Posts by Armitage

    A few years ago when I downloaded Aerofly FS 2, it looked pretty complete to me. And it got even better along the way: To my suprise features were added (like new planes and helicopters) without me having to pay anything for it.

    If you are looking at other flight sims you might miss a lot of features. But I for one would not call a Cessna 172 incomplete because it is missing fly-by-wire, an HUD or a jet engine - Cessna never advertised the 172 to be a combat jet plane. ;)

    And regarding the usual sentence "this game is dead because I do not see any new development for some time", you might consider chess a very dead game by now, because it has not changed for some decades.

    Imagine being in a pub. It is very nice, not to pricey and the people are cool around here. You look at the menu, ordering a beer and paying for it. It is not bad, actually good - but not your favourite beer.

    You go over to the bar and tell the pub owner that he needs to get your favourite beer.

    The owner is obviously very busy, as his small pub full with customers, and he is right in the middle of directing some craftsmen, as he is building a bigger pub. He gives you a look, and continues serving other customers and directing his craftsmen.

    You feel ignored and get angry. You start yelling in the pub, calling the pub owner an ignorant fool for ignoring your proposal. You demand to see his plans for his new pub, and if there will be new beer at his new pub, and if it will be your favourite beer.

    As the pub owner still ignores you, you start yelling some more - for which you are asked by the pub owner and other guests to just shut up and drink your beer.

    This story may or may not be related to some threads in this forum.

    I do not think that you are required to buy a new simulator - as long as you are fine with your current simulator. ;)

    IPACS gave us a whole lot of features (like scenarios, planes and helicopters) over the years for free - and all of these with an outstanding quality. Taking a look at other flight simulators getting new features for free is something one should not take for granted.

    Being a programmer myself I do not think it unfair to ask for money in exchange for your hard work every now and then. ;)

    I returned to Aerofly FS2 and tried to restart my old VFR / old-school IFR career. For this I open up the "Navigation" screen, choose some waypoints and try my best to fly my preplanned route without looking at GPS centered maps. (E.g. getting a little biplane without navigation equipment /maps and just doing a unaided VFR flight to get from airport A to airport B by just looking at the compass, clock and surrounding terrain.)

    Some time ago it was possible to have the "Navigation" screen show a handy little summary of your flight plan with bearings and distances between the waypoints, which really helped a lot to take down some notes on how your flight is supposed to work out.


    In the all-new "Navigation" screen I cannot find a way to get such a summary. I can see all my waypoints (in a much more informative way), but distance and bearing from one point to another I cannot find.


    So my question is:

    • Is there a way to show bearings / distances for the waypoints in the "Navigation" screen?

    As it seems driver support for new AMD boards, new Nvidia GPUs und the Reverb G2 has improved for the last few months. Some months ago friends / brothers of mine tried the Reverb G2, and any given combination of GTX 1080, GTX 1080 Ti, RTX 3070, RTX 3080 as well as 1 Intel chipset and 3 AMD chipsets. Only one combination was able to run a Reverb G2 just fine: it was an old AMD CPU with a GTX 1080Ti. Back than the main problem seems to have been a combination of power demand via USB and inadequate drivers - which should be solved by now.

    I think the best solution to find out if a Reverb works with your rig may be to just try the Reverb G2 - they are highly portable, so if you know someone owning such a headset, it is just a question of unplugging the headset and replugging it at your computer.

    Seeing the specs of your rig this should be more than enough steam to run Aerofly FS2 in highres.

    Otherwise one of my brothers (the guy with the new AMD board and the RTX 3070) switched to a Valve Index, and hasn't looked back ever since. ;)

    Some years ago I tried to dynamically set weather via the SDK-DLL by downloading METAR data from the nearest airport and loading it into the simulation. Back then the SDK did not support changing weather data, so my plan did not work. I resorted to modifying the settings of the simulation before startup.

    Yes I have been using my mouse wheel to move them but I am a bit confused why you can't map to an axis.

    Maybe there is a slight misunderstanding: The second most relevant axis to map in a helicopter (apart from the cyclic controls) is not the throttle, but the collective control which controls the amount of lift the helicopter is supposed to generate. Whenever I fly a simulated helicopter, the axis of my USB throttle controls the collective, not the throttle of the helicopter.

    Flying the EC135 starting cold & dark you switch FADEC to flight mode at startup, and to idle/off at the end. While in flight you never touch the FADEC switches (which is why they are guarded by red safety switches).

    To lift off you increase the collective power of the helicopter - you do not increase the throttle (well, FADEC does it as it sees fit).

    Even if you are in a simulated helicopter without FADEC, it is rather unusual to manipulate the throttle while in flight.

    The throttle has two settings idle and flight but I am unable to attach any axis to the throttles .

    The model is awesome and flies like a twin squirrell I have flown but I'd love to get the throttles connected!

    Actually these are switches you have to manipulate directly. They cannot be bound to an axis.

    The throttle that can be bound to a controller axis gets overridden by the EC 135's FADEC.

    Quick question regarding the EC 135: am I the only on missing the switch guards for engine 1 & 2 as a separate switch to manipulate?

    When starting the EC 135 from cold & dark I find it slightly discomforting to know that with a single misplaced flick of the engine switches I may turn off the engines, because the switch guards work automatically.

    Also it looks oddly satisfying to flick the switch guard. ;)

    Otherwise with the new sounds I am even more impressed by the EC 135. It just feels great to zip around with this bird.

    In my very personal opinion we have plenty of free planes to choose from. I am more interested in new features to make the simulator world more dynamic (like real-time weather, or visible car/ship/plane traffic), or more navigation information (like controlled airspace visible in the navigation planning tool).

    But being a rotor-head the upcoming EC 135 is more than I dared to ask for. :)

    I took my turns in the new EC135 / H135, and I really like her. I also found the manual (google for "EC 135 manual"), so powering up the engine and setting up navigation is a breeze. I already landed on a Dutch frigate - but have yet to reach the level of ADAC pilots landing in the middle of crowded streets right next to lamp posts. ;)

    I also noted that the Wettergerät needed a small fix to understand the new flightplan format as seen in the Aerofly FS2 Beta releases MCF files. This has already been taken care of. ;)

    Wow, the EC135 / H135 of all helicopters is probably the best choice to make. In Europe this helicopter is quite popular in the EMS role - and one of my favourite civilian models to get my hands on. For us rotos-heads this is indeed very good news - even more so as it seems to be a free update.