Posts by HKATER

    Not sure if this has been reported already but when departing KBKF around 0150 UTC the red glow of the sunset flips from West to East (maybe North?) shortly after taking off and stays there. Happened to me twice (using Ultra 80% pixels). I think the sun was below the horizon so can’t confirm where it was. :rolleyes:??

    There's nothing to check out in Aerofly. No fuel burn = no step climb. It's that simple.

    Fair point but there is an initial altitude for step climbs. From there you can guess the weight of the aircraft from data (something I like to do but probably of no interest to others). Every aircraft in aerofly has a weight and therefore an initial cruising altitude for the heavies. You are correct of course. no argument there:thumbup:

    Aerofly guys have a history of ‘aircraft performance bugs’ turning out to be real world phenomena:/ When I read that an aircraft has trouble at altitude in aerofly I am interested. Step climbs is one of my favourite things. Will be checking it out. The problem with this sim of course is you do not get the fuel burn.

    haven’t flown enough to meet any bugs but just did my first take off in Global Scenery at sunset and all I can say is wow… wow (m1 ipad pro)

    there is something about this sim that keeps me coming back. love that you can choose what to buy. gives people options.:thumbup:

    the flight models are always fantastic for me. looking forward to flying the rocket ship, the empty 747. Its always a wild ride.

    Raybo I do 100% of my aerofly flights on a large Samsung TV and an xbox controller with audio as background chatter. (to listen to liveatc you have to have a seperate second device on hand as it will not play in the simulator). I have found the extra screen size makes a difference for me. The advantage of the xbox is you get a cleaner screen with actually no boxes appearing at all. When I press the 2 rear buttons the Views and Copilot box appears but if I press again it disappears, so I get an almost identical screen as I get on a PC connected to my TV, except it keeps the ipad screen format - you get black borders either side, but on a large TV I barely notice it as it is such a large image shown.

    The disadvantage of the xbox is it can be too sensitive for small aircraft thumbstick movement. I mostly fly the 747 now so it is not a problem.

    I originally streamed but have had problems (lag has been an issue) due to my remote location. I am about to go satelite internet (starlink) so I may choose to stream again.

    Since Xmas I am using a USB-C to HDMI cable (available anywhere) from my IPAD PRO M1 and all my lag problems are over. The TV recognises the cable (I do not use airplay) and I get the sim on both the ipad and TV. If I watch movies from the ipad the ipad screen goes black, but not with aerofly. I just plug in a cable now and it works instantly with WIFI on, no screen mirroring or airplay.

    I recommend a cable. For some reason I must have my wifi and internet ON (the ipad) when first connecting but after the cable is recognised I can turn off WIFI and play for hours from ipad to TV without internet or WIFI on. Need to do this WIFI thing everytime I connect.

    Aerofly on a large TV is amazing. Doing some flights around the Canary Islands right now (Dash8 and 747) close to the coastline of Western Sahara - North Africa looks amazing from altitude even without high res satelite scenery. Has become my favourite location for flying. One cool thing about the TV is you can change the picture colour settings. My TV has various picture settings (movie, dynamic, standard etc,..) which changes the sky and ground colours alot. Combining this with the ipad colour filters I get some variations in sky colors.

    Hope this helps. You have to ensure your TV software is up to date to do this. I have downloaded an update twice in 12 months.

    On my PC and old Aerofly 1 (F18), I used to go into the data file and mod the inertias (I think there were 2 or 3 to change from memory) to increase the aircraft weight. The AOA would sometimes get a bit messed up but it worked. It was never perfect but I have been modding aircraft weights for about 20 years on every sim I have. On aerofly 1 the files were able to be modified. Not sure about now?

    You might want to try that out. Just a thought.

    Another option is to mod the maximum thrust (lower it). But with aerofly I moded inertias directly. By doing a de-rated takeoff you can simulate a heavier weight as well (as a rough approximation).

    With regard to real live atc as chatter (i fly like that alot and it is the best ATC imo), if you want a challenge try to fly a real flight live with ATC. It is a bit stressful but can be done. I once flew a Paris-Zurich Air France live A320 daily flight on live atc in aerofly. It was an interesting experience.

    imo the external cameras need alot of work. They are too robotic and fixed on the aircraft’s movement. Combined with jerky sensitive issues on the mobile controller (small aircraft are too sensitive to control) it gives an unrealistic effect.

