Posts by delfinpm

    I am happy if you like it! :) At this moment I am uploading the second, larger part: Spain and Portugal (south). 

    PS: I plan to complete Spain too - but first wanted to take a look at the new FS4.

    Hi Marco

    It is the whole South of Spain, it is called "Andalucia" and it is the biggest region of Spain with 8 provinces. It is very famous in this country for its art. To that land belong the authors of "Macarena" whose music I have put in this forum, I suppose you have heard it, have you ever heard of Seville (one of the 8 provinces of Andalucia), if not, here is a "famous sevillana". Click here

    I think it's only right that before you jump for the perfection of the Andalusian scenario, wait to see what Aerofly offers us in the new version.

    Kind regarrds: Delfin

    Hi Marco

    I have never asked Ipacs for release dates of any specific programming, moreover, on many occasions I have defended the position of NOT giving dates to finalize any specific programming (contrary to many users who have been doing it forever).

    That you are very satisfied here ?, I have never doubted it, otherwise, you would have left.

    I wish you a happy new year.



    With all due respect, I must communicate the following:

    1º) - On December 19, I sent a thread to the Forum fundamentally congratulating the users on these dates and a very, very slight exposition of what I understand to be the contribution of the Ipacs team to Aerofly FS-2 during this year 2021.

    That thread was parked waiting for the moderator to decide on a response. As the answer was not forthcoming, on December 21, I posted a second thread: (TO ALL USERS OF AEROFLY-1) to the Forum asking for the answer to the first thread.

    2nd) This time Jan replied saying that he was offended by my criticism and that I had spoken negatively about your team, which is not true. I have on many occasions very energetically defended the Ipacs team, which means defending Aerofly.

    Jan's reply, (and also my reply to Jan) remained on the Forum until yesterday, which Jan sent to the trash can.

    3º) - Today I notice that the Administration also sent to the trash my first thread (TO ALL AEROFLY USERS) dated December 19.

    I am not a man of polemics or controversies, but sending my comments to the trash so lightly, I do not find it pleasant. Can you understand that ?. And if my comments are so OFFENSIVE to the Ipcas team, in logical reciprocity, my answer and decision is very simple, I just have to apply the same philosophy and doctrine as you: when am I going to send Aerofly to the trash can?

    Nevertheless, I wish the Ipacs team and the users of this forum a happy new year.



    Very good that alliance with Santa Claus, the graphic results prove it, especially your contribution in Spain (very specially the Northwest part, my current land: Santiago de Compostela). Although you have not forgotten the South either: Andalusia.

    This year (in these special holidays), you have surpassed all the above; you have done a wide and extensive work, very grateful for it.

    Have a very happy holidays, in the company of your family, and be careful with that Covid-19, who is making us bitter the party; remember that I think he has more lives than cats (and these in my land, it is said that they have 7 lives).

    Merry Christmas and a better 2022.


    If you upgrade PC be careful with AMD CPU along with the AMD x570 motherboards. It makes the HP Reverb very hard to work properly.

    Hi ZoSoChile (Jake).

    You had told me to be careful with the AMD X 570 motherboard, that it could look bad. It doesn't fit in my choice for my PC, but tell me: You have the HP Reverb G2 headset, and what motherboard do you have installed in your PC. You see with sharpness in VR with the ...Reverb G2. Which motherboard do you recommend? I have initially selected this one: Gigabyte B450 Gaming X, S. AM4 v2.

    Another very elementary question, but that's computer science for non-experts like me:

    I have seen that when you address in the Forum to someone specific, you use the @ symbol followed by the nick of the user, and both appear at the beginning but in red color. For example: " admin " What is the syntax to write that in the thread?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Hi ,especially to you, higgs, for your videos; more can't be done.

    Thanks also to ZoSoChile (Jake), for this observation concerning AMD components that can create some problems for me. I guess you know the difficulties of some AMD components with this HP Reverb G2 headset. If you observe that the components of my next PC could be undesirable, please let me know.

    My PC. will be what follows in the next paragraph.

