0.00-tmmodule: (6 modules) (tmsystimer,1) (tmrandom,5) (tmsysinputdevicejoystick,10) (tmatmosphere,10) (tm_time_zones,11) (tm_magnetic_field,11) 0.00-tmmodule: init modules=(tmsystimer=f=10000000) (tmrandom=1953438993) (time zones=(1024 1048576)) (magnetic field=(257 198147)) done 0.09-tmsyswin: Program version 0.09-tmsyswin: Copyright (C) 1998-2022 IPACS 0.09-tmsyswin: memory=(physical=16322MB, avail=13482MB) (virtual=40898MB, avail=134217727MB) (17 in use) 0.09-tmsyswin: operating system (10.0)= Microsoft Windows 10 or newer 0.09-tmsyswin: monitor size = 698 392 0.09-tmsyswin: fullscreen modes=(1024x768x32x60) (1024x768x32x24) (1024x768x32x30) (1024x768x32x50) (1152x864x32x60) (1152x864x32x24) (1152x864x32x30) (1152x864x32x50) (1280x768x32x60) (1280x768x32x24) (1280x768x32x30) (1280x768x32x50) (1280x800x32x60) (1280x800x32x24) (1280x800x32x30) (1280x800x32x50) (1280x960x32x60) (1280x960x32x24) (1280x960x32x30) (1280x960x32x50) (1280x1024x32x60) (1280x1024x32x24) (1280x1024x32x30) (1280x1024x32x50) (1360x768x32x60) (1360x768x32x24) (1360x768x32x30) (1360x768x32x50) (1366x768x32x60) (1366x768x32x24) (1366x768x32x30) (1366x768x32x50) (1600x900x32x60) (1600x900x32x24) (1600x900x32x30) (1600x900x32x50) (1600x1024x32x60) (1600x1024x32x24) (1600x1024x32x30) (1600x1024x32x50) (1600x1200x32x60) (1600x1200x32x24) (1600x1200x32x30) (1600x1200x32x50) (1680x1050x32x60) (1680x1050x32x24) (1680x1050x32x30) (1680x1050x32x50) (1920x1080x32x60) (1920x1080x32x24) (1920x1080x32x30) (1920x1080x32x50) (1920x1200x32x60) (1920x1200x32x24) (1920x1200x32x30) (1920x1200x32x50) (1920x1440x32x60) (1920x1440x32x24) (1920x1440x32x30) (1920x1440x32x50) (2048x1536x32x60) (2048x1536x32x24) (2048x1536x32x30) (2048x1536x32x50) (2560x1440x32x60) (2560x1440x32x24) (2560x1440x32x30) (2560x1440x32x50) (2560x1600x32x60) (2560x1600x32x24) (2560x1600x32x30) (2560x1600x32x50) (3840x2160x32x60) (3840x2160x32x24) (3840x2160x32x30) (3840x2160x32x50) (4096x2160x32x24) (4096x2160x32x30) (4096x2160x32x60) (4096x2160x32x50) 0.15-tmsteam: initializing steam... 0.26-tmsteam: 4 dlc installed: name='Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator - Aircraft AddOn' name='Aerofly FS 4 - Scenery: USA high resolution aerial images Part 1' name='Aerofly FS 4 - Scenery: Europe Part 1' name='Aerofly FS 4 - Scenery: Europe Part 2' 0.26-tmsyssound_sl: init begin... 0.65-tmsyssound_sl: done. backend='MiniAudio' channels=2 sampler=192000 buffer_size=1920 0.65-tmsysmisc: preferred ui language = 'en-U' 0.65-aerofly_fs: preferred language = 'en' 0.65-aerofly: config folder = 'C:/Users/DAVE/Documents/Aerofly FS 4/' 0.65-module_config: loading config file 'C:/Users/DAVE/Documents/Aerofly FS 4/main.mcf = ok 0.74-tmsyswin: checking if running in windows compatibility mode: (reported=10.0) (real=0.0 '') 0.74-tmsyswin: init window: (mdf=60Hz) (window=0x0x1920x1080) (client=1920x1080) (screen=1920x1080) (32bpp) (60Hz) (fullscreen) 2.34-tmrenderer_vulkan: available instance extensions: 'VK_KHR_device_group_creation' 'VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities' 'VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities' 'VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities' 'VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2' 'VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2' 'VK_KHR_surface' 'VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities' 'VK_KHR_win32_surface' 'VK_EXT_debug_report' 'VK_EXT_debug_utils' 'VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace' 'VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities' 2.34-tmrenderer_vulkan: instance support detected for Vulkan 1.3 2.34-tmrenderer_vulkan: required instance extensions: 'VK_KHR_surface' 'VK_KHR_win32_surface' 'VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2' 'VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2' 2.68-tmrenderer_vulkan: device: name='NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER' discrete=1 driver=2169241600 api=1.3 memory=4169MB max_ubo=65536 max_pc=256 max_dimensions=32768 max_aniso=16.00 score=10004169 2.84-tmrenderer_vulkan: using device 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER' 2.84-tmrenderer_vulkan: extensions: 'VK_KHR_16bit_storage' 'VK_KHR_8bit_storage' 'VK_KHR_bind_memory2' 'VK_KHR_buffer_device_address' 'VK_KHR_copy_commands2' 'VK_KHR_create_renderpass2' 'VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation' 'VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve' 'VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template' 'VK_KHR_device_group' 'VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count' 'VK_KHR_driver_properties' 'VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering' 'VK_KHR_external_fence' 'VK_KHR_external_fence_win32' 'VK_KHR_external_memory' 'VK_KHR_external_memory_win32' 'VK_KHR_external_semaphore' 'VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32' 'VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2' 'VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate' 'VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2' 'VK_KHR_image_format_list' 'VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer' 'VK_KHR_maintenance1' 'VK_KHR_maintenance2' 'VK_KHR_maintenance3' 'VK_KHR_maintenance4' 'VK_KHR_multiview' 'VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties' 'VK_KHR_present_id' 'VK_KHR_present_wait' 'VK_KHR_push_descriptor' 'VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout' 'VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge' 'VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion' 'VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts' 'VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64' 'VK_KHR_shader_clock' 'VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters' 'VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8' 'VK_KHR_shader_float_controls' 'VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product' 'VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info' 'VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types' 'VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow' 'VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation' 'VK_KHR_spirv_1_4' 'VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class' 