Posts by delfinpm


    Hola caballeros voladores

    Estoy muy cansado de traducir del español al inglés (y veceversa), y no ser por la enorme ayuda de Google, las comunicaciones que mantenemos con el Foro, sencillamente serían imposibles.

    Debido a esas traducciones, a veces hay malos entendidos, (Google, todavía es un niño, y aunque un niño muy inteligente, le queda bastante que aprender, especialmente en las sutilezas de las lenguas, pero cada paso lo hace mejor). Bien, pues esta vez, a cada uno de "habla NO hispana", le ruego traducir esta comunicación a su propia lengua. Puede que así existan menos errores de traducción y nos entendamos mejor; ya me lo direis con vuestras respuestas.

    Suponía que este hilo podría causar controversia, pese a todo, decidí hacerlo. Yo asumiré las consecuencias de la controversia. Cuando algo es importante (y el tema del cultivo en nuestro hoby del vuelo, lo es), debe ser expuesto a la comunidad (en beneficio de la comunidad). Este es mi punto de vista, y es lo que hice en benefico de la comunidad. ¿Que quiero decir?, exctamente lo siguinte:

    Yo amo profundamente es Arofly FS 1 y FS 2. Los amo porque su resolución es francamente buena; los escenerios son todo lo buenos que la tecnología permite, y...aprecio profundamente a todos los miembros de este Foro, y muy, muy especilamente, a los que tuvieron comunicación conmigo, siempre por problemas que he planteado al Foro y que siempre fueron solucionados. He encontrado aquí una disciplina y una colaboración con los usuarios absolutamente sobresaliente. ¡ Imposible de susperar !.

    Si he expuesto a la comunidad este punto de vista, es porque me soprendió enormemente el destrozo aquitectónico de Santiago. Eso mismo sucederá sometiendo a cualquier ciudad a ese proceso de cultivo. Por lo tanto, lo que dije, vuelvo a decirlo: No se deben someter a ciudades al cultivo, con esa herramienta porque las destroza. "Se supone que cuando recurrimos al cultivo de escenarios, es para mejorar lo ya existente, NO para empeorarlo!". ¿ Estamos de acuerdo en esto?.

    Para aquellos que no acepten esta afirmación, nada mas tengo que decir. Simplemente, no tergiverseis mi mensaje.

    Literalmente me dice TomSimMuc (Thomas):

    "So Delfin, what exactly do you expect from IZ0JUB?

    That he generates every historic city building by constructing it with a 3D program, just like the original?

    And this as hobbyist free of charge??"

    No Thomas, Yo no he dicho eso, ni aspiro a eso. Por qué cuando se defiende algo, alguna postura personal, profesional, etc. siempre se tergiversan los hechos, las palabras. Hay que ser mas riguroso y menos vehementes cuando se esponen los hechos.

    Yo he dicho que desde mi punto de vista, esa herramienta no se debería emplear cultivando ciudades. ¡NADA MAS!. Y eso es solo mi punto de vista, que tu, o el cien por cien de los usuarios de este Foro, podeis estar en contra de mi punto de vista. Si fuera así, te aseguro que lo aceptaría. Estais en vuestro derecho, y en uso de vuestra libertad, podeis hacerlo. Esto es solo un problema de "sensibilidad visual". ¿Si os gustan esas ciudades cultivadas?, adelante, y... ¡ a disfrutarlas !.

    Además, el autor de esos cultivos, no tienen la culpa; ellos cultivan lo que la comunidad les demanda, con un enorme mérito: una enorme cantidad de trabajo sin retribución alguna. Para todos los que nos ofrecen cultivos, aviones, helicpteros, etc. mi profundo agradecimiento. Y...repito: no tergiverseis mi mensaje.

    Porque exceto uno (Larrylins Steve), todos los demás, me culpais de ser injusto con IZOJUB. Creo haber aclarado esto, en mi anterior comunicación.

    A propósito, dice literalmente IZOJUB:

    "Hi to everyone and thank you for all your comments.

    Firstly looking at "Delfin" picture of the scenery and cultivation it bares no resemblance to my offerings of amateur cultivation."

    ¿De verdad , eres capaz de creer que la imagen expuesta no pertenece a Santiago y es obra tuya?.

