amazing, are these gonna be added on the phone version aswell?
Posts by Justin1908
they said not this year anymore, but i dunno aswell. would love to get more news about it
Hey just wanted to ask if split scimitar winglets are gonna be added in the future? Would be pretty nice to know..
Since many 800- uses the winglets, anyways happy holidays ❤️
Frohe Weihnachten an euch au !
I'm not a scenery editor so i can only talk from my perspective, i think they will add all these airports in future updates, since the global is pretty new ( it was the same when infinite flight started this ) but in the next months or years we will most likely get improvments, the global scenery is new to the game so it gets many updates and new things added in the future, that's wat i'm thinking
more airlinerls would be nice, but ga planes aswell
Hey, just wanted to ask if there are any news on the max aircraft?
LG. justin
they said that they're gonna improve the global scenery in the future, not sure when but they will..
i haven't flown in australia yet so i can't agree or disagree
Hey, since u can now change the settings, what are the perfect settings for my ipad?
i'm playing on 60fps and i dunno what settings are good for it
i have the 2022 ipad pro, but it think 100% pixel setting is too much
Hi! It would be pretty nice to have a Chanel where high ranked persons can send WIP shots, ( like in IF ) I think many people would love to see that. It would make me really happy since we can see the progress and more, that always makes me hyped
Tell me if u like that idea
( I know that they post sometimes on news but rarely ) -
Is there a reason why it's not like europe? just asking to know lol ( performance problems ? )
are u guys gonna change that in the future?
somehow my Turky scenery isn't high quality
how do u clear the chache?
Oh yea Mb it was the 400, sorry
I really like the 737-500 in game.. since there are not many passenger 755 planes left
Why don’t u guys maybe convert it to a freighter version. That would be pretty cool
What do u guys think about this idea ?