Posts by KJKsimmer

    I am creating scenery in a rural area of Canada. When I ask for "Landmarks" to be displayed, understandably most of the small communities are not being identified. How do I add place names to the sim? Is there a config file that can be edited by the user to do this?

    - Kenneth

    Hi guys

    I went back and resampled at FSET2, and then converted with Geohelper 9, 11, 12, 13. It is happening less, but still present to a degree. What I also find is at higher altitude, the coverage I have created is still not showing completely. I am wondering if there's a setting within AF2 configuration files that determines the range of a specific scenery in terms of how it is displayed.

    - Kenneth


    I am at last getting to grips with making photo scenery, and it is addictive.

    So, if I decide to work on the prairies of Canada, for flying in the Cessna at say 3000 ft (AGL), here are some questions.

    1. What is the best FSET setting to give a compromise between file size, download/processing time and quality?

    2. If I set it at FSET 2, for instance, should I then convert it only at say 12 and 13 in geohelper, or include lower settings such as 9 and 11?

    3. What if I create a high-def section? (FSET 0 and then 14) Can it be placed in the same folder, and will it overwrite lower def when flown over?

    4. What about adjacent areas? Do you "draw" in FSET right to a specific line, or can you overlap slightly and place in a different subfolder in images?

    5. I have tried a 20nm x 20nm area. Should I be looking at bigger coverage

    And, last question..

    On my first attempt, I am seeing tiles which seem to take longer to load, or load only as I fly closer. How do I prevent this? I have not seen this happen in any default or DLC scenery. (See image)

    Thank you for your help.

    - Kenneth

    EDIT... I have now added a second 20nm x 20nm area, and the "missing tiles" continue. Is this a memory issue? They load in late, and sometimes almost not until the aircraft is right above the area. Is there a way to force the sim to hold more texture tiles in display? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    The time has come to finally (after too many years) consider a new computer for Flight simulation. Many of you are users of multiple platforms (AF2, FSX, P3D, XP11), so what would you recommend as specs for a good system that will do the job for all platforms? Don't want to break the bank here, just want an idea of what the community advises. And should a person buy "off the shelf" or get someone to build one?

    - Kenneth

    I decided to jump in and get to grips with FSET, Geoconvert, etc. So, my first attempt is a photo background for Greenwood. I did not notice your FSET.ini file, so I am doing it myself. I have started with a small 5nm x 5nm block, but it has been processing for at least 15 hours now, and the Geoconvert is only at 87% (around 4000 of 11250 tiles, now on level 14.) When I went to bed last night it was at 80%. I thought it would have been finished through the night for sure.

    I followed a video tutorial on You Tube. I am using the Helper, and am generating levels 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.

    Is this typical of the length of time to do one small airport background?

    - Kenneth

    I was thinking perhaps I could setup a session with you, and go thru the entire process from the first step.

    Hi Mustang...

    Thank you for that offer. I appreciate it. I have now looked at the wiki, and while I appreciate Jeff saying that it is a step-by-step, it really is only that when a person already has a 3d design program they are familiar with, and they already have FSET and have used it. In my case, I really am starting from scratch. I have now downloaded FSET, but have never used it, so I need to get up to speed on that. I have also now downloaded the sdk tools, but have yet to begin looking at them. And as for a 3d design program, well, the question is which one and how much do I want to spend on something I may or may not get into?

    This is what I mean by step by step. Imagine someone who has just bought AF2, spent a month with it, and after joining the forum has appreciated there's more possibilities here for customization. BUT, that's where their experience starts and stops. As AF2 grows in popularity, which it will (massively), there will be others who fall into this category. Their experience level (novice), must be catered for in easy-flow documentation that misses nothing out.

    Why is this important? The MSFS popularity grew because of addons created by both the fans and the designers out there. The same phenomena will happen here. We are the forefront of it, so we must make the trail as easy to follow as possible.

    Yes, the wiki is amazing (Thank you Jeff) - I have been adding an airport and objects for the last two hours, without graphics that is (KSLI) - But, even the wiki itself states that some familiarity with tools (and even how the geographic co-ordinate system works) is needed.

    Enjoying this obsession... Ahem, I mean adventure!

    Mustang, I will likely take you up on that offer fairly soon.

    - Kenneth

    It was a couple of weeks ago that I started.

    I have created a bunch of video tutorials on my channel for doing almost everything you see here. I have a huge advantage with this airport as I live here and I have a bunch of very high res photos of all (or almost all) the buildings.

    Thanks for the reply. Here's the challenge I face.... Just about every resource I have seen so far already assumes familiarity with the tools. Is there nowhere that a step by step A-B-C exists for the complete novice? A guide that explains every step, every term, and in order? A guide that tells you which tool you need, when, where to get it, how to set it up, how to use it as it relates to AF2? This is what is needed. So far I keep going round in circles as every guide, tutorial, video, etc, anticipates familiarity with some other element. It's like learning a new language before you even know the alphabet.


    You wrote.. "We will certainly value your input and any suggestions that you may have but we also have a very specific gameplan in mind for the future of Aerofly."

    I have an important possible solution/strategy to the issue of photoscenery use. I do not want to discuss the idea on the forums. How do I reach the decision-makers?

    - Kenneth

    Thanks for the detailed introduction.

    My turn. I am an author, with a new book out in the personal development field. I've also been a news journalist, both as a writer for newspapers, and as the owner of an online news service on the Canadian prairies. However, my flight sim experience was also extensive.

    Back in 1993, I was one of the very first people to modify an instrument panel for FS4. Then, as the internet expanded, my small operation grew into one of the first addon companies for FS95. Our group, "The VIP Group" went on to produce products which were marketed by PC Aviator and Just Flight in their early days of operation as well. It was an amazing experience for about seven years.

    Here's the point. Although AF2 is not alone in the market, now going up against the big boys, I sense it has the potential to find its own place, and to grow very significantly as it gets beyond early access status. I watched the Microsoft platform explode and indeed was part of that explosion. How? Not by being a programmer, but by being a visionary who brought people together. Now is the time to really look at AF2 and ask what the owners want it to become, what the fans want it to become, and where we can collectively take it. Microsoft did not make FS what it was, the fans did, and the eco-system they built around the product.

    These days, my focus may be my new book, and getting it out there, but in the last four weeks I have found AF2 addictive as I fly over gorgeous terrain with a simple interface that leaves most sims in the dust. If I can be of assistance with ideas and perspectives to help you grow into the potential that exists, I am happy to "put my thinking cap on."




    I have now tried around 40 airports in all scenery areas, including the paid and free DLC's. The latest "cold and Dark" Cessna behaved perfectly on the ground. Well done. Out of curiosity, was it something to do with the "points" at which the aircraft touched the ground? No matter what it was, I think you nailed it. Thank you. I will post this reply in the other area too, just for people to follow.

    - Kenneth