    En ese caso, te envío esta otra que supera la anterior. Espero que esta, aumente tu confianza en lo que yo digo y hago.  Si todavía tiene mas dudas, puedo enviarte toda una colección desde varios ángulos de la ciudad, pero supongo que eso, solo agrabará esta situación, y no deseo crear mas controversia. Mi pretensión era exponer lo ya hecho, y no deseo insistir en algo tan simple.

    Ten en cuenta que yo conozco esta ciudad infinitamente mejor que tu, quizás por eso, no me agradó ese cultivo de mi ciudad. Yo he calificado el trabajo producido por la herramienta, NO, el trabajo y el sacrificio llevado a cabo por ti, Michael. El trabajo, la entrega y la enorme cantidad de horas dedicadas a esa comunidad (que es tambien mi comunidad), tienen toda mi admiración y agradeccicmiento.

    Y por último, lo que afirma Spit40 (Phil) : 3 apartados. Respondo intercalando mis 3 contastaciones:

    Hi Delfin. I'm sure (I hope) you mean well by your messages, but please understand that even though you said "Please IZOJUB (Michael), don't you think of taking this as negative criticism towards you." perhaps only 1 in a 100 people would read your message this way.

    Puede ser, pero si así fuera, es que esas personas tienen poca capacidad analítica, y sobre todo, poca sensibilidad visual. Puede que con esta imagen que envío, lo vean más claramente.

    It does come across very negatively and I would venture that it will be poorly received by someone who has spent hundreds of hours making very good free scenery for the community using the best tools that amateurs have available.

    Pues NO debe verse muy negativamente, salvo en personas poco reflexivas. Y, suponía que a su autor, no le gustaría mi comentario, también por falta de reflexión. No me cansa de repetirlo:¿ por qué las personas tergiversamos tanto las cosas, los hechos?

    If you don't want him to make any more then I think your message will be effective. If you would like him to make some more, as the rest of us would, then please explore some different ways of packaging your feedback.

    Yo no tengo ningún especial interés en que mi mensaje sea ó nó efectivo. Sencillamente he escrito, que y bajo mi exclusivo punto de vista, esa herramienta no debería utilizarse para hacer cultivation de ciudades, especialmente , ciudades importante o famosas. Te ruego veas con atención visual la última imagen enviada al Foro, y dime: ¿ Crees de verdad, con sinceridad, que debe utilizarse esa herramienta para hacer esa creación (obra de arte arquitectónica?).

    Añado lo siguiente: Me pregunto que opinarían los aficionados a este juego (vuelo), los ciudadanos de Paris, de Londres, de Roma, de Berlín, de...Manhattan, después de contemplar sus ciudades sometidas al proceso de cultivo= cultivation?. Naturalmente: mientras contemplaban sus ciudades destrozadas. ¿Qué opinión tiene el artista de Dresden, schnuffelduffel (Marco)?.

    A todos los que habeis expresado vuestra opinión sobre este hilo, creo que debeis reflexionar un poco más. Parece que únicamente un notable miembro de este Foro, y debido a su sensibilidad visual y capacidad analítica, ha entendido correctamente mi mensaje. Gracias Larrylyns, gracias Steve, por ver y decir la verdad. Hombres como tu, honran y dan prestigio a esta comunidad.

    Bien, Michael (IZOJUB), espero que quedes convencido de lo que aquí expongo. Yo no hice acusación alguna contra ti, quiero, deseo profundamente, que esto te quede muy claro. Tu haces una gran labor a esta comunicad; me fastidia repetir esto tantas veces, pero bajo ninguna circunstancia, quiero que quede en ti el mínimo resentimiento hacia mi, de que hice algo injusto contigo.

    Tu utilizas las herramientas de las que dispones: esa herramienta hace su trabajo, en circunstancias especiales (ciudades), lo hace mal (desde mi punto de vista); tu NO eres el responsable. La comunidad sin reflexionar demasiado acepta eso, y tu les complaces con cientos de horas de dedicación. Nada más honroso que tu entrega en complacer a la comunidad. No se puede pedir más. Creo que puedo añadir algo más: "tu entregas demasiado esfuerzo a esta comunidad", eres el único.

    De mi parte, para ti, y a todos los socios, un muy cordial saludo: Delfín

    I was looking forward to the cultivation of North West Spain by UZOJUB.

