Spawn speed selection?

  • Hello IPACS,

    I understand that you guys are super busy right now working on the MAX9. However, I recently noticed that I can now spawn on any point on a pre programmed route, and aerofly will automatically select the right altitude, but, the speed cannot be changed (so on airliners always 250kts IAS). This is a real headache especially when I spawn at lower altitudes and will have to find all different ways to slow down. Is it possible to just add a slider for speed too for spawns?


  • Hello IPACS,

    I understand that you guys are super busy right now working on the MAX9. However, I recently noticed that I can now spawn on any point on a pre programmed route, and aerofly will automatically select the right altitude, but, the speed cannot be changed (so on airliners always 250kts IAS). This is a real headache especially when I spawn at lower altitudes and will have to find all different ways to slow down. Is it possible to just add a slider for speed too for spawns?


    I agree, well, altitude can still be changed in the FMC, but speed is quite complicated, I often have to go back because the plane doesn't slow down enough