fun! But my engine stuttered during higher g maneuvers (pulling up) and not at low gs (flew some push-overs)... maybe I should go check the engine, thats dangerous like that...

    For the future - maybe you could make engines restartable by airflow at higher speeds? I actually tried that using other planes as well and the windmilling behavior until the propeller stops is very well done but once its stopped there is now way to get it back to turning, except for using the starter (if it has one).

    Is it possible to handprop from the outside view? I only got it working from inside the cockpit with mouse but not with VR hands.

    Ok, cause I was wondering how a mention about exploring the SDK had metamorphosed into discussion of a particular copter on being looked at! :/

    Well, because that is the helicopter that X-Rotors developed. Maybe I am wrong, but on their website I only see that particular one... Of course that doesn't say it will actually happen, I think of it more like a 50/50 chance but nevertheless it's already good to see more developers get interested in the Sim.

    Hey AFS Community,

    Since the first thread regarding the matter was deleted due to a broken link, I try it without linking the reference. But I think these could be veery interesting news...

    X-Rotors is a developer who released an AW 139 helicopter for X-Plane 11. According to a very short statement from X-Rotors on Twitter (you can easily find it via google) they are evaluating possibilities for porting it to AFS2! :)



    I started diving into VR using the Odyssey+ just at the beginning of this week. I also got a high-end PC (i9-9900k, RTX 2080 ti) for it and in my opinion this is the best thing ever for flight simulation! It is soooo much closer to reality than flying on a monitor with TrackIR - it is amazing.

    I used your settings and they work well for me. I haven't looked at my fps yet, but I don't think I am getting a constant 90, because sometimes I can notice a little un-smoothness. I don't care though... And I have all settings at ultra, shadows insane using Vulkan.

