Posts by pmb

    I thought I'd give Chrispy's version 7 script it a try, but it doesn't work. To begin with, the complete osmToAFFS2 setup does work and produce working cultivation with the original script. Now, I only exchanged the script in which I commented out the input, output and splitgrid commands.

    The original script runs around 3 hrs for the selected patch of scenery. After exchanging scripts, osmToAFFS2 runs a few minutes doing "something" but doesn't produce any scenery. Can osmToAFFS2 be brought to produce a logfile for debugging? Any idea what's going wrong?

    The template I used is attached.

    Thanks and kind regards, Michael

    Thanks for the quick reply. I will give it a go. I am right now working on a few places in New Zealand. I don't think anyone made specific AFS2 buildings for it, thus I think I'll go just with the base buildings for now.

    Kind regards, Michael


    I was perplexed a search on this forum for the named tool by flightXtreme available at doesn't provide any results. I have been using it from time to time and find it VERY helpful for creating cultivation in a systematic way. Thanks, flightXtreme!

    So I am not going to complain :) but just ask a couple of questions.

    - There are now more advanced scenProc scripts (I think the last one is Template_ver7.txt) available. Will the latter one work (after removing input and output commands) with osmToAFFS2? Are any modifications to osmToAFFS (except, of course, using the most recent scenproc) required?

    - What is the state of the art of building_textures? There is a base package included in OSM2AFFS. Is there a more extended package available now? Is Template_ver7.txt still based on this package? There have been certainly more advanced packages developed by ORBX and the like, but I am speaking about publicly available bundles we can use.

    Thanks and kind regards, Michael

    Just a question on that SQL thingy. I had to reinstall MS Office a few days ago, which actually isn't a big thing. At this point the 32 bit version refused to install because I have a 64 bit Access SQL database (or something similar - I don't recall the exact wording) already installed. Did this come with AeroScenery?

    Not a big deal, I just installed the 64 bit version of Office working fine now. However, I recall these might have issues in cooperating with some 32 bit plugins. At least I had such issues with Office 64 bit some years ago.

    Kind regards, Michael

    Some of the attitudes about sims in this thread are soooo different from mine...

    So many seem to act as if there can be only one sim in their lives, and once the decisions been made, all others must of course be deleted and given up for dead.

    That's all good and fine, and I own all (civilian) PC flightsims available today, too.

    However, there's one caveat, concerning addons. If I were a billionaire, I would just buy any addons for any sim and be done. Unfortunately, I don't belong to that category. Now that's not an issue with, say, Outerra, and AFS2 doesn't force me to buy too many addons either - unfortunately. However, I recently made a clear cut for P3D and against XP. I had to, given I already spend too much money for this hobby overall.

    This issue is even more serious, as neither P3D nor XP are really fun as bare sims, so you have to buy a minimum of addons (like ORBX Global or Xvision) to just judge their potential.

    Kind regards, Michael

    The company that should have come on board our sim is Megascenery Earth not Orbx in my opinion.

    But they make just plain orthoscenery, not including what we call cultivation. Besides, quality of their products varies, too. I bought MSE Germany, and this was one of the worst purchases I ever made, full of clouds, wrong and mismatching colors an such, and left my HD immediately.

    I find the AeroflyFS2 products made by ORBX so far very well-done.

    Kind regards, Michael

    Maybe its about time for me to begin learning about some of this. Nothing complex, but Im probably past due to at least start reading the instructions and watching the videos.

    The basic steps are not that hard, and you can certainly master them if I can. The devil is in the details where you have to get rid of clouds, color mismatching, trees on runways, buildings on water and all those ugly gremlins, and this is where it gets nasty and time-consuming. Despite, we have a group of talented designers who are able to achieve even this, and just for saying "thank you".

    Kind regards, Michael

    I started to make some scenery for Japan beginning with Hokkaido but gave up. While Cultivation results were quite good thanks to the efforts by Crispy136 and Arno essentially, I am really dissatisfied with the Aerials. AeroScenery works pretty well now and is easy to use, but imagery itself is generally poor. I tried Bing, Google, the Japanese sever, and ArcGis. They all have inacceptable clouds and/or color steps. These sure can be corrected manually, but the amount of work wouldn't leave me any time for actual flying anymore.:(. The only cloud-free source in Japan is Google but this has inacceptable color variations (sometimes even along jagged lines) as well.

    Basically, that's what others reported as well, and I doubt we can do anything about it.

    Kind regards, Michael

    Notwithstanding the proportion between Prepar3d and AeroflyFS2 scenery, I feel the addition of Sascha Norman will be a great boost for ORBX indeed. He's certainly one with a lot of experience in programming as well as project management, and certainly better than the previous TE GB South porting team.

    Kind regards, Michael

    Personally, I would like to see AeroflyFS2 traffic based on Real-World Traffic. This can be done based on the Real Traffic program ( providing the data for PSXSeeconTraffic ( Prepar3d) or Live Traffic (…49-livetraffic/ X-PLane). It would not require a complicated algorithm trying to model what routes planes might follow. It just requires (naturally) a buch of models and an importer making them follow the routes reported from transponders.

