<[file][][] <[tmcolormap_regions][][] <[string] [folder_source_files][./input_aerial_images/]> <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // global flag -> if this is true, no image is created // if a mask is required. if this is false you can still // disable mask images for a selected level, see below // images with mask are always 'problematic'. rule of thum // is to create an area as large as possible <[bool] [write_ttc_files][true]> <[string8][folder_destination_ttc][./scenery/images/]> <[bool] [always_overwrite][true]> <[list][region_list][] <[tmcolormap_region][element][0] <[uint32] [level] [9]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-158.38 21.76]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-157.60 21.18]> <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // create images that would require a mask > <[tmcolormap_region][element][0] <[uint32] [level] [11]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-158.38 21.76]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-157.60 21.18]> <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // do not create images that would require a mask > <[tmcolormap_region][element][0] <[uint32] [level] [12]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-158.38 21.76]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-157.60 21.18]> <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // do not create images that would require a mask > <[tmcolormap_region][element][0] <[uint32] [level] [13]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-158.38 21.76]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-157.60 21.18]> <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // do not create images that would require a mask > <[tmcolormap_region][element][0] <[uint32] [level] [14]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_min] [-158.38 21.76]> <[vector2_float64] [lonlat_max] [-157.60 21.18]> <[bool] [write_images_with_mask][true]> // do not create images that would require a mask > > > >