'VK_KHR_swapchain' 'VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format' 'VK_KHR_synchronization2' 'VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore' 'VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout' 'VK_KHR_variable_pointers' 'VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model' 'VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex' 'VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout' 'VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory' 'VK_EXT_4444_formats' 'VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced' 'VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle' 'VK_EXT_buffer_device_address' 'VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps' 'VK_EXT_color_write_enable' 'VK_EXT_conditional_rendering' 'VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization' 'VK_EXT_custom_border_color' 'VK_EXT_depth_clip_control' 'VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable' 'VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted' 'VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing' 'VK_EXT_discard_rectangles' 'VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state' 'VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2' 'VK_EXT_external_memory_host' 'VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock' 'VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive' 'VK_EXT_hdr_metadata' 'VK_EXT_host_query_reset' 'VK_EXT_image_robustness' 'VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod' 'VK_EXT_index_type_uint8' 'VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block' 'VK_EXT_line_rasterization' 'VK_EXT_load_store_op_none' 'VK_EXT_memory_budget' 'VK_EXT_memory_priority' 'VK_EXT_multi_draw' 'VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory' 'VK_EXT_pci_bus_info' 'VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control' 'VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback' 'VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage' 'VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart' 'VK_EXT_private_data' 'VK_EXT_provoking_vertex' 'VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign' 'VK_EXT_robustness2' 'VK_EXT_sample_locations' 'VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax' 'VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout' 'VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage' 'VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float' 'VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation' 'VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64' 'VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot' 'VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote' 'VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer' 'VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control' 'VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment' 'VK_EXT_tooling_info' 'VK_EXT_transform_feedback' 'VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor' 'VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state' 'VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats' 'VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays' 'VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling' 'VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives' 'VK_NV_corner_sampled_image' 'VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode' 'VK_NV_cuda_kernel_launch' 'VK_NV_dedicated_allocation' 'VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing' 'VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints' 'VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config' 'VK_NV_device_generated_commands' 'VK_NV_external_memory' 'VK_NV_external_memory_win32' 'VK_NV_fill_rectangle' 'VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color' 'VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric' 'VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums' 'VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples' 'VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough' 'VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor' 'VK_NV_linear_color_attachment' 'VK_NV_mesh_shader' 'VK_NV_representative_fragment_test' 'VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage' 'VK_NV_scissor_exclusive' 'VK_NV_shader_image_footprint' 'VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins' 'VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned' 'VK_NV_shading_rate_image' 'VK_NV_viewport_array2' 'VK_NV_viewport_swizzle' 'VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex' 'VK_NVX_binary_import' 'VK_NVX_image_view_handle' 'VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes' 2.84-tmrenderer_vulkan: extensions enabled: 'VK_KHR_swapchain' 'VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2' 'VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation' 'VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters' 'VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive' 4.02-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory types 5: (hi=1 flags=) (hi=0 flags=dl) (hi=1 flags=host_visible/host_coherent) (hi=1 flags=host_visible/host_coherent/host_cached) (hi=2 flags=dl/host_visible/host_coherent) 4.03-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory heaps 3: (flags=dl size=3955MB) (flags= size=8161MB) (flags=dl size=214MB) 4.03-tmrenderer_vulkan: swap extent requested=1920x1080 used=1920x1080 4.04-tmrenderer_vulkan: swap chain: extent=1920x1080 si=3 present_mode=1 min/max si=2/8 transform=1 4.06-tmrenderer_vulkan: staging buffers pre allocated=280 staging buffer size = 122MB 4.06-tmrenderer_vulkan: integrated gpu = 0 4.70-aerofly: resolution=1920px ss=698.00mm density=2.75 -> csf=1.00 res=1920.000000 4.70-aerofly: window size=1920x1080 physical display size=698mmx392mm 4.70-tp: num threads=8: fth=2 bth=0 btl=4 4.71-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/fontdisplay.tff'=(512x566) (h=45) (nc=25992) ok 4.71-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/hud.tff'=(512x245) (h=48) (nc=177) ok 4.71-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/fonthelp.tff'=(512x415) (h=57) (nc=188) ok 4.71-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/segment.tff'=(512x196) (h=48) (nc=124) ok 4.85-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/console.tff'=(256x128) (h=10) (nc=8365) ok 4.85-aerofly: scanning resource file folder 'C:/Users/DAVE/Documents/Aerofly FS 4/resource_files/'... 