    It arrived, I installed it and flying over the Santiago airport (LEST), the first thing that surprised me was the vegetation, nothing to do with the real vegetation!, Which places you in an unknown place (something we DO NOT want) .

    I continued flying towards Santiago city. As I was getting closer ... I thought I had made a wrong turn; what he saw was not Santiago. I continued until I saw it completely.

    This was not Santiago, this was a messy and chaotic agglomeration of completely new buildings. In a certain area, they were all united forming a grotesque structure. It is not possible to create something so horrible on this city!

    I looked at the city from various angles trying to see it with good eyes, to find some resemblance to reality, but the more I observed it, the more horrible it was. This creation is absolutely unacceptable!

    Then, I flew to another city 60 km away: La Coruña, but ... the same transformation. Well, that is not a transformation, it is a city that has nothing to do with the real one.

    This cultivation of an area that I know well produced such a negative emotional effect on me that 24 hours later I decided to remove it from my Sim

    So I asked myself the damage that this tool would produce on important and famous cities such as: Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Paris, Berlin, also on the city "Dresden" by the artist schnuffelduffel (Marco), and ... on Manhattan?

    Please IZOJUB (Michael), don't you think of taking this as negative criticism towards you. I have a high concept of you, but with absolute frankness, that tool that creates that uniform vegetation and that destruction of cities, that aberrant architecture, I think it should not be used, especially in cities, much less in famous cities that we have on this planet. I know it's a game, but in this game, we all aspire to a great resemblance to the real world, and that tool destroys the real world.

    Of course, this is just my point of view; you are very free to do as you please.

    Kind rgards: Delfin

    Hartman and Michael (III) again

    To be more precise, the files that are causing this problem could only be in the Working folder (which is a subfolder of AeroScenery), since they were all generated and stored there. So it is very, very unlikely that they are in any of the Aerofly FS 2 subfolders.

    This Imagen, is the Aeroscenery folder structure on my PC.

    Regards: Delfin

    Hola Hartman

    I don't find this file (Map) anywhere.

    Logically, it should only be in:

    Files in Working 

    Files in 8 folders under TENERIFE BING ..., or 

    Files in GRAN CANARIA ILAND BING.       à (Imagen my previous post)

    The file requested by you is not found in any of these folders or subfolders.

    Can it be in any of the folders NOT linked to Aerofly FS 2 or AeroScenery ?. I suppose very improbable, but not impossible. You know a lot more about this than I do. I will read your suggestions carefully.

    Thank you very much for your interest.

    Regards: Delfin

    Hola Michael III

    DeutschàIch war sehr angenehm überrascht von Ihrem Vorschlag, direkt vom Deutschen ins Spanische und umgekehrt zu übersetzen. So vermeiden wir Doppelübersetzungen, bei denen Google weniger Fehler macht. Es ist jedoch ein Problem: Wenn der Rest der Benutzer feststellt, dass der Text nicht auf Englisch ist, wird er ihn sicherlich ignorieren, und folglich geht die Fähigkeit zur Lösung des im Forum auftretenden Problems verloren. Sie wissen: Je mehr Köpfe an der Lösung einer Schwierigkeit beteiligt sind, desto mehr Lösungsmöglichkeiten gibt es. Wie auch immer, zunächst werde ich Ihren Vorschlag annehmen: Spanisch

    Ich werde dasselbe mit dir machen. Ihre letzte Übersetzung war sehr korrekt. Mal sehen, ob die Übersetzung vom Spanischen ins Deutsche (von Google) gleichermaßen korrekt ist.

    Zunächst einmal danke ich Ihnen ganz besonders für Ihre Ausdauer und Entschlossenheit bei der Hilfe, die Sie mir bei der Lösung dieser Schwierigkeit geben.

    Obwohl ich es bereits wiederholt habe, funktioniert mein Sim sehr korrekt. Die Schwierigkeit, die ich mit einigen von AeroScenery erstellten Szenarien habe, die sich mit denen von Marcos überschneiden. Ich habe beschlossen, sie zu löschen. Ich dachte, es wäre mir gelungen, aber das war nicht der Fall (sie generieren weiterhin Szenarien und ich weiß nicht, in welchem Ordner sich die für diese Szenarien verantwortlichen Dateien weiterhin befinden). Das ist mein Problem.