    I don't say this approach isn't without issues (notably on ground) but it's amazing to watch planes following their real-world routes.

    And the latest incarnations of Real Traffic even sport buffered traffic for a day, thus no longer empty aiports in Europe when simming at night.

    Kind regards, Michael

    I copied the file 17-geoconvert.ttc = 1.35 GB in the Images folder.

    Copy all individual files from that folder (named like map_11_e500_a220.ttc, not the folder itself) to

    C:\Users\[your profile\Documents\Aerofly FS 2\scenery\images\ES

    Alternatively you can have AeroScenery do the work. Go into Settings and specify "AFS2 User Folder". This should be

    C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\Aerofly FS 2\addons

    Next check "Install Scenery in AFS User Scenery Folder" in the AeroScenery main window, deselect all other items and press Start. See the named guide, Page 22.

    If this doesn't work I am pretty much at my wits' end.

    Kind regards, Michael

    How do you get the "black window" back to the screen?

    The "black window" (contrary to the grey Geoconvert window) is the GeoConvert wrapper and not necessary if you do only one tile, as I told you. Deactivate it under Settings (checkbox under Geoconvert tab).

    Next, look under "17-geoconvert.ttc" which files (out of 9, 11, 12, 13, 14) are already there. Copy them into the images/ES folder of the simulator and see if they work. Enjoy flying, if they do!

    As a rough guess, I think, if "17-geoconvert.ttc" is sized 1.35 GB, GeoConvert might already have completed all work and you are done. Otherwise, restart the Geoconvert process by only selecting the missing levels and starting anew.

    Kind regards, Michael

    I suggest reading Crispy136's AeroScenery guide completely at least once:…-1-0-and-above/

    It gives a comprehensive description of the whole process and I am afraid no one can give a much better account.

    This guide contains time/storage estimates for several scenarios. You may try to identify your scenario there. Geoconvert on a single ZL16 tile with AFS levels 9,11,12,13 selected runs around 30 min on my machine. Even including AFS level 14 shouldn't be more than 2 hrs.

    There is no need to activate the GeoConvert Wrapper (your "black window") in the Settings as long as you only work on one tile. I mostly prefer doing tile by tile manually without the wrapper anyway.

    You either might have chosen an extraordinary resolution (ZL19 or such) or you might have accidentally selected more than 1 tile if GeoConvert runs that long. This may happen if you select a tile, and later select another one, but forget to deselet the first one. Make sure there bis only one blue square selected.

    In any case I would suggest starting small to see how it works. Select on ZL16 tile and make AFS level 9 only. This is done in a few seconds. Check that it works in AeroflyFS2. You can step up if all goes well later.

    Finally: You can stop the GeoConvert window by closing it using the cross at the upper right, as usual. Look into the "16-geoconvert-ttc" (or similar) directory if any output has been generated. You can even do this while Geoconvert is still running. If levels 9 and 11 are there, test them in the simulator. You can proceed with the higher levels the next time you run AeroScenery. The processed files should not be damaged while closing the GeoConvert window.

    Kind regards, Michael

    Edit: I took some time for editing, but in the end we agree: Read the tutorial.

    I just got an exception as follows:

    (The process can't access the file... as it's in use by another process):


    Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "I:\Aeroscenery\Release\working\map_09_e480_a200\arcg\17\" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.

    bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

    bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)

    bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)

    bei System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)

    bei System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)

    bei System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)

    bei AeroScenery.Download.DownloadManager.SaveImageTileAeroFile(XmlSerializer xmlSerializer, ImageTile imageTile, String path) in D:\Work\AeroScenery\Source\AeroScenery\Download\DownloadManager.cs:Zeile 292.

    bei AeroScenery.Download.DownloadManager.<>c__DisplayClass5_2.<<DownloadImageTiles>b__0>d.MoveNext() in D:\Work\AeroScenery\Source\AeroScenery\Download\DownloadManager.cs:Zeile 117.

    --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---

    bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

    bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

    bei AeroScenery.Download.DownloadManager.<DownloadImageTiles>d__5.MoveNext() in D:\Work\AeroScenery\Source\AeroScenery\Download\DownloadManager.cs:Zeile 170.

    --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---

    bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

    bei AeroScenery.AeroSceneryManager.<StartSceneryGenerationProcessAsync>d__41.MoveNext() in D:\Work\AeroScenery\Source\AeroScenery\AeroSceneryManager.cs:Zeile 369.

    --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---

    bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

    bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

    bei AeroScenery.AeroSceneryManager.<<Initialize>b__37_0>d.MoveNext() in D:\Work\AeroScenery\Source\AeroScenery\AeroSceneryManager.cs:Zeile 160.

    --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---

    bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()


    This is downloading ArcGis Zoom 17, all actions selected except Geoconvert. AeroScenery is stuck with all progress bars at 100%. Version is still 1.1.0.

    Kind regards, Michael