4.95-tmworld_info: aircraft in database = 782 6.25-traffic: initializing... 6.45-tmtraffic_flight_handler:loaded 81967 connections. size = 8MB 6.45-traffic: number of sources = 3 6.45-traffic: number of sources = 3 17.41-tmsystobiieyex: initializing Tobii Eye... 17.41-tmsysinputdevice: searching for input devices... 17.41-tmsysinputdevicejoystick:searching joysticks... 17.54-tmsystobiieyex: ERROR: (TrackWindow failed) 17.58-tmsysinputdevicejoystick: joystick 0: 'TWCS Throttle' axes=8 buttons=18 slider=2 pov=1 type=00010318 17.58-tmsysinputdevicejoystick: joystick 1: 'T.16000M' axes=4 buttons=20 slider=1 pov=1 type=00010214 17.58-tmsysinputdevice: 2 devices found= (TWCS Throttle) (68d4a701d7f791ee) (T.16000M) (dbabb1e7717acacd) 17.58-tmsystrackir: trackir dll not found (DLL Location key not present) 17.59-tmsystobiieyex: shutting down Tobii Eye... done 17.67-module_map_render_aerial:init terrain flat renderer... 58.21-tmscene: creating 2d texture array with 4 textures: 58.50-tmscene: texture array 'ground_material': w=2048 h=2048 d=4 type=type_rgb_s3tc_dxt1 58.50-tmterrain_cmaps: color maps: num=104999 ims=0 levelminmax=0/14 64.68-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/fontdisplay.tff'=(512x566) (h=45) (nc=25992) ok 64.68-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/hud.tff'=(512x245) (h=48) (nc=177) ok 64.68-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/fonthelp.tff'=(512x415) (h=57) (nc=188) ok 64.69-tmsimulator: using custom quality: texq=3 terq=3 shdq=3 objq=3 treq=0 64.69-tmsimulator: WARNING: reducing graphics quality due to device memory of 4169MB 64.69-tmsimulator: init airports and places... 64.69-tmscene: number of stars = 1572 65.01-tmscene: shadowmap = 6144x6144 sp=5 65.01-tmterrain: init terrain 'scenery/'... 65.11-tmscene: creating 2d texture array with 4 textures: 65.22-tmscene: texture array 'ground_material': w=2048 h=2048 d=4 type=type_rgb_s3tc_dxt1 65.22-tmterrain_cmaps: color maps: num=104999 ims=1024 levelminmax=0/14 65.23-tmterrain_wm: qt 'mmlevel': omin=(( 64.0 64.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 6438 -> nodes=167 endnodes=117 endobj=12679 depth= 7 maxpernode= 255 min=(( 512.0 512.0)) 65.23-tmterrain_wm: qt 'mmlevel': omin=(( 128.0 128.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 5331 -> nodes=149 endnodes=104 endobj=10677 depth= 6 maxpernode= 251 min=(( 1024.0 1024.0)) 65.23-tmterrain_wm: qt 'mmlevel': omin=(( 512.0 512.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 3429 -> nodes= 82 endnodes= 61 endobj= 6488 depth= 4 maxpernode= 255 min=(( 4096.0 4096.0)) 65.23-tmterrain_hmaps: height maps: num=15198 wgc=4096 ims=64 levelminmax=7/10 65.23-tmterrain: terrain memory: (colormaps 234 MB) (heightmaps ca. 528 MB) 65.23-tmsimulator: 65.23-tmsimulator: loading model 'a320': name='a320' folder='aircraft/a320/' 65.25-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='a220_100' variants='dal' 'swr' 65.44-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='a320_iae' variants= model: (name='a320') (directory='aircraft/a320/') 65.47-tmmodelmanager: loading configfile 'aircraft/a320/a320.tmc' 65.47-tmmodelmanager: contact points 3: (-3.025 3.745 -3.770 r=0.630) (-3.025 -3.745 -3.770 r=0.630) (9.205 0.000 -4.030 r=0.382) 65.57-traffic_graphics: 'jbu' 'nks' 'ual' 65.75-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='a350_900' variants='aar' 'fin' 'qtr' 'sia' 'tha' 66.20-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='a380' variants='afr' 'dlh' 'mas' 'uae' 66.55-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='b737_800w' variants='aal' 'klm' 'ryr' 'swa' 67.04-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='b747_400' variants='baw' 'dal' 'klm' 'qfa' 'vir' 67.54-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='b777_300er' variants='aal' 'afr' 'anz' 'swr' option folders 3: (aircraft/a320/) (aircraft/a320/british_airways/) (aircraft/a320/sharklets/) 67.96-traffic_graphics: 'uae' 68.06-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='b787_9' variants='aal' 'ana' 'ual' 68.45-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='be350' variants='simple_blue' 68.81-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='be_e33a' variants='white_red' 69.02-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='c182t' variants='blue_stripes' 'red_silver_wave' 69.37-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='crj900' variants='aca' 'jia' 69.74-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='f18' variants= 69.92-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='g4' variants= 70.04-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='h206jr3' variants='red' 70.23-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='pa18' variants='classic' 70.39-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='pa28_turboarrow4' variants= 70.61-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='q400' variants='aca' 'asa' 'jza' 71.11-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='sr22' variants='red' 71.30-traffic_graphics: preloading model: name='tbm850' variants= loading dynamics begin 'a320'... 71.40-traffic_graphics: 'waves_blue' 71.43-traffic_graphics: loaded 20 models. time=6188.20ms 71.43-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/landmarks.tff'=(512x512) (h=45) (nc=8365) ok 75.11-tmmodelmanager: mass: 59002.0 cm=(-2.271 0.000 -1.326) 75.11-tmmodelmanager: loading dynamics end: (id=1) (6163 dynamics) (3673 graphics) (1051 graphics geo) (128 graphics anim) (693 sound) (ny=2342) (nz=1492) 75.11-tmmodelmanager: 24 multibody joints / 1 components 75.11-tmmodelmanager: 75.16-tmrigidbodygraphics: creating threaded tmpaint instance for 'DisplayTexture' and texture 'display_light' 75.17-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/fontdisplay.tff'=(512x566) (h=45) (nc=25992) ok 75.17-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/hud.tff'=(512x245) (h=48) (nc=177) ok 75.17-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/fonthelp.tff'=(512x415) (h=57) (nc=188) ok 75.17-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/segment.tff'=(512x196) (h=48) (nc=124) ok 