    Mit ziemlicher Sicherheit war das Löschen der Dateien aus irgendeinem Grund nicht erfolgreich und es wurde auch in einen Ordner kopiert, den ich nicht kenne. Es ist fast die einzige Erklärung, die ich für dieses Verhalten finde.

    Ich sende Ihnen etwas, das Sie mir vorgeschlagen haben: Kopien des Verzeichnisbaums, in denen Sie sehen, wie ich die Ordner strukturiert habe.

    Ich habe gerade die umgekehrte Übersetzung gemacht und bin erstaunt über die Perfektion der Übersetzung. Natürlich passiert mir das mit Englisch nicht. Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihrer brillanten Idee, brillant und einfach. Geniale Ideen sind fast immer einfach.

    Nun Michael, ich sende dir, was ich gesagt habe, aber ich bezweifle, dass dir das trotzdem helfen wird. Du wirst mich darüber informieren, was du denkst. Jetzt, da wir uns genauer erklären werden, lösen wir das Problem immer noch.

    Wenn Sie nicht ganz klar sind, was genau mein Problem ist, fragen Sie, und es wird Ihnen antworten.

    Und durch Ihr Beharren, Ihre Anstrengung, Ihre Ausdauer und Ihre Entschlossenheit werden Sie mir erlauben, Sie virtuell zu umarmen

    Danke vielmals


    Hola partners

    If with this communication, I do not make myself understood, tomorrow I will respond very promptly to the last 2 users that I cannot do today. They are: Tomas and Michael ((III).

    In Documents \ Aerofly FS 2 \ Scenery \ Images): I only have 2 folders with their files of the cultivation that IZOJUB made of the Canary Islands. But there is no other file there. This I wrote in my previous post. Well, I forgot of the following: I have added the following in red.

    Documents \ Aerofly FS 2 \ Addons \ Scenery \ Spain \ Images \ Spain_n_w_01 and Spain_n_w_02.

    These last 2 folders linked to Images are "Spain North West PhotoSecenery" made by Schnuffelduffel, and it works correctly.

    NOTE: What is in red I have added, but I am very sure, that if I had copied it without this addition (directly on: Aerofly FS 2 \ Scenery \ Images; it would also work correctly. In fact in this folder that I mention, I have copied cultivation of IZOJB belonging to the Canary Islands as I have mentioned in my previous post, and with perfect operation.

    Documents \ AeroScenery \ Working \ (here I have the files) \ Map_11_79c_a120 \ g \ 16, 16-Geoconvert.raw. etc. As I have commented in the previous post, I only have this map, therefore, how is it that it reproduces this and all the other deleted ones ?. This is also what I don't understand. Where are the other files copied to correctly generate scenarios?

    Thank you very much for all your efforts to help me

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Hola again, Nick and Michael (III)

    1) .- Again I have reinstalled AeroScenery linked to Documents, but without the Works folder (consequently without the files). In flight it continues to generate all the scenarios created with this tool. For me, it is difficult to admit.

    2) .- There are no files of the scenarios created with AeroScenary in Aerofly FS2, nor in any of its folders.

    3) .- In "Documents \ Aerofly FS 2 \ Scenery \ Images): I only have 2 folders with its cultivation files that IZOJUB made from the Canary Islands. But there is no other file there.

    4) .- The only file that exists in Works is the one corresponding to the scenario (square) generated by AeroScenery = "map_11_79c0_a120" and that corresponds to the grid further South, which you can see in the image of the AeroScnery map. Therefore, its should only generate the scenario for that surface.

    However, it also generates all the scenarios of the other 5 squares seen on the map. How do you explain that?

    I assure you that this esue really has me really puzzled.

    Regards: Delfin

    Again with you, Nick

    I beg you to have a little patience, this has become difficult for me, as it has never happened to me.

    My Aeroscenery settings worked correctly. What worked very badly was the sewing of the joints, as you can see in this image (Santiago Airport). Then came my absence from the Forum.

    Now I return to the Forum. I received from Schnuffelduffel his scenarios from all over the Region. Their scenarios were overlapped by those generated by AeroScenery. So, I proceeded to delete all the files in the "Working" folder. But the scenarios continued to generate and overlap. I deleted the entire Workin folder, and no results. Then I temporarily deleted AeroScenery (it went to the "recycle bin." But the scenarios were still spawning and overlapping.

