Posts by kai503


    I just installed this plane but the pilot is missing her head in the external view. Anyone also experienced this bug?

    Everything else works fine.

    Thank you.

    There was a change in the tmd a while ago.

    Find the tmd file in the aircraft folder. (I don't have the plane installed, but it should be something like c152.tmd).

    Open it with an editor.

    Pretty far down you should find something like

                    <[string8][GeometryList][ PilotBody PilotHead ]>

    Add the missing PilotHead and save the file.

    Best Regards,


    Hallo Josef,

    Habe es gerade gesehen, dass Deine Version die aktuelle DVD-Version ist. Hab mal im Forum gesucht. Das damalig Problem waren die animierten Blätter und das Ganze ist schon 3 Jahre her.

    Wenn ich es richtig sehe, dann sind bei Dir einige Windmühlen (sorry) am Boden und einige in der Luft? Kannst Du mir eine genaue Position, als Beispiel, geben? Nicht, dass sie falsch platziert sind.

    Jet-Pack (IPACS) Jan, irgendeine Idee?




    IPACS ist gerade sehr mit dem FS4 beschäftigt, von dem her kann Antwort im Moment etwas dauern.

    Das Problem dürfte die veraltete Version sein. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, gab es das Problem mit den schwebenden Objekten und wurde gefixt.

    Meine Version ist (20210515) und da steht alles auf dem Boden. Steam sollte automatisch updaten, für die DVD Version gibt es das Update auf der Homepage.




    Basically you can do it so, but I would recommend a multimaterial.

    So, first one is the (big) color texture (bmp) for the fuselage, without any alpha.

    Second is the glass material with all the specular, reflection, etc., as shown above. This textures can be small, like 128x128. A simple box mapping is doing the job.



    Is it for an aircraft or a scenery object? For aircrafts see Jan's link and the DR400 as example. For scenery objects it's a bit different.

    For a fence, for example, you just use the alpha channel of the _color texture and save it as tif.

    For glass I would recommend a seperat texture set. So, model a frame of the window , place a plane for the glass and give it an own material.

    This is my personal setup:

    Again, _color and _specular with alpha channels and saved as tif, _reflection as bmp.

    Hope it helps.



    The guys are pretty busy at the moment, so answer might take at bit.

    Anyway, you could meanwhile post the tm.log file, which should help to track down the problem.

    I don't know where to find it on Mac, on Win it is under My Documents/Aerofly Fs2. I guess, it will be something similar. With every start of the sim it is writen new, so be sure to take it right after the crash.



    Will this still be like that in the new sim or will the clouds go futher out?

    The minimum requirements should be about equal for the PC version, at least as far as I know.

    Traffic has a neglectable impact on performance and the new cloud system performs much better which allows us to increase the cloud draw distance.

    Even the new landing lights are highly optimized and I haven't noticed any difference in performance.

    Highlighted by me.


    The flattening works based on the vertex weights as far as I know

    That's what I thought in the past as well. But meanwhile I have learnd, the weights are exclusively responsable for the opacity of the ground material.

    Moxeetwo, could you maybe show the ground model how it looks in your 3D program? It seems to me a bit like it would end in the area of the hold short.



    Hi Pascal,

    As I was writing before. It's the time, what makes it difficult to continue the freeware projects in a proper way. At this kind of projects you have to keep going. Now and then 1-2 hours doesn't lead to anything.

    The next step for the CC would be the cockpit, what is seriosly time consuming. Well, when I just think about it, it would be a lot of fun to model it. Let's see if i find some time.



    Hi Felipe,

    Sorry to say, but I don't believe it will happen, at least not in any time soon. The Klemm was one of my early projects for P3D, only almost finished and never released.

    First, I'm meanwhile a fulltime developer, so there is basically no time for the freeware projects left. From time to time I work at the weekends on different projects (Carbon Cub, Bücker and also the Kl25), but they are all for Aerofly.

    Second, I don't even have P3D or FSX, plus the SDKs, installed anymore.

    Best Regards,


    I'm not totally sure, but I believe that somebody made once an airspeed indicator in kt to replace the original one (km/h). It looks to me that you have that one.

    As Jan said, converting it again should fix the problem.

    Alternatively you could run all the int02_panel_ bitmaps through the content converter and replace the resulting ttx in the aircraft folder. But maybe it's easier to convert the whole plane.


    I understand that there is not a glide ratio parameter, as you say if you change something it affects another thing. However what I am telling is valid for the most of GA aircraft in AF2, it is a AF2 issue. Try to make a gear down power off 180 landing, if you check videos in youtube, they take around 1 minute (a little more) since idle power (around 900 ft AFE) until touch down (even using flaps!!) in AFS2 turbo arrow III you are on the ground around the 40 sec (flaps up sea level) that´s too much difference.


    Okay.. I never tried to judge it on time/compare it to youtube videos. More than enough instructors have killed my nerves with emergancey landings already (what is actually a good thing).

    Are you sure you have the same altitude, distance and flying Vy? Only a little more speed and a plane like C172 or Pa28 drops from the sky like a piano.