75.22-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=AG4362 name='Farrenberg') is close to existing airport (icao=DEFRRN name='Farrenberg') from database 75.41-tmsimulator: done loading model a320 (repaint=british_airways) 75.41-tmsimulator: 75.41-tmsimulator: mems: new=98753 del=39653 dmem=59100 memory=810MB 75.41-tmsimulator: 243 textures using 107 MB 75.41-tmsimulator: 97 shaders with 2365 references 75.41-tmsimulator: 25449 strings with 1988kB size=80 fc=0 75.59-tmsimulator: ERROR: (airport invalid icao='L05' tsc='scenery/airports/custom/us/l05/l05.tsc') 75.65-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=UFTA name='Utti Airfield') is close to existing airport (icao=EFUT name='Utti') from database 75.70-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG15 name='Cark') is close to existing airport (icao=GBCARK name='Cark') from database 75.77-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG20 name='Clench Common') is close to existing airport (icao=GBCLNC name='Clench Common') from database 75.88-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG34 name='Eshott') is close to existing airport (icao=GBSHTT name='Eshott') from database 75.90-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG35 name='Fadmoor') is close to existing airport (icao=GBBNHL name='Boon Hill Farm') from database 75.95-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG42 name='Foula') is close to existing airport (icao=EGFO name='Foula') from database 76.12-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG78 name='Out Skerries') is close to existing airport (icao=EGOU name='Out Skerries') from database 76.12-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EG79 name='Papa Stour') is close to existing airport (icao=EGSZ name='Papa Stour') from database 76.25-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGBRGH name='Breighton') is close to existing airport (icao=EGBR name='Breighton') from database 76.32-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGBUTE name='Bute') is close to existing airport (icao=GBBUTE name='Bute') from database 76.43-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGCHAL name='Charter Hall') is close to existing airport (icao=GBCHRT name='Charterhall') from database 76.52-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGDORN name='Dornoch') is close to existing airport (icao=EGZJ name='Dornoch') from database 76.67-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGESTN name='Easterton') is close to existing airport (icao=GBTRTN name='Easterton') from database 76.72-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGFERN name='Fearn') is close to existing airport (icao=GBEAST name='Easter') from database 76.79-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGGIGH name='Gigha') is close to existing airport (icao=EGEJ name='Gigha') from database 76.83-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGGLNF name='Glenforsa') is close to existing airport (icao=EGZU name='Glenforsa') from database 77.00-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGINSH name='Insch') is close to existing airport (icao=GBNSCH name='Insch') from database 77.36-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGNOCT name='North Coates') is close to existing airport (icao=EGYO name='North Coates') from database 77.43-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGPLCK name='Plockton') is close to existing airport (icao=EGEV name='Plockton') from database 77.51-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGSTHV name='Strathaven') is close to existing airport (icao=GBSTRT name='Strathaven') from database 77.59-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGX4 name='Wombleton') is close to existing airport (icao=GBWMBL name='Wombleton') from database 77.62-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=EGYJ name='Rufforth') is close to existing airport (icao=GBRFFR name='Rufforth East') from database 77.83-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=NERS name='Rost') is close to existing airport (icao=ENRS name='Rost') from database 77.87-tmsimulator: new airport (icao=SVEG name='Härjedalen') is close to existing airport (icao=ESND name='Sveg') from database 77.87-tmsimulator: scanning airport and poi folders: airports=1197 pois=143 77.87-tmworld_info: adding 92 new base airports. total=29442 77.90-tmworld_info: available airports: 1197 77.90-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=((65536.0 65536.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 1 endnodes= 1 endobj= 1197 depth= 0 maxpernode=1197 min=((65536.0 65536.0)) 77.90-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=((32768.0 32768.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 3 endnodes= 2 endobj= 1197 depth= 1 maxpernode= 631 min=((32768.0 32768.0)) 77.90-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=((16384.0 16384.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 8 endnodes= 5 endobj= 1197 depth= 2 maxpernode= 542 min=((16384.0 16384.0)) 77.91-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=(( 8192.0 8192.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 16 endnodes= 10 endobj= 1197 depth= 3 maxpernode= 518 min=(( 8192.0 8192.0)) 77.91-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=(( 4096.0 4096.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 29 endnodes= 18 endobj= 1197 depth= 4 maxpernode= 406 min=(( 4096.0 4096.0)) 77.91-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=(( 2048.0 2048.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 51 endnodes= 32 endobj= 1197 depth= 5 maxpernode= 191 min=(( 2048.0 2048.0)) 77.91-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=(( 1024.0 1024.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes= 91 endnodes= 61 endobj= 1197 depth= 6 maxpernode= 102 min=(( 1024.0 1024.0)) 77.91-tmworld_airports: qt 'wad': omin=(( 512.0 512.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 1197 -> nodes=146 endnodes=102 endobj= 1197 depth= 7 maxpernode= 55 min=(( 512.0 512.0)) 77.91-tmterrain: init terrain geometry manager... 