I gave up on using the index controller and resorted to the mouse for startup. Just had a flight and I’m really impressed. Very enjoyable. Thanks for your hard work.
Posts by RiftFlyer
I'm using a Reverb and I'm having similar trouble. It's like being a ghost in the world, you can see the thing you want to touch but your virtual finger goes right through it. I'm guessing this is just how AFS2 does VR interaction, but it does make the process quite frustrating. I wonder if it's a WMR thing? How are the rift users doing with cockpit interaction?
It’s not a WMR problem. I’m using steamVR not WMR. I’ve heard another user had similar issues on riftS. I’m about to try it again with the Oculus Quest to see if it’s any better. I hadn’t realized how bad the vr interaction was in Aerofly until doing a cold start in the lynx.
Congratulations on the release larrylynx
I use a Valve Index and full size helicopter controls. I ‘wear’ one controller on my left hand for switch interaction and can still use my physical collective and cyclic. I’d love to take the lynx for a spin. I’ve been trying to do the startup in this helicopter but haven’t been able to manage it yet. The manipulators just don’t respond as expected and the alignment of the virtual hand in relation to the manipulator is off. With my hand positioned over one switch the one next to it will sometimes move. If I get the correct switch it’ll often return too its alternate position when I try to release it. Levers are an even bigger hassle. I’m not suggesting this is a problem particular to the lynx. I don’t want to go back to using a mouse as my SimPit is away from my computer desk. As good as the VR performance in Aerofly is the manipulator interaction could learn a lot from x-plane. How are other people interacting with this aircraft in VR? -
I’m using normal FOV. I’ve only tried the r22 so I’m not sure if it’s an issue in other aircraft. I guess it’s because the viewpoint is so close to the rendered door frame.
I just received my pimax headset. The large field of view is causing cockpit clipping on the periphery of the lenses. Parts of the door frame of the r22 disappear from view as you look to the right. Is there anyway this could be addressed?
Forget real world helicopters for a moment. In the simulator there is no feedback on the controls so trim is only useful to fight the physical joystick centering spring tension which is being used to control the cyclic. I used to use this method when I started out with traditional gaming joysticks. I soon learned that a much better solution is to remove that spring force from the joystick all together.
It’s a drastic step but if you’re serious about mastering control of a well simulated helicopter then that spring is the biggest blocker to progress. Without it you no longer need trim and can focus on keeping the cyclic where it needs to be without any tension working against you.
In my experience, short of buying proper helicopter controls it is a much better solution than using trim.
Yeah but I want to land in the green area right after the jump. A ski jumper mostly falls like a rock, so given we gain the same speed we should fly just as far.
Oh you can do that alright. There is a small flat area just before the landing zone starts to climb again to slow down the skier. You just need to mind your tail in the flare.
Can you autorotate from a sliding start autogyro style .... cut the engine once you move?
You could if you had a steep enough drop off to gain airspeed and sufficient altitude to allow time to manage the energy. It’s not possible from that ski jump though. The rotors don’t have enough energy to clear the climb at the bottom of the run off area. You’d run out of altitude before you’d cover the distance. With the autogyro you have forward thrust from the propellor. With a helicopter you are always trading altitude for energy.
A helicopter hovering one skid low has nothing to do with the direction of the rotor blades.
“The direction the rotor spins makes a difference. In a system the turns clockwise when viewed from above, the tail rotor thrust causes the helicopter to drift to the left. Tilting the main rotor disc to the right to counter this causes the right skid to hang low. A counterclockwise turning system will cause a right drift and a left tilt making the helicopter hover left skid low.”
My reference to rotor direction was to illustrate the difference in the direction of drift. Not to suggest it was the cause. I think I’ll leave the dynamics to the expert on this forum. I seem to be corrected every time I post on the subject lol.
It's just wierd that it's 100% isolated to the R22 only in VR and easy mode.
Everything else (also all other gametitles) works perfect.
I will be patient and hope for some fix in the future. It's hard though with this new masterpiece
Is it possible to run the update again to fix this possible corruption (not integrity check in Steam)?
I just turned on easy mode and tried controlling the anti torque pedals with the stick on the touch controller to replicate your issue. I’m afraid I couldn’t. In pedal turns the speed was the same in both directions. I know it’s not much consolation but wanted to report my findings.
Aaaaaaaah, now that's interesting! Never knew this! So if I would make flying a heli in AFS2 a hobby of mine I should get a joystick without a centre position...?! And it's also normal to take off/hover with (in this case) the left skid low? I had the idea you would have to move up and hover as straight as possible, so both skids horizontal. (That's how remember it from video's and movies...) I get the idea I've been trying to do things that simply are impossible...?
There are no cheap joysticks without a centering spring. You can buy a dedicated cyclic but they are expensive. I use one from Komodo Simulations. The easiest option is to remove the spring in your existing joystick or, depending on the model, you could use cable ties to compress it so it does not interfere with the stick.
To hover, the helicopter needs to adopt an attitude that balances the forces acting on it. They can be external forces such as wind or thrust forces from the helicopter itself (including the tail). That does not always equate to a horizontal attitude.
I agree. Disabling touch thumbstick axis assignments when another physical axis is mapped to that function would be a good idea.
Thanks for the positive comments guys. Jet-Pack (IPACS) you know now I have to try it from the top of the ramp lol.
Just hold slight left cyclic. There is no centre position on a cyclic. That’s why it’s hard to use a joystick with a spring because you always have to fight that unnatural tension. The tail rotor is creating thrust which wants to move the helicopter to the right. You counteract this with cyclic. You will notice a lot of American helicopters hover with the left skid low whereas European models hover with the right skid low. This is because the main rotors spin in the opposite direction on most European models and require right pedal to counteract torque.
Not sure if videos are allowed. I just wanted to share a little skiing adventure I had in Innsbruck
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Have you tried turning ASW on and off and seeing if one is better than the other? Some apps for me work better with ASW OFF (CTRL+KP1) and some with