    An external camera which allows the plane to move away from the camera and towards it as you bank would be much better. Would give a more natural feel of flight. Not 100% fixed to the aircraft. Like a wingman cam but one you can move around just like the present external cam.

    I agree that more needs to be done with visuals and camera effects to give a better experience.

    I haven't got Aerofly fs2 yet, but in FSX (my R22 sim to date) the heli flight models are too stable for me. Each to his own I guess. If you find the flight model hard enough for you then good for you. Maybe I will like the model AFS2 have done as is? It was just a tip for those who want to make it harder.

    A trick I discovered by accident is to "unbalance" your PC controller slightly. In the controller settings - set up (I forget the correct term used) when it asks you to centre the controls, have them slightly off-centre. It makes the heli want to wander all the time and extra hard to control. Not knowing where the off-set is helps as well (happened to me with a new controller which I did not properly set up and I did not know the offset). Was impressed with the effect. Add some crosswind and you will struggle. I do not have Aerofly 2 yet. To get soon. Was waiting for the R22 release. If they/or someone adds blade slap it will be great.

    A tip I recommend. Discovered this by accident with an old controller. Go into controller settings/setup microsoft wizard and when it asks you to centre the controller, put it slightly off-center. When you take a heli up, it will be much harder to control and will wander around. I have done this with FSX and the R22 and am pleased with the results.

    I had an older control which was not balanced properly and I was really impressed with the FSX heli flight modelling until I centred it with the wizard, and had to unbalance it again. Between that and wind effects in FSX its a challenge to fly.

    Yes fair points about online flying and Vatsim and ATC. It is very hard. About ingame ATC, my preference is text, though I understand others dont share my love for text. I like text because it feels more real to me ingame. You don't have to worry about accents and different peoples voices around the world. Every ATC I have heard in a sim sounds robotic which is OK for ATIS, but doesn't sound right for ATC. With a clever shortcut menu you could get set phraseology and only need to press one key on the keyboard. It works because in real ATC they use set phraseology as well. My first flight in Vatsim, with that sound chime and the text box at the top of the screen was a great sim experience for me. That chime sound would scare the hell out of me - OMG I have to do something now! Yes to get the most out of Vatsim you really need to start small. One airport, one light GA plane and invest alot of time learning - not for the casual gamer. I agree that for alot of people that is not a fun experience. I am also not a big online multiplayer fan - I like solo play, so I get all of your points. Its the reason I currently prefer using the website for my flying, either as background chatter or trying to recreate a real flight.

    J van E, yes I understand the desire for ingame ATC. My views are just mine, and I don't speak for the community. I expect almost everyone wants it. I am a black-sheep in that regard.. best wishes and hope you get your ATC. :)

    Dear developer, question about gates at airports. Every few years I notice a major improvement in simulation and now it is gate numbers, including markings on taxiways and aprons. Zurich LSZH is a work of art and true to life. It has become my base to fly from now. I recreate live flights on in realtime, and the gate numbers at LSZH are really great.

    Are there any other airports with gate numbers, and plans to make more? I will be upgrading to Aerofly FS2 soon, so am interested to know. Seems that KJFK has gate numbers but no markings on the ground?

    I appreciate you have a list of to do items and this may not be a priority.

    RE: ATC

    On another topic, with regard to adding ATC, personally I would just implement CPDLC comms and automated verbal ATIS, and maybe expand the text data-link to include ground/tower etc... I think that vatsim and others are probably a better way to go for verbal ATC. I think that human voice ATC will become redundant once full automation takes over in the future. I have discussed pilot-less civilian flight with many people, and the reason I believe it will happen eventually, is because the most dangerous part of aviation right now are the pilots and controllers, as much as they try not to be. Our ATC is a 1950's obsolete system and a disaster waiting to happen, and honest pilots will admit that human error is a significant problem. Recreational flying is another matter altogether, no problem there. My comments refer only to civilian airliners with PAX and cargo. My opinion is that accidents will always happen, but once the computers take over there will be fewer accidents. I have spoken to people in the industry who are convinced that such a thing will not happen in our life time and don't believe in "safe" 100% automated flight. I dont agree with them.