78.44-dynamic_model: loading graphics 'scenery/animated/windturbine_125m/graphics.tmd': 'Tower' 'Rotor' 78.47-tmterrain_object: register xref 'xref_misc' -> 75 geometries 41 materials 78.58-dynamic_model: loading graphics 'scenery/animated/windturbine_40m/graphics.tmd': 'Tower' 'Rotor' 78.66-tmterrain_object: register xref 'xref_airport' -> 256 geometries 66 materials 78.66-dynamic_model: loading graphics 'scenery/animated/windturbine_70m/graphics.tmd': 'Tower' 'Rotor' 78.72-dynamic_model: loading graphics 'scenery/animated/windturbine_88m/graphics.tmd': 'Tower' 'Rotor' 78.72-dynamic_model: loaded 4 models. 78.74-tmterrain_object: register xref 'xref_aircraft' -> 135 geometries 138 materials 78.87-tmterrain_object: register xref 'xref_vehicles' -> 80 geometries 43 materials 78.88-tmterrain_object: register xref 'xref_generic' -> 62 geometries 32 materials 80.68-tmterrain_object: register xref 'xref_buildings' -> 250 geometries 178 materials 90.30-tmterrain_agbldg_v2: bldg tex: size=(512x512x121) 174.44-tmterrain_object: qt 'terrain_obj_man': omin=(( 256.0 256.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 39691 -> nodes=1321 endnodes=934 endobj=89307 depth= 8 maxpernode= 188 min=(( 256.0 256.0)) 174.44-tmterrain: done init terrain geometry manager 174.44-tmterrain: 174.44-tmterrain: mesh quality = 2.50 174.44-tmterrain: terrain quadtree: maximum depth=12 nodes=5592404 min_size=2.00 avgnode per render=324 quadtree_size=2048 174.45-tmterrain_mesh: terrain mesh: indices=46592 memory=23 MB 174.45-tmterrain_mesh: 174.45-tmterrain: creating terrain tree manager begin 175.52-tmterrain_trees: type 'alley' variations=1 fi=0 size=1 (27.40) 175.52-tmterrain_trees: type 'broadleaf' variations=9 fi=1 size=4 (17.50) (16.50) (14.50) (18.50) (14.00) (12.50) (15.50) (18.50) (10.50) 175.52-tmterrain_trees: type 'conifer' variations=10 fi=10 size=4 (17.00) (15.50) (17.50) (18.00) ( 8.50) (18.40) (20.50) (12.50) (22.00) (14.00) 175.52-tmterrain_trees: type 'conifer_forest' variations=3 fi=20 size=3 (25.00) (28.20) (20.14) 175.52-tmterrain_trees: type 'palm' variations=7 fi=23 size=0 (27.00) (27.00) (10.00) (15.00) (22.00) (24.00) (25.00) 175.52-tmterrain_trees: type 'shrub' variations=11 fi=30 size=4 ( 6.50) ( 1.20) ( 5.20) ( 4.30) ( 5.50) ( 1.20) ( 4.20) ( 0.80) ( 1.00) (12.50) ( 4.50) 175.54-tmterrain_trees: gridsize=4 maxvis=32 tiles=768 texbufmem=108MB 175.70-tmterrain_trees: treevisr=32 numtiles=768 treenv=131072 treevbsize=2560kB 175.70-tmterrain: creating terrain tree manager end 175.70-tmterrain: 176.09-tmterrain: setting new terrain position: wg=((32776.08 43806.11)) global=((3987843.46 3090.14 4962313.27)) needtowait=0 176.09-missions: loaded 81967 traffic connections 176.14-missions: loaded 59 custom missions 176.14-aerofly: done initializing (t=171.45s) 176.14-aerofly: 314.22-tmterrain: creating terrain landmark class begin 314.22-tmrenderer_font: loading font 'texture/landmarks.tff'=(512x512) (h=45) (nc=8365) ok 314.28-tmterrain_wm: qt 'mmlevel': omin=(( 512.0 512.0)) bb=(( 0.0 0.0)-(65536.0 65536.0)) numin= 2229 -> nodes= 61 endnodes= 46 endobj= 4186 depth= 4 maxpernode= 247 min=(( 4096.0 4096.0)) 314.28-tmterrain: creating terrain landmark class end 314.28-tmterrain: 314.28-tmrenderer: maxlights=4000 grid=32x32 threads=60x34 mem=7MB 314.31-tmterrain: setting new terrain position: wg=((32664.27 43903.54)) global=((3958888.47 -39371.00 4985135.92)) needtowait=1 334.98-tmterrain: done setting new terrain position: wg=((32664.27 43903.54)) global=((3958888.47 -39371.00 4985135.92)) 335.08-tmscene_cloud_cumulus: quality=2 density=0.40 335.08-tmscene: creating 2d texture array with 18 textures: 335.29-tmscene: texture array 'cloud_cumulus_bb': w=512 h=512 d=18 type=type_r 335.35-module_map_render_aerial:init terrain flat renderer shared... 335.45-tmscenemodel_recording: 335.45-tmscenemodel_recording: recording begin. mp=86774 mem=198MB 335.45-tmscenemodel_recording: msg resize = 0 -> 16477 336.79-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 17828080 bytes 337.01-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 12478320 bytes 337.01-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1296408 bytes 337.26-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 10617536 bytes 337.26-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1395132 bytes 337.28-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3846968 bytes 337.93-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 17280624 bytes 337.93-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4490568 bytes 337.95-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4927076 bytes 337.96-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 126880 bytes 338.16-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 18250496 bytes 338.16-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4859748 bytes 338.18-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 6258000 bytes 338.19-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 613920 bytes 338.19-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 383700 bytes 340.86-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 17284416 bytes 340.86-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 2220960 bytes 340.86-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 528 bytes 340.88-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4322868 bytes 340.88-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 309056 bytes 340.88-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 96580 bytes 346.35-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 14183184 bytes 346.36-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1842660 bytes 346.36-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4864 bytes 346.36-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 412 bytes 346.37-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3603756 bytes 346.38-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 341984 bytes 346.38-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 106872 bytes 360.95-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 144576 bytes 360.95-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 16052 bytes 380.13-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 10637444 bytes 380.14-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 17152 bytes 380.14-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1544 bytes 380.17-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 103921104 bytes 380.19-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 10613064 bytes 380.20-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1160352 bytes 380.20-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 725220 bytes 430.39-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 68352 bytes 430.39-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 6692 bytes 440.