As for VSYNC: We saw that the default AMD driver setting is to always OFF for VSYNC in our case. Setting this switch to application controlled enables VSYNC with Aerofly and OpenGL.
That's interesting.
In my case, the AMD driver's default global setting is "Off, unless application specifies". This has always been the case (and I've done a) several clean re-installs of the driver and also b) did factory resets on its settings). Btw, it also doesn't work if set to "On, unless application specifies".
Like I've stated in an older post in this thread, when using the default driver settings (global vsync setting: "Off, unless application specifies"), vsync does not work with AF2.
If I change the global setting to "Always on", vsync in AF2 does work, but that's not what I want. While I enable vsync in each game's settings with most games (successfully btw), there are exceptions where I do want to leave it disabled. So I enable/disable vsync in each game individually in its in-game settings and do not override that by the graphics driver's settings.
Just to make sure we're talking about the same setting: You mean "Gaming" >> "Global Settings" >> "Wait for Vertical Refresh", correct?