Posts by fighter_pilot21

    Pls tell me that if it’s released to the public, we’ll be able to turn it off because they look clunky and sort of take away from the realistic experience.

    Same opinion here.

    Are they trying to make this into arcade-ish experience or what?

    Instead of actually deliver the updates we have requested I keep seing more of everything but, such as this "update" nobody asked for.

    Sorry to be a bummer, but facts are facts.

    What will bring more user base will be what we have shared over and over along these years:

    Weather, Fuel, ATC... In that order.

    I even tried to make them open me a pm to discuss of myself helping voluntarily since I happen to also be a senior dev... But still waiting for even a reply.

    They say not to share on what they are working.... So we "hope" they are using their time on the things we care about, and then see everything upside down on priorities. Seriously, fire your COO, if that's the one make the choices for what to do next.

    Dedicating months to a single airplane benefits 1 single airplane, while creating weather and fuel systems would benefit ALL planes and realism in general.

    I say this because the beginning of the thread it said that would takes months on this plane alone... Which majority at least here in the forum didn't vote for as the "nice to have" for next steps.

    A professional version of Aerofly actually runs with motion platforms for our Loft Dynamics partners in Switzerland, who sell EASA certified flight simulators with motion platform, force feedback and VR. But this requires three PCs in total and special low latency high bandwith communication, it doesn't work with the regular Aerofly FS 4 data output designed for moving map applications. But this is getting off topic...

    A professional version of aerofly...

    Oh boy... I'd love to see that!!!

    Were you part of the development of that version aswell Jan?

    RFS, cough, cough...

    Exactly my point. RFS is a sh**ty fake "sim" where there is no simulation of real cockpit etc. You just proved me right. Thanks.

    We know which other sim does this suggestion in pc... but that's not for improveness of this sim, that's just another way of social interaction with members then sharing their "touchdown score" when in real life for example on short runways or in some situations a more rough landing would be required to drop more energy on the ground being "hit", to decelerate then quickly (short runways... landings with 1 or 2 engine failures so no go-around will be possible, etc).

    In any case... this is up for debate, but I wouldn't be shocked if opinions are divided.

    Yes but this is one of the things that a real pilot would feel as they touch down and this feeling is obviously missing in the flight sim. It could be a good measure to show how well you did and that's mostly a training tool

    If you want to improve the feeling... add these things to any touch down:

    Cell should vibrate at pair with a louder noise (currently barely sounds) and not just the thumb noise, but the first dragging and shakiness... Screen should also move the view at pair with the shake/thumb/touch down.

    All of that combined would improve the feeling . Not a popup with a shoulder tap. In what part of a real touch down a popup suddenly appears with a qualification? I hope you were kidding on the comment.

    The suggestion is just pure gamification of something that is not for gamification purposes.

    It lands fine but it always does a ground loop even when landed directly into the wind. Pulling back ‘stick’ still does not give directional stability once speed has dropped and rudder is no longer effective. If I try to take off from a grass airfield, Compton Abbas in Southern England it instantly crashes on the sim’ Start Button without any input even with calm wind. Landing on grass still gives an unavoidable ground loop. Perhaps the tail skid drag could be increased, perhaps more exponentially with back ‘stick’ pressure?

    The actual crash is not when the wing tip hits ground in the ground loop, it is when the plane slows and the wings go level.

    Some admin acknowledgment after all this time would be appreciated.

    I had this experience with many of the old planes and decided to stop using them all at once.

    This has been happening for some versions until now so a couple of years minimum. Never got fixed

    Trying to reach Innsbruck but I didn't get any thermal on the last part and was very difficult to get the ridge climb with the direction of the wind that was previously set up (didn't want to cheat either).

    This is so far my best attempt

    I'm on the mobile version, but I assume I'm welcome to try? I did an extra long route during the past weekend and some long one with a pure glider a couple of times.

    I'll try the Farrenberg takeoff and see where that leads me and try also to come back to the same place, which would be the optimal thing to do for glider pilots.

    P.S: I've been seing videos of gliding for a couple of years and I'd like to join a course to try to get my license eventually. JAN, you up for a duo class some time? Haha

    Attached my last pure glider flight (not from Farrenberg but from Innsbruck).

    Well 24 users contributing to the poll aren't very many. And even 200 users are not all that many compared to the total number of users. From all the users only the most dedicated ones are in the forum at all, so any poll here is going to be heavily biased and not at all what the majority of users actually want. It's still nice to hear what the 'elite' group of users here thinks we should do.

    Would then be possible a feedback from inside the sim?

    I totally understand this is not fully representative, but it could be reflective and one could assume partially true at worst. If IPACS ends up implementing some inside feedback from the app you could check how accurate forum polls are.

    But I wouldn't assume for example that weather and fuel are not what most users would be interested in, for example, since those are one of the clear differences from other "realistic" sims when it comes to the plane and flying itself.