Posts by Armitage

    i think adding live weather is challenging, but adding ground handling or moving jet bridges are more possible or fuel truck, baggage conovers/ trucks

    Actually the main goal of the Wettergerät was to be a DLL which updates the weather all of the time. I got pretty far with it (getting nearest airport, fetching weather for this airport, blending this weather with the current weather settings), but I hit a roadblock getting the actual DLL to work. If I remember well I found out that the DLL is not allowed to change weather. :/

    Otherwise there are plenty of APIs for flight weather, and most of them are not that costly. As Aerofly now officially embraces the idea of loading terrain data via API, maybe loading weather data via API and showing it in the simulation is not out of reach.

    H-145 is a good idea, as it is in active duty around the world - even in the USA as UH-72.

    But if I get only one wish for one helicopter, I'd wish for a new class of helicopters. Like a heavy Chinook or Stallion, or the light MD500 or Jet Ranger.

    I personally am a great friend of the MD500. ;)

    I believe in Android every app can have its cache cleared via System > Apps, if they have their cache registered properly with the OS. Also normally in most apps you do not have to care about the size of the cache, as the app or OS should be able to determine if there is enough room left and if your cache went stale.

    Some weeks ago my wife got a notification from Android that her phone was nearly out of storage and offered tons of options to clear some space. So do not fear that your phone will not notice clogging up.

    orangedog433 actually I just noticed what this flight is all about. This is really a great idea. :thumbup:

    For the runway part: if you want to land from the south your file looks OK. My suggestion to change the runway was for the case if you want to land from the north. So maybe the airport has a strange malfunction. How does your correct flight plan look inside the main.mcf? (Because actually in main.mcf and in the custome missions file they are more or less the same)

    I checked the way Aerofly does runways:

    I had a flight which takes off on runway 23 and lands from the opposite direction. In both cases you are using runway 23, because this is the heading you need to have to start and land.

    If I understand it correctly, you want to land heading south, so for landing you will need runway 16 as well.

    For me it would be nice to have new aircraft classes, like...

    • Bush planes like the Kitfox or Wilga
    • VTOLs like the Osprey or Harrier
    • Contemporary GA aircraft like the SR-22
    • Light sport aircraft
    • Heavy helicopters like Chinook or Stallion
    • Transport planes
    • Contemporary business jets

    Or maybe I am wrong, and we need more classics like the Spitfire or the F-16?

    But actually for me it is more important to get more features instead of more planes:

    • Air pressure including altimeter and airspeed effects
    • Temperature including icing
    • Rain and snow
    • Dynamic weather along the route (and maybe live weather)
    • Fuel and weight management
    • Saving and loading of flight plans name a few

    My greatest aviation book was "Stick & Rudder" from Wolfgang Langewiesch. I wish I had known about this book at the beginning of my flight careet. Teaches the basics of flying, even though it is really old.

    Sadly no eBook version available.

    But thanks for the recommendation, I am going to check that out

    The idea is to be able to put the final TMC files in a folder of Aerofly installation and be able to select one of them to automatically fill the route in the Navigation Menu for example.

    This is a brilliant idea, which can be broken up in multiple steps:

    1. Have AFS4 show all missions from all TMC files in a given folder.
    2. Have a selector for TMC files from a given folder, than show the missions from the selected file.
    3. Have a "file open" dialog to open TMC files from any location, e.g. "Downloads" folder
    4. Build a small integrated file conversion to also open up other flight plan file formats (as the Missionsgerät proves this is not a difficult task if you're not picky about some information being lost along the way).

    Oh, and one more feature:

    1. Have ASF4 export the current flight plan and flight settings into a file (like the Missionsgerät does with the main.mcf file)

    I think this would open up AFS4 not only to the idea of storing your favourite flights, but also to sharing cool flights with the community. (Like…for-fs2-or-fs4/, but much easier to create and share.)

    Actually the whole discussion brought me back to my old flight adventure idea, so maybe I build a road trip in the Carribbean. :/

    Hi FrankLFRS , I am the author of the Missionsgerät, and I am glad to help.

    The Missionsgerät converts many formats in many other formats, and X-Plane's FMS files are on the list for import as well as export (see…stallation.html for the complete list). If your are referring to another FMS format you may be out of luck, but if there is documentation on the format I can build an import in the future. ;)

    The TMC file need to go to a special folder (and needs to have a special name), see…stallation.html

    Actually there was a suggestion to IPACS to accept more TMC files in that folder, but I think that idea stalled.

    Back when I built the Missionsgerät (, I had a simple model for the US and Europe to have the same magnetic variation as in AFS4. Now that we have global coverage this model is lacking.

    Back than I found a file in AFS4 which seems to be the map of the magnetic variation, but I was unable to decompile it. This would have brought the magnetic model of AFS4 to the external flight planner.

    But as the Missionsgerät is open source, maybe someone else wants to take their turn?

    Actually for me the investment in AFS4 was about the new Europe scenery, the integration of buildings - and generally to support further development by investing in a product which as a VR user is my favourite go-to no-hassle flight sim experience.

    If I would not have been around since AFS1, I might have taken another road. Ask me when the next AFS comes along.

    The online Missionsgerät does not have Expert Mode (I would say).

    Sorry for the bad user interface - the "Expert Mode" is hidden under the ⚙️ (settings dialogue) in the upper right corner. This makes new export buttons as well as more setting buttons visible in the Missionsgerät.

    A PDF export would be a nice addition for this tool - but currently I do not have so much time to work on the Missionsgerät anymore. :/ But as it is open-source… ;)