Microsoft Flight Simulator release date announced - no sign of helo's or VR - could be AF2's chance to shine!

  • Aerofly is becoming obsolete and with the arrival of MFS2020 even more ... Why are they angry? We must demand more quality if they really want to compete ... In aerofly there is no world stage .. There is no atc .. There are no ground services .. It does not have fully functional systems and fmc .. There is no variety of aircraft .. For years aerofly is stagnant .. Prepard, Xplane, MFS2020 are far above .. Aerofly the only thing it has is good performance and good frame rate .. But for a true aviation enthusiast that is somewhat obsolete .. Users want better planes .. More systems .. Fully functional fmc .. Ground services .. Etc .. Ipacs should focus on their mobile version .. There they really are far above the competition ... In the pc version they are far below from xplane, prepard and what to say about MFS2020 ...

    There should still be virtual pilots who are satisfied with the offered simulation and use it as it is offered! It's just a wrong attitude of some people, when you buy a bike and then wonder and complain that it's not a Porsche

    Just jump in, fly, enjoy a smooth ride with crystal clear vision without any big adjustments, FMC typing, system depth etc. With or without VR jerk-free in an easy way to make the flight and.......see's fun!

    Especially since leisure time is getting scarcer and scarcer and many a working donkey is happy if you don't have to deal with a large system depth....


    Es soll noch tatsächlich virtuelle Piloten geben, welche mit der angebotenen Simulation zufrieden sind und diese benützen wie sie eben angeboten wird! Es ist einfach eine falsche Einstellung mancher Leute, wenn Sie ein Velo kaufen und sich dann wundern und beschweren, dass es nicht ein Porsche ist....

    Einfach reinhüpfen, fliegen, ruckelfrei mit glasklarer Sicht ohne grosse Einstellungen, FMC-Tipperei, Systemtiefe etc. einen Flug geniessen. Mit oder ohne VR ruckelfrei auf einfache Art und Weise den Flug durchführen und.......siehe macht Spass!

    Zumal die Freizeit immer knapper wird und so manche Arbeitsesel froh sind, wenn Sie sich eben nicht mit grosser Systemtiefe rumschlagen müssen.....

    Froher Gruss :)


  • admin July 15, 2020 at 10:15 AM

    Closed the thread.