lincolnwill Beginner

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  • from California
  • Member since November 25, 2020
  • Last Activity: May 7, 2022 at 1:14 PM
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Variable ground resolution in Aerofly2021 for Ipad.

I saw something similar going south from LA to San Diego: high to low ground resolution. I am running a small, modest Ipad. I am willing to get a much bigger, beefier one to run this game at the highest possible fidelity, if that is what it takes. Model is MR7F2LL/A. It has only 2GB of quick access memory. . Hopefully this game will run like crazy on a high end modern Ipad. Is this the right expectation?

I am looking at this unit....

4th generation Ipad pro has 6GB of fast access working memory.