Posts by ZoSoChile
Pretty sure we have the animated Goodyear Blimp within the Hawaiian Islands: Oahu scenery
Will you do global mobile
Honestly not sure how to convert for mobile. Nor do I have all the main working files. Might be able to research process for satellite images and possibly add runways or a few airport objects.
Cayman Islands Freeware Project:
Converted and updated FS2 version for Aerofly FS4.
Have fun and Enjoy!
Download Link:
Cayman Islands - MWCR, MWCB, MWCL - Flight-Sim.orgCayman Islands Freeware Project: Converted and updated FS2 version for Aerofly FS4. Have fun and Enjoy! "The Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory,…flight-sim.orgCoverage area:
Owen Roberts International (MWCR)
Edward Bodden Airfield (MWCL)
Kirkconnell International (MWCB)
Cayman Helicopter Tours
Do you know if there are any other models available with more heavy equipment and machinery on the rig? I recently discovered some info on a workover rig for drilling, and I'm curious to see if there are any 3D models available for that. It would be awesome to have a more realistic oil rig experience in my simulator. Thanks again for sharing your model, and any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
- I do have some better and more realistic Oil Rigs but they are from Payware sceneries. Unfortunately I cannot share these.
- If you happen to have some payware models I could show you how to properly convert them for Aerofly.
The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available. -
Similar to the FS2 TSC file, is there a way to make an airport mesh flat within TAP file before conversion?
In TSC, you could enter 'false' within autoheight to create flat surface.
Once the TAP file is converted, it's encrypted and unable to be edited.
Would be nice to have an unencrypted TSC and WAD file.
FS2 TSC example:
ApfelFlieger Michael, you did a great job covering most things I observed plus some
This is a great tool and seems very promising!
I like the 'Map Settings' feature, being able to enable and disable all those features make viewing much easier.
1. Create a larger banner that tells the user which Material and Brightness they have selected.
2. Would like the ability to adjust positioning of Tarmac texture. Unless I'm missing how to do that?
Again, Michael covered everything I noticed plus much more.
Love the last picture
This is a very great detailed perspective of the map coverage Tom, great work!
I was able to successfully convert airport runway etc.
Two issues so far:
1. My airport name does not show up on map.
2. No Orientation option in AFS4 TSC
<[float64][orientation][270]> does not work.
I noticed the TSC formatting structure is a bit different after running AFS4 Content Converter.
Is there an airport TSC example we can use? Currently SDK only shows Object example.This is using AC3D with TGI Plugins from AFS2 SDK. Perhaps this is also part of the issue?
Can't wait to try it out. Thanks IPACS! Here's to hoping for smooth conversion processes.
I noticed flying the R22 is more difficult as well compared to AFS2
I really enjoy what IPACs has done with the major addition of airports, the cultivation is very well done from what I've seen in quite a few of my favorite areas.
While in VR, the new airport lights have an extremely short render distance. They do not luminate unless you are within 110 -130 meters.
The water masking feels rushed and does not appear as smooth as Aerofly FS2.
Hopefully they receive a touch up in the future.
Aerofly FS2 vs Aerofly FS4 - Florida Keys GIF
Just tested custom project and only images and xref objects work properly. Airport runways incorrectly positioned and nothing else such as trees, 3d models and autogen building appear.
This was to be expected as IPAC's has already told us this, just need to wait for SDK.
I've moved on from this Cayman Islands thing. Not gonna bother, FS4 is just around the corner next week so no need to deal with it.
Understandable if you have moved on.
As our private message shows, you might actually have an odd bug on your end, or the installation is still incorrect.
I will post the install instructions since it might be beneficial for others.
There are two official ways this install structure will work.
Last thing to verify and check would be to make sure you see these folders after 'cayman_islands_v1'
1. Documents\Aerofly FS 2\addons\scenery\cayman_islands_v1
Edit: Original download does not have 'elevation' folder. I added this for testing purposes.
2. SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\addons\scenery\cayman_islands_v1
Edit: Original download does not have 'elevation' folder. I added this for testing purposes.
If these paths do not work, then something else is wrong or not working.
Logically you could take all of these folders within 'cayman_islands_v1' and place them within
3. Documents\Aerofly FS 2\scenery
However, you would have to create parent folders and rename them with proper naming convention.
This can be done but requires proper understanding Aerofly FS 2 folder structuring.