    If the entire AroScenary tool has been deleted, how can they generate scenarios? It is evident that they are still active somewhere, but ... where? THIS IS EXACTLY MY CURRENT PROBLEM. Where are those files, and how can I delete them, or at least put them in the "trash"?

    One observation: I have deleted the files with the tools provided by windows and directly in their respective folders in the directory tree. I clarify this, because as I see in the map generated by Aeroscenery (upper part), there is also the possibility of deleting them from there: "delete files, Instal Scenery," etc. I suppose this operation will have no influence on what is happening to me, or does it?

    I will continue. Regards: Delfin

    I'm not sure what I can clarify. If your output from AeroScenery wasn't great due to the Bing or Google images, just delete the scenery.

    If you're still seeing it, it can't have been deleted.

    It's probably in {?}:\Documents\Aerofly FS 2\scenery\images if you let AeroScenery install it for you.

    Hola Nick

    Thanks for looking after me once again. The previous time, I was fighting AeroScenery more than 8 months ago. Then I was absent more than half a year and since Aeroscenery gave me "sewing" problems (the surface stripes were not aligned), I left that for later. Now it is later.

    You can answer me better than anyone, since AeroScenary is your work, so you know it better than anyone.

    Please: read in this same thread, my posts, especially post # 12. There I explain in more detail what is my problem.

    Now I have no more time, later I will continue. Just add the settings that I had on my PC:

    Documents \ Aerofly FS 2 \ etc. and

    Documents \ AeroScenery \ Working \ (here were the files) \ Map_1179c_a120 \ g \ 16, 16-Geoconvert.rar. etc

    Regards: Delfin


    The problem with the dark spots, rectangles, shadows or whatever everybody might call it is a problem I know since my beginning in this simulator and a lot of things are written about it here in the forum. Depending on the aircraft, course, sceneries etc. it occurs with me.

    I do not like the effect, but I can ignore it when flying.

    Bye, Michael (III)

    @ ApfelFliegr (Michael III)

    Thanks for your post, but I wonder if you have read mine carefully. I explain clearly and thoroughly what my difficulty is: to avoid overlapping both scenarios, despite having deleted the files from the prevailing scenario.

    I want to remove AerScenery scenarios; I have deleted its files, but for some unknown reason, the corresponding scenario repeats. Nothing like this has ever happened to me.

    Does exactly the same happen to you, or is it not the same? I must assume you have AeroScenery installed. Is that so?

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Especially for you, Nickhod

    You have created AerScenery and consequently you know this tool better than anyone. With the help of that tool, I have created some scenarios, but some areas with their contiguous ones were very badly sewn. Back then I was absent from the Forum for several months and left AeroScenery.

    Now I received the entire area where I reside made by Schnuffelduffel.

    After copying that area (scenario) in the corresponding folder, it plays fine, but when I fly over the area created with AeroScenery, I have the problem that I explain in my posts # 12 of the thread "the journey continues ..." from Schnuffelduffel.

    It seems evident that if the darker scenario (corresponding to AeroScenery) appears overlapping that of Schnuffelduffel., It means that those files are not completely deleted. I have deleted the Working folder first, and as they continued to appear, I have temporarily deleted AerScenery with all its files. They are currently in the "recycle bin". I'm not sure if Google is going to correctly translate this computing concept. You will tell me. At any time, I can restore AeroScenery, as it has NOT been permanently deleted.

    Tonight, I was flying areas in which I had not created scenarios with your tool, and with great amazement, I have discovered that in some areas, as I fly, they move under the plane (and head on very closely) areas dark like AeroScenery's on quite a few miles of travel. Then they disappear as mysteriously as they have appeared. I have not yet commented on this to Schnuffelduffel, which I hope when he reads this, explains to me what this means: that two completely different shades appear on the area he has created, it amazes me.

    Attached I send you these images that are more eloquent than my words,

    Well Nick, if you can clarify something for me, I will be very grateful

    Kind regards: Delfin

    This first image is Vigo, south of what Schnuffelduffel. did. It continues to exist even after deleting everything. How is it possible)

    Delete all, what not from me is.