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 23180688 bytes 440.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 5993880 bytes 440.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 7168 bytes 440.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 624 bytes 441.00-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4090392 bytes 441.01-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 545312 bytes 441.01-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 340820 bytes 444.78-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 8356592 bytes 444.78-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1125508 bytes 444.78-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1306272 bytes 444.78-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 65816 bytes 444.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 444.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 444.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 444.91-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 444.91-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 444.91-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 444.95-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 444.95-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 444.95-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 444.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 444.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 444.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.04-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.04-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.04-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.09-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.09-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.09-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.13-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.13-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.13-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.17-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.17-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.18-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.22-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.22-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.22-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.24-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.24-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.24-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 445.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 445.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 445.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 446.59-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 22017200 bytes 446.60-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 5811700 bytes 446.60-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 6912 bytes 446.60-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 596 bytes 446.65-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 57686272 bytes 446.66-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 5874252 bytes 446.68-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 676512 bytes 446.68-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 422820 bytes 446.75-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 446.75-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 446.75-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 4MB) 456.64-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 60552864 bytes 456.65-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 15814656 bytes 456.66-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 35072 bytes 456.66-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3224 bytes 456.71-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 106038560 bytes 456.74-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 10956056 bytes 456.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1577728 bytes 456.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 986080 bytes 456.83-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 456.83-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 456.83-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 456.92-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 456.92-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 456.92-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 8MB) 457.75-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 31823312 bytes 457.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 8512880 bytes 457.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 31488 bytes 457.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 2888 bytes 457.87-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 92226272 bytes 457.89-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 9452780 bytes 457.90-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1167200 bytes 457.90-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 729500 bytes 457.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 457.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 457.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 4MB) 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 5164496 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 683032 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 31760 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3532 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 118528 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 18744 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 46720 bytes 480.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 14600 bytes 480.94-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 480.94-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 480.94-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 1MB) 509.