    PC Gaming - Megaport Ordenador Gaming PC AMD Ryzen 7 3700X • GeForce RTX3060 12GB • 1TB M.2 High Performance SSD • 16GB DDR4 3000 • WLAN • Windows 10 • PC Gamer

    I repeat: I thank you both for your impeccable help.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Guten Morgen, Jan

    Problem gelöst.

    Es ist möglich, es ist fast sicher, dass Sie sich ein wenig unwohl gefühlt haben, vielleicht sogar ziemlich unwohl mit meinem Beharren darauf, Ihre Botschaft, Ihre jeweiligen Botschaften nicht zu verstehen. Das gepaart mit der lausigen Google-Übersetzung machte meine Lösung sehr schwierig.

    Übrigens: vielen Dank für den neuen Übersetzer, den Sie mir geschickt haben ("deepl"), in der Tat, ich denke, er übersetzt die Sprache mit mehr Strenge. Ich weiß das zu schätzen, von nun an wird das mein Übersetzer sein. Ich weiß, dass Sie sehr beschäftigt sind, aber ich muss Ihnen sagen, was ich seit Ihrer ersten Nachricht empfunden habe.


    Die erste Antwort, die Sie mir geschickt haben, lautete wörtlich:

    "There is view pan and view look. One slowly pans the camera angle the other turns view quickly."

    Was in meine Sprache übersetzt, wörtlich bedeutet:

    "Es gibt die Ansicht Schwenken und die Ansicht Blick. Einer schwenkt langsam den Kamerawinkel, der andere dreht die Ansicht schnell."

    Das macht in meiner Sprache keinen Sinn, es sei denn, Sie kennen sehr, sehr gut die Prozedur der Zuweisung von Funktionen zu Tasten oder Knöpfen des Geräts (was in diesem speziellen Fall NICHT mein Fall war).

    In der zweiten Nachricht haben Sie es mir gesagt:

    1) Drehen Sie die Kamera langsam in eine neue Richtung.

    Aber... wie kann ich die Kamera in eine neue Richtung drehen, das war meine Schwierigkeit, was muss ich tun, um die Kamera zu drehen... wo ist die Kamera?

    Wie auch immer, ich wiederhole: Ich entschuldige mich, ich bitte Sie, meine Schwierigkeit zu verstehen; ich weiß, dass Sie ein sehr beschäftigter Mann sind, Sie müssen sich um fast alle Benutzer kümmern und das zwingt Sie, eine kurze Sprache zu verwenden, aber das übersetzt ins Englische. und dann ich ins Spanische, hilft, mehr Schwierigkeiten beim Verstehen all dieses Jargons zu schaffen.

    ch bitte nochmals um Entschuldigung und bin Ihnen für Ihre langwierigen Bemühungen um die Lösung meiner Schwierigkeiten sehr dankbar.

    Eine (virtuelle) Umarmung und ...vielen Dank. Delfin

    Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

    Jan has seen that when things are well known, everything seems obvious and elementary, but if it is not known especially the first time, things are not so intuitive.

    You say "1) slowly turn the camera to a new direction" panning the view left / right "
    2) quickly look left / right by large amounts "look left" or "look right"

    How does the camera move to a new direction…?

    I do not know what I have to do in what you have marked me in this copy (of Set Up -> view ...)

    Regards: Delfin

    Hi Jan

    I beg your pardon, because after translating it, I don't understand absolutely anything.

    Or you describe me sequentially (in full detail). which is the sequence of operations that I have to perform, or else, I repeat: I don't understand anything.

    One word that surprises me, naturally in English, is "pan." Goggle translates it to me as "pan", which in Spanish means a metal container, similar to a plate to eat; a container where potatoes, fish, etc. are fried with oil (cook). This concept, this word completely baffles me.

    I ask you, please, describe to me in detail, how this configuration is carried out.

    Thank you very much.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    From the cockpit in normal flight, I have a frontal view. I want to have side-left and right vision instantly by pressing the key or device on the joystick, and when pressing it again, I return to frontal vision.

