Posts by higgy

    I just recently tried to download Cayman Islands and was denied. This really stinks for those of us that have contributed in the past to the filebase and are now restricted. Wish I could contribute more, but life got in the way. I think it’s pretty shitty to restrict users from enjoying contributions, when their own are still available for others to enjoy. If you forget who has contributed maybe take some time to ensure you’re not restricting users you shouldn’t. Also, how about a clear thread on this that is front and center so members of the forum know what’s going on?

    Why do you write HERE ? ... this has nothing to do with ...we have a forum also at

    And as I wrote ...when you have make Upload`s last years ( so you did some work for our community ) , WRITE ME AN PN ...(in OUR Forum)
    after this ... you are allowed to download.

    For more infos .... PN .... questions --> please use OUR server at .... as I write sometimes before :)

    Admin please close this thread ... tnx

    Building an aircraft from scratch is already time consuming, I have so far been working for some 2 months and I can safely imagine another 6 or 7.

    In theory I could build an aircraft with no exterior at all and use all those wasted polygons for more detail in the cockpit, which, let's face it, is where we all should fly from. Its a flight simulator not a fashion show. But, I think the user base might throw a few tantrums if I did. I used to

    Wow .. thats really much time / work ... thanks again, I didnt say it enough :) In Aerofly 1.2 RC (2000-2004) I made also Model and I make one in 1-4 days :) )

    For me it would be 100% sufficient to just see what you see as a pilot in high resolution.
    I have never looked at the plane from the outside in a sim,
    I fly exclusively in VR and only from the pilot / co-pilot seat :) ALWAYS :)
    But there are other users too... ?! :) (Equally, anything over 2 tons of empty weight is not for me, I only fly GA.):S

    I'm guessing at around a million you may start to notice a decrease in performance especially in VR.

    Computers are very fast, it shouldn't really be a big issue, not even on older devices. It's 2024 not 1999.

    Irgendwie wiedersprichst Du Dir da selber : wenn er ne Million Polygone baut, könnte es in VR Ruckeln ...
    und dann schreibst Du , viele Polygone sind kein Problem, wir haben ja 2024 und nicht 1999 ... ähhhh ?!

    Klar wäre es IMMER besser für den Sim wenn er weniger Polygone berechnen muss, also z.B. am besten nur 50.000 oder weniger pro Modell,

    Aber detailreiche Modelle für die Leute mit High-End-VR-Hardware wäre auch geil.
    Daher meine Frage an ihn .... wieviel Arbeit es wäre "2" Modelle zu bauen, und man nennt sie dann z.B.
    " MI24-full" und "MI24-minimum".

    Das ist weder für User schwer zu verstehen, noch für den Rechner ein Problem, oder ?

    Das einzige Problem ( das ich nicht abschätzen kann, daher meine Frage an ihn) .... ob er bereit ist diese Mehrarbeit zu investieren.

    Denn ein Modell mit wenigen Polygonen ( also Speicher/Power-optimiert) zu erstellen... ist sicherlich auch
    einiges aufwendiger ( als es ohne dahingehende Anstrengung zu konstruieren und mit Polygonen "um sich zu werfen")

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    Hatte ich auch vor ca nem Jahr glaubt garnicht wie schnell man sich an

    "linke Maushand" gewöhnt...die ersten Stunden sind aber echt krass , danach klapps "mit links" :)

    Wenn man den rechten Arm nicht nutzt ... für so 3-6 Wochen ists wieder gut ...

    Gute Besserung

    I tried to make your beautiful objects for EDXE from FS2 visible in FS4, but unfortunately I haven't been able to do so yet. I get the areas transferred, but not the objects (buildings, fences, barriers, etc.).

    I think we should try transferring the object ensemble using the SDK tool. But this only works with the original TGIs.

    I hope someone can hande this ... I have no clue how to make this in FS4 :) Rodeo helps a lot last time .. is he reading this thread ?

    Hello, no sorry ...

    Some years ago we had delete all, after 20 years it become harder to get the money back for server and costs
    ( our "work" was unpayed, what was OK, because we have also much fun on this project )
    with more than 130.000 users worldwide ...

    So after 2-3 last years asking and asking for donations, and after the loss of the companies
    that pay for advertising ... there was no other way ...we had to delete all and sell the domains ...

    It's not a nice "work" to beg for donations...

    by the way :

    The same thing happens every year with .

    There have only been 6 donations this year !
    (And some users who donate automaticly every month 10 € ( THANKS FOR THIS ) . )
    But without the money from Aerofly's (IPACS) advertising banners , we would have been bankrupt long ago.

    THANKS to Torsten and his crew for that :) .

    AND if you like our server... donations are welcome :)

    there are no "thumbs down" here :)

    btw : a little outline and "sentence structure" makes it easier to read texts

    btt: I believe that there will also be other reasons for the decision,

    such as the copyrights of source material (high-resolution maps, etc.) to use from a commercial selling things ...

    and things that we users might not be thinking about ... at the moment ?!

    I get many mals from people who are not logged in, or didnt find the rest of the downloads, or the information ...

    and wants to know how the downloads work, please look in the second post in this article.... or here is the link to the whole article again:

    British Columbia SW (Part 5) - Vancouver Mega Scenery -
    Description This scenery covers the town of Vancouver (BC) and the surrounding area. It also covers a part of the US state of Washington including Mt. Baker…