Hello luron 1976
Have you succeed in having this SDK ? If so It would be nice if you could provide it to me.
Thank you
Posts by james72
Is it forbidden if I request someone upload AFS2 SDK on modsfire for example ?
I had this software and I have lost it. -
I have AFS4 sdk but the converter doesn't work with TMC files made with aeroscenery . It crashes.
I dont understand why AFS 2 SDK isn't available anymore. I need Geoconverter for aeroscenery and I don't find it anywere.If there is a way to make AFS4 converter works with aeroscenery I would be very happy ...
thank you for your help -
IPACS SDK tool for Aerofly FS2 seems to not be available anymore in the download page. Where can I find it ?
Please help.
Thank you very much for all these advices.
Thank you
If its normal I will (try) to learn...
I have a T. Flight thrustmaster rudder and I can't get the Pitts to take off. This rudder works very well with other planes and I set it as less sensitive as possible with the TARGET software.
Even if I put the throttle very slowly and am very light on the rudder pedals, the Pitts goes right, left, turns around, turns around halfway. In short, he is messing around.
Is there a particular setting with or without TARGET to set up for the PITTS.
Thanks for your help.
I reduced the graphic details and no more black textures ... The solution is found _
I have a problem with terrain texture that disappears and reappears in strips.
It looks like black "flying carpets". This happens in both normal mode and VR.
Does anyone have any idea what causes this problem? This happens on all sceneries whether they are designed with aeroscenery or originals (DLC Europe)
Thank you for your help