That's an A321 neo, not an A321.
If we get different engine options for specific liveries, will we ever see that for the a320 too? Since it’s pretty weird flying a BAE A320 with CFMs.
That's an A321 neo, not an A321.
If we get different engine options for specific liveries, will we ever see that for the a320 too? Since it’s pretty weird flying a BAE A320 with CFMs.
Lol, I am not very active in this forum anymore. So last time, I was here is at least two months back. Now, I randomly see that there is an a321 coming. Never expected such a quick work by the dev team. A pleasure!
Another great feature would be advantages spawning at the gates. So we can spawn at any gate we imagine. And for that the ai aircraft’s have to be no static. I hate these old 3d models with low texture at the gates. They make the airports look odd and Arcadish, especially when we talk about a KLM a380 or so.
How about being able to select lighting only for a runway in use, having every possible runway and (dwarf) PAPI lit up in both directions is unconvincing. There is something similar available already for in game approach guides.
I think it would be perfect if it is related to the winds direction.
And Wideroe
Uhm, it’s kinda hard to explain but for that you have to slide it up with your thumb.
Not sure if it's available yet in the public release version.
Try typing e.g. "250/" into the scratchpad and then perform a line select on the right side to overwrite the speed value in that row.
That means it’s coming guys:)
Edit: I think it’s impossible to land there unless you are a pro pilot like Fab001 *
That’s correct. It actually was my first try
I think it’s impossible to land there
Are you sure about that?🤨
Hey guys i need to ask one question related to SID and STARS. Currently i am flying a320 and in FMC i need to select SID for deparutre and STAR for arrival runway. So as you know there are many options of SIDS and STARS available in FMC. So is there anyway that i can see what pathway SID or STAR takes like in my this flight i have selected AMTE4B so is there anywebsite i can visit to see actually what path airline takes for this STAR so by this way i can select the SID/STAR which i like i dont like zig zag SID/STARs thats why i wanted to know if i could see pathway for any sid or star by just typing its name ( Eg AMTE4B )
Id recommend using simbrief for Route filing. There they give you the currently active charts. In aerofly the air resources are a bit outdated but that’s not a problem just choose the Sid that is the closest to the sid simbrief gives you. Airmate is a great addition as well.
Yes, you can add waypoints. But you can’t add airways. You can add them by clicking on the last waypoint of the SID for example. There you can select „next waypoint“ and type it in.
There are other methods, too. Just search it up on YouTube, the A320 is pretty easy.
Hey everyone can i add custom waypoints to my flight route in fmc of a320 Aerofly FS mobile. If yes how can i add them
Yes, you can add waypoints. But you can’t add airways. You can add them by clicking on the last waypoint of the SID for example. There you can select „next waypoint“ and type it in.
I also wanted to note that in this Aerofly database. SID and STAR sometimes have a different ending that is different from the endings that are on real charts so maybe that's why you don't find some charts but they just exist with a different ending.
Yeah always take the point that is the closest to the one suggested by simbrief. We need airwaaaaaays tho.
Already addressed that a year ago or so. Hopefully we will get more advanced weather settings, soon. Live weather would be the next step after that.
None of the airports in this area of the map have parking gates or cold and dark, and some of them look wrong.
Doesn't the eastern part of the map belong to the world? I bought this version again so that I could fly in these regions. If I didn't I would still have Aerofly 2023 installed instead. And you want to get paid for this every month, right?
Fuel and cargo loading for aircraft are included in all simulations. What kind of separation do you have?
Most of them in Japan do have 3d airports;)
This is by far the best simulator for mobile in price/quality ratio.
Give them some time, those payments will allow them to advance this a great deal.
Just try to be more polite. Ask for it, but change the tone and you'll probably have a better outcome.
Attitude. It's key.
It’s also the best without any ratio:)
Dear Jet-Pack (IPACS),
as you may have noticed right now I am doing many flights with the learjet 45 for my so called Project Earth.
I experienced two bugs during my flights so far:
1. The navigation display for longer distances to the next waypoint it shows the wrong arrival time. The hours are missing, it only shows the minutes so if you do longer flights you have no clue how many hours are left to the next waypoint.
And second of all, the distance to the next waypoint when it’s far away it gets displayed above the NM sign.
2. If you are on flaps 8 and you want to put them in flaps 0 by using the buttons it doesn’t work. It only works in the cockpit manually.
This is not implemented yet.
Director and holding are the last important steps before multiplayer.
Hi, I just reinstalled aerofly 2022, and when going into the regions menu to download Italy and other regions, the menu appears not to be available anymore, it says no internet connection found.
Is this a temporary bug? would it be possible to restore for existing users?
Many thanks
It’s the same for my friend
Another day, another update, but the ground holes are still there.
Why does IPACS insist on not addressing the issue? They haven't even bothered to comment on it. It's annoying...
Another day, another dollar