0.11: 0.11: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.11: // Aerofly FS 2 Content Converter version 1.5.17 0.11: // 0.11: // Copyright (C) 1998-2019 IPACS all rights reserved 0.11: // www.aerofly.com 0.11: // 0.11: // you are not allowed to distribute this software except with the permission 0.11: // of ipacs 0.11: // 0.12: // the software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or 0.12: // implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, 0.12: // fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third party rights. 0.12: // in no event shall the copyright holder or holders included in this notice be 0.12: // liable for any claim, or any special indirect or consequential damages, or 0.12: // any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether 0.12: // in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out 0.12: // of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. 0.12: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.12: 0.12: 0.12: ==================================================================================== 0.12: converting folder = './' 0.12: converting geometry file './keul_decal.tgi' 0.13: (type = 'decal') 0.35: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.35: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 0.35: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.35: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular' is not used by any geometry) 0.35: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 0.35: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.36: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 0.36: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.36: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular' is not used by any geometry) 0.36: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 0.36: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular' is not used by any geometry) 0.36: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 0.61: saving '././collector/keul_decal.tmb': geom=9 materials=3 0.75: converting geometry file './keul_rwy.tgi' 0.75: (type = 'ground') 0.76: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.76: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular' is not used by any geometry) 0.77: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 0.78: adding uniform 'base_color' = 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.78: replacing texture 'asphalt_runway__typeblue__brightness05_color' with 'asphalt_runway_color' type='blue' brightness=5 base_color=(0.51 0.57 0.63) 0.78: adding uniform 'base_color' = 0.51 0.57 0.63 1.00 0.78: adding uniform 'base_color' = 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84: saving '././collector/keul_rwy.tmb': geom=6 materials=4 0.87: 0.87: converting 6 image files in parallel 0.87: (skipping texture './asphalt_apron_detail_specular_alpha.bmp') 0.99: (specular_alpha_combine) image './runway_decal_01y_color.png': size=2048x2048 c=4 compr=1 flipv=1 mip=1 cf=1 4.82: image './asphalt_runway__typeblue__brightness05_color.bmp': size=2048x2048 c=3 compr=1 flipv=1 mip=1 cf=1 5.17: image './runway_decal_01_color.tif': size=2048x2048 c=4 compr=1 flipv=1 mip=1 cf=1 7.90: image './runway_decal_00_color.tif': size=2048x2048 c=4 compr=1 flipv=1 mip=1 cf=1 10.84: image './asphalt_apron_detail_specular.bmp': size=2048x2048 c=3 compr=1 flipv=1 mip=1 cf=1 10.84: writing scenery tsc file '././collector/keul.tsc' 10.85: place radius=5000.00 10.85: 10.85: 10.85: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.85: // SUMMARY OF TEXTURES NOT USED 10.85: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.85: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.85: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 10.85: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.85: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular' is not used by any geometry) 10.85: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular' is not used by any geometry) 10.86: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_apron_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_bump' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_color' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_detail_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: ERROR: (texture 'asphalt_runway_specular_alpha' is not used by any geometry) 10.87: 10.87: 10.87: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.87: // SUMMARY 10.87: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.88: input folder 0 = './' 10.88: output folder 0 = '././collector/' 10.88: file types = 'tsc' 'tgi' 'jpg' 'bmp' 'tif' 'png' 'toc' 10.88: 0 files copied 10.89: 5 textures copied 10.89: 0 sounds converted 10.89: 2 geometries converted 10.89: 24 errors