    Currently to have those side views from the cockpit, I can only do it with the two keyboard cursor keys, but it is a progressive and slow view. I want it to be instantaneous. How to do it?.

    I have tried it according to this sequence: Settings --> Settings --> Controller-->Set Up -->View… etc. but I can't.

    I beg help.

    Regards: Delfin

    Well, I started this thread last October, asking if it would be possible to retrieve the in-flight views from the tower. I see that since then that possibility has not been restored.

    This condition occurs only in scenarios produced by users. I have seen that it is also requested by TomSimMuc, flightxtreme, etc. have the vision plane in flight from tower. Those of us who like acrobatics, that vision of flight is very pleasant and we use it very frequently.

    I hope he recovers again.

    Kin regards: Delfin

    Hola Steve

    I wonder if the result I have obtained will be of any use to you. This has happened:

    1) .- If I load Apache, the screen appears completely black.

    2) .- If I have any other aircraft at a certain height flying, I go out, select the Apacho and load it, it is loaded, but it remains completely immobile at that same height. No key has any effect on it, except the Esc key, which I return to the initial screen to shit.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    I don't really like helicopters, from FSX to Robinson R22 the latter, I recognize that initially it was difficult to pilot; in the end, in "easy mode", I was able to pilot it without excessive difficulties. However, I did not enjoy in the helicopter as in the airplanes, especially, in the small ones, and above all: with the acrobatic ones.

    I was waiting for the release of this EC135.T1, which being much older, would be less of a dancer, and consequently, maybe I could enjoy more than with the previous ones.

    Its release was announced well in advance, with the phrase "caming soon." I was intrigued by the enormous number of times that very often, I read that expression: caming soon.

    At the end when its launch was announced, I was looking for how to download it and couldn't find a way to do it. About 8 days after its release, casually reviewing the FS 2 aircraft squad, surprisingly I found it: It had been downloaded automatically without my participation. I was happy to see him among the other planes. Thanks for that, Ipacs.

    I immediately started it, and I was very surprised how docile its lift was, with little effect from the tail rotor, it rises smoothly, it translates with great smoothness and elegance. The exterior view in flight, is frankly impressive, and impressive the "music of its engine". Seen at an inclination with respect to its longitudinal axis and somewhat higher than the helicopter, it is extraordinarily beautiful. In my opinion, with the yellow or red colors, it is even more beautiful.

    It also has a very well designed instrument panel, which makes the visibility from the pilot's seat very pleasant.

    Thank you again Ipacs for this "wonderful flying piece of art "

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Hola Steve

    I have read your post and ... I was curious about that Apache. I have been reading your posts in the Forum with some attention for a long time, especially for all the infinite difficulties and questions you asked asking for help to solve the difficulties you were in. OMG! : 20,933 lines of code and hours of work ...

    It occurred to me to download your Apache and check its behavior.

    I was never passionate about helicopters; in fact, the R 22 did not cost me excessively, but the EC-135 is doing it, which is really smooth and very docile in flight. Therefore, I was curious about your Apache, which I also initially "not difficult to tame". I think I'm going to enjoy this work of yours.

    Congratulations for that enormous effort until reaching those 20,933 lines of code, and seeing your work of art fly.

    Kind ragards: DElfin

    These are user made airports.

    Does the camera work at any of user made airport? If yes, then it's a matter of updating that airport maybe. If it doesn't work at any user made airport then we will have to find the issue on our side.

    The camera does not work in any of the user-created airports, including:

    Santiago (LEST), Vigo (LEVX), Asturias (LEAS), Ibiza (LEIB), Mallorca (LEPA), Menorca (LEMH), etc.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Tower view is only available close to an airport... Just like before the update.

    Hola Jan

    I just found out that tower view is available at all airports: USA, Zurich, Geneva, etc. except in Spain: Santiago (LEST) and Vigo (LEVX).

    If you have an immediate response, go ahead. Otherwise, I don't want you to waste a minute of time investigating this little problem.

    Kinid regards: Delfin