Hi Jan,
Sorry but in EC135, CRS indications and crs pointer position are different in PFD and ND when in NMS mode. Indications are correct when the mode is not NMS.
Can you confirm also that PFD button on ICP is inoperative.
Many thanks.
Hi Jan,
Sorry but in EC135, CRS indications and crs pointer position are different in PFD and ND when in NMS mode. Indications are correct when the mode is not NMS.
Can you confirm also that PFD button on ICP is inoperative.
Many thanks.
Thanks Jan, TTG is now coherent in NMS. Will perform other tests with autopilot altitude mode, because it was pretty accurate yesterday, but encountered bugs like 2000ft/mn rate of climb with A.ALT what led me to... zero airspeed. Perhaps xwas my fault, don't know at this time.
Ah, and just to say it: LSK of the FMC are inoperative (EC135): we must paste frequencies and active them only with the right keys.
Again thanks for such reactivity.
I can confirm AFS is really a piece of magic.
In fact, returned a few months ago in XP and MSFS due to better adequacy with my goals: I fly only rotorcraft, in VR, and I need to perform IFR navigation skills with Garmin GNS or GTN. And with a fake FMC, EC135 in AFS is gretaly limiting "my" power of realistic training.
But a week ago, I change my graphic card from rtx 3080 to 4090.
Stutters still present in XP, rotorcraft flight model still non existant in MSFS (but in evolution), I came back to AFS and pushed all in ULTRA in VR.
And it was like a discovery.
Stunning environnement, unmatched fluidity in VR (10ms per frame in Ultra, just : unbeatable !) and an excellent rotorcraft flight model.
For sure, again, I miss navigation options for real life training (Navigraph, GNS, GTN, real weather...).
We must admit none of us have the same expectations and none of them (aka simulators) fulfill our desires, but for a long moment, I will trade this missings in AFS for a unique awesome pleasure of flying. Thanks IPACS to be there.
Hi Jan,
1 - For TTG, you said: "it was not calculated", do I have to understand that it 's going to be updated in a future version ?
2 - For altitude acquisition, I was always in initial climb, straight to desired level.
Don't know if it is linked too, but when I select a rate of climb to the desired altitude, with the trim cap, the true rate (V/S white bar) is always under the selected V/S (triangle)
Ex: must select 700 ft/mn to obtain 550 ft/mn
Thanks Jan
I've got two problems with EC135.
First, when I select an ALT to acquire via A. ALT, climbing stops approximately 100ft / 150ft below the desired altitude and stay there. Is it normal ?
Secondly, I must admit I have a comprehension problem with the TTG indicator in NMS mode. In VOR mode, the TTG indicates the time to go in minutes, and that's ok.
But in NMS mode, TTG indicates a number that can't be minutes or even HMM.
Ex: TTG:795 for a 60 NM trip ! How to interpret this number ?
Many thanks for those who can help.
Reverb G2 is ok for me too, no real problems detected.
Think i know what could have happened to activate time-skip unintentionally in VR. It seems that there's a button on the right edge of the screen in 2D, button non visible in VR. And I suppose, in certain conditions, that mouse cursor in VR can match the exact position of this time-skip button, activating the jump in the flight...
Is what I said in an other post. With Thrusmaster HOTAS and A320, even after calibration, throttle move from Idle to TOGA, multiple times during taxi. Need to push and replace control in Idle again and again to stabilize the response for a long time. Wasn't problematic under AFS2.
So will try too to delete all the assignments as suggested by Jet-Pack. But installing AFS4 (with AFS2 already installed ?) can visibly be surprising for a couple of settings.
Just to confirm that it stutters a bit compared to AFS2 but with a RTX3080, in VR (rendering 1), it's always enjoyable in Ultra.
Hi first thank you for this new version as all of us were awaiting and for me it’s a renewal with this sim. I trier A320 yesterday in VR and found little things I don’t know how to be rid of.
First as already said , clouds are spinning in VR but it’s ok to play
When I hit AP1 button on FCU there’s a timejump in the sim so quite embarassing to pilot in realistic conditions on takeoff. Where is this timejump in VR and what is the correlation with AP1
How to desactivate the green rail in the sky ? All seem to be off in my assistance settings ?
And finaly my Thrustmaster throttle is moving alone during flight, calibration reset, perhaps an axis coming from AFS2 settings ? As numerous settings seems to have been retreived automatically ?
Many tanks for all, Just a phenomenal sim I must admit that will replace the other M.FS for à long time
It seems that the wind flag indicator on the down left of the Nav Display is oriented in the inverse direction. Force flags should indicate where does the wind come from.
Verified with the Xplane Rotorsim EC135 version where it is correctly oriented.
Don't know if it was already reported. Perhaps for a future update.
Hi, discovering Aerofly FS2 and flying the EC135 (and so on XP11) for a few weeks now.
Pretty fabulous I must say.
Coming from XP11, I'm just a bit confused with Aerofly with the preset views.
I have an hardware cockpit but actualy no VR.
I'm wondering how to obtain a view where, during initial checklist, it will be possible to view at the same time the overhead panel (switching the buttons: Fire, CMD, Warn, Xfer pumps) and observing the result on the CAD.
Tried to calibrate the preset view 1 or 2 but no way to view the main panel and the OHpanel at the same time.
Reading the posts, it seems that, with helos in Aerofly, saving views or modifying them in TMC or TMD files is impossible.
So, for non VR users who wants to do a proper cold and dark checklist:
1 - can we expect to have in an update a view, mixing overhead and main panel ?
2 - question to VR users: with a VR headset, can you manipulate the overhead switches, seeing the CAD and VEMD ? (in which case, I must consider to buy an HP Reverb !!)
Many thanks.