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 42751568 bytes 509.31-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 11465740 bytes 509.32-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 40960 bytes 509.32-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3776 bytes 509.39-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 110315632 bytes 509.42-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 11367612 bytes 509.44-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1634848 bytes 509.44-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1021780 bytes 509.51-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 509.51-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 509.51-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 8MB) 556.41-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 36182912 bytes 556.48-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 103082896 bytes 556.62-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 556.62-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 556.62-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 4MB) 584.77-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 25933136 bytes 584.85-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 86138752 bytes 584.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 584.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 584.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 4MB) 607.58-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 22600112 bytes 607.66-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 82976272 bytes 607.69-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 8444988 bytes 607.70-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 764896 bytes 607.70-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 478060 bytes 607.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 607.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 607.76-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 4MB) 631.79-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 19729968 bytes 631.88-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 72613440 bytes 631.97-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 631.97-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 631.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 4MB) 662.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 10639248 bytes 662.34-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4204056 bytes 683.07-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3908592 bytes 766.51-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 13558976 bytes 766.52-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1790948 bytes 766.64-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 41637712 bytes 766.66-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4242764 bytes 766.67-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 123452 bytes 872.16-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 10903776 bytes 872.16-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1437580 bytes 872.21-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 42021232 bytes 872.23-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4289592 bytes 872.23-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 332192 bytes 872.23-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 103812 bytes 872.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 872.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 872.30-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error mapping memory for memory block with 2MB) 943.91-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 9481776 bytes 943.91-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1256032 bytes 943.97-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 39160752 bytes 943.98-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 4003872 bytes 943.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 309056 bytes 943.99-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 96580 bytes 1172.19-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 12056720 bytes 1172.19-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 1568032 bytes 1172.24-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 37553600 bytes 1172.25-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 3820572 bytes 1172.26-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 286592 bytes 1172.26-tmrenderer_vulkan: fallback to non device local memory for 89560 bytes 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: out of device memory. trying non device local memory for 268435456 bytes 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (unable to find suitable memory type for 'image_hv': tbits=3 prop=6) 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: ========= memory for buffer 'tmterrain_pl_data' with 1048576 bytes mpf=6 mti=1 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: ========= mem_device_local=3727MB mem_device_avail=4169MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: warning: failed to allocate memory for 'tmterrain_pl_data' with 1048576 bytes. mpf=6 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory blocks = 37: 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fee9b4b540 chunks= 238 chunks_in_use= 233 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=1 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fee9b4b220 chunks= 682 chunks_in_use= 681 minsize= 0 maxsize= 1048576 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fee9b4b3b0 chunks= 84 chunks_in_use= 83 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdffa40 chunks= 58 chunks_in_use= 57 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdff590 chunks= 84 chunks_in_use= 83 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff126580e0 chunks= 99 chunks_in_use= 98 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource=254MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff12658bd0 chunks= 115 chunks_in_use= 114 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092fbc0 chunks= 115 chunks_in_use= 112 minsize= 0 maxsize= 1048576 lfc= 207MB mpf=1 mti=1 objtype=0 usedresource= 47MB usedreal= 48MB free=207MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fee919bba0 chunks= 415 chunks_in_use= 409 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092bbb0 chunks= 42 chunks_in_use= 40 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70931b00 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092e2c0 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092f8a0 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092ec20 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092c060 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092fa30 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092b0c0 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092b3e0 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092b890 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092d640 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092ea90 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092c1f0 chunks= 7 chunks_in_use= 6 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 1MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=254MB usedreal=254MB free= 1MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff709325f0 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 251MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 4MB usedreal= 4MB free=251MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70931650 chunks= 12 chunks_in_use= 11 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 1MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=254MB usedreal=254MB free= 1MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70931330 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70932460 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 247MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 8MB usedreal= 8MB free=247MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1211dec0 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 251MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 4MB usedreal= 4MB free=251MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1211d240 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 254MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 1MB usedreal= 1MB free=254MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1211d6f0 chunks= 7 chunks_in_use= 6 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 0MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=255MB usedreal=255MB free= 0MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1211da10 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 247MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 8MB usedreal= 8MB free=247MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fe8ec0ed70 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 251MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 4MB usedreal= 4MB free=251MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fe8ec0d920 chunks= 6 chunks_in_use= 5 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 3MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=252MB usedreal=252MB free= 3MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fe8ec0dc40 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 251MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 4MB usedreal= 4MB free=251MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70930070 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 251MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 4MB usedreal= 4MB free=251MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1211e370 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 251MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 4MB usedreal= 4MB free=251MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fff4c09750 chunks= 8 chunks_in_use= 7 minsize= 0 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 84MB mpf=6 mti=2 objtype=1 usedresource=171MB usedreal=171MB free= 84MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fff4c08620 chunks= 2 chunks_in_use= 1 minsize=1048576 maxsize=268435456 lfc= 253MB mpf=6 mti=0 objtype=0 usedresource= 2MB usedreal= 2MB free=253MB total=256MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory blocks = 22: 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fee97af2b0 size= 8847360 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fee9b4a730 size= 16777216 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fe8ec0d470 size=754974720 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdfd330 size= 2113536 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdfb260 size= 22371328 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdfadb0 size= 75497472 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdfa770 size= 37748736 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff1bdfd650 size=246546432 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff126593a0 size= 8847360 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff12656fb0 size= 8847360 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff12657140 size= 66846720 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff12657460 size= 66846720 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092f260 size= 96424224 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092ba20 size= 4194304 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092c6a0 size= 45789280 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70930840 size= 37310544 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70930200 size= 40145904 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092d960 size= 61463248 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092cce0 size= 42380240 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff7092f3f0 size= 35127744 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001ff70930520 size= 40684976 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: dedicated memory block: vk_memory=0x000001fff4c07b30 size= 41288800 type=device_local mapped_ptr=0 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: allocator stats: dlt=3727MB dlu=3517MB blocks=37 block_mem=9472MB dediblocks=22 dedimem=1679MB total=11151MB 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: ========= 1172.29-tmrenderer_vulkan: ERROR: (error getting memory for image 'tmterrain_pl_data' with 1048576 bytes)