Posts by RowanVRTeam

    Hi anyone who might be there. I have been trying for weeks to get the content converter to work so that I can add a new building to Aerofly FS2. No matter what there is some kind of an error. I finally got the converter to state there were no errors, but nothing was done either. I am using the farmhouse model provided in one of the wiki help pages to ensure it was not my model causing the problem. I have the text files below. Please help!

    Processing response:

    0.60: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0.60: // Aerofly FS 4 Content Converter version 4.0.1
    0.60: //
    0.60: // Copyright (C) 1998-2022 IPACS all rights reserved
    0.61: //
    0.61: //
    0.62: // you are not allowed to distribute this software except with the permission
    0.62: // of ipacs
    0.63: //
    0.63: // the software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
    0.64: // implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
    0.64: // fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third party rights.
    0.65: // in no event shall the copyright holder or holders included in this notice be
    0.65: // liable for any claim, or any special indirect or consequential damages, or
    0.66: // any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
    0.66: // in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
    0.67: // of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
    0.67: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0.68: num threads=16: fth=0 bth=0 btl=16
    0.70: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0.71: // SUMMARY
    0.71: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0.72: input folder 0 = 'C:\Aerofly FS 2\aerofly_fs_4_scenery_sdk\scenery_workshop\scenery\poi\farmhouse'
    0.72: output folder 0 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\objects'
    0.73: file types = 'tsc' 'tgi' 'bmp' 'png' 'jpg' 'tif' 'png' 'toc' 'tma' 'tmc'
    0.79: 0 files copied
    0.80: 0 textures copied
    0.80: 0 sounds converted
    0.81: 0 geometries converted
    0.82: 0 errors


    <[file] [] []
    //general information
    <[tmvector2d][position][-123.751802 39.262536]>
    // objects
    <[tmvector3d][position][-123.751802 39.262536 -2]>

    Converter file:


    <[string8][base_output_folder][C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\objects]> // leave empty to install into the default Aerofly FS 4 user folder at 'Documents/Aerofly FS 4/'


    <[string8][input_folder][C:\Aerofly FS 2\aerofly_fs_4_scenery_sdk\scenery_workshop\scenery\poi\farmhouse]>
    <[list_string8][file_types][tsc tgi bmp png jpg tif png toc tma tmc ]>