    As I have already written, everything has been deleted (I think), but the problem described continues as you can see in the last 3 images. And I do not understand how after deleting the files, Vigo, its airport and its surroundings are reproduced.

    One more question: does the tonality of your scenes never change?

    Ragards: Delfin

    Hola Schnuffelduffel

    I finally know your name, Schnuffelduffel, it was kind of weird to me (too many consonants). That said, thank you for your precise answers.

    I have made new folders and copied the two folders resulting from your work. Everything works well except two small difficulties that have arisen due to a work that I had done with AerScenery of several small surfaces in Santiago and proximities. Then came my absence from the Forum for quite a few months.

    Those stage scenes were very badly sewn as you will see in some images that I send you. I decided not to continue fighting because I had little time.

    When your work arrived, I check that when I fly over those surfaces that overlap yours and the previous ones prevail over yours in Photo Shop.

    I had copied the AeroScenery scenarios into their Working folder. The first thing I did was delete the entire folder with all the files. I supposed that would end with the overlapping of scenarios, but it is not like that: they continue there! And this leaves me very surprised.

    So I decided to temporarily remove all the tool "AerScenery and all its files". It is, in the trash (I have not deleted them definitively), but ... the problem continues: the scenarios overlap, the AeroScenary prevails over yours. I wonder: What happens here?

    It is evident that something I do not understand. I need your help again; or that of Tomfa (Pascal), who I see that you are very close and with a very frequent relationship.

    It is evident that AerScenery files are creating scenarios for your files. Where should I look for them to remove )?

    You can see that the scenarios of your work are much clearer than those of AerScenery, and apparently with lower resolution, especially the buildings of the cities. Naturally they are because I did them with greater resolution, but I couldn't ask you to do those feats; your surface was very wide and would be excessively laborious.

    Either Marcos or Pascal, I await your help, or anyone else who wants to help me.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Hola Schnuffelduffel

    I have already seen the entire area of "Galicia" made up of the provinces of "La Coruña, Lugo, Orense and Pontevedra" restored through Fhoto Scenery.

    From what I can see about almost 6 GB. I suppose it has taken you work and time.

    I deduce (if I have read correctly) that I can download it in one go, or in 2 separate downloads.

    Now I beg you, resolve this question for me: I must copy in:

    Documents\Aerofly FS 2 \ Scenery \ Images \ (and create a folder here ?, or copy it directly into the images folder)?

    Tell me Schnuffelduffel, what tool have you used to make this Photo Scenery ?. AeroScenery, r do you have other more advanced tools?

    I have not yet seen the photographic quality of the stage; I wait for you to indicate exactly in which folder I should copy it. Although judging from the images you've posted to the Forum, it seems to look pretty good.

    Well, finally I have a very wide region known with detail to fly; this region together with the airport made by Brunnobellic, I will have a surface ready to enjoy.

    For all your hard work, my deep gratitude

    For all your hard work, thank you very, very much.

    Kind regards: Delfin

    I have been absent from this Foro for several months, and now that I have returned, I have observed that Krzysz has disappeared. I do not know the reason for this absence, but I would like him to return to this community.

    In my opinion, Krzysztof was a valuable partner in this Forum for multiple reasons. If you read this communication, Krzysztof, I beg you to come back.

    And especially for you

    Kind regards: Delfin

    Hello again Sylvain

    The switch I asked you about is already discovered.

    And after a short flight, this plane, I would say even flies more agile than the real ULM. I am surprised by its precise and agile maneuverability. Frankly, again I congratulate you. Your aircraf is a worthy companion to the entire IPAC series.

    Thank you again por this machine

    Ragards: Delfin

    Hello Sylvain

    I was about 8 months completely removed from the forum, and I knew nothing of your project "Tecnam P2008". Now I just saw it in this latest version that you just uploaded to the Forum. I downloaded it and I love it.

    I flew that plane at the Aeroclub about 5 or 6 years ago, and when I saw it here it surprised me. I especially love the big instruments in the cockpit.

    CONGRATULATION for your second aircraft in this forum.

    You will be amazed by this childish question: which switches should I activate before activating the ignition key? I can't start the engine.

    I repeat: a magnificent flying machine. Thank you very much for that effort you put at the service of the community; is appreciated.

    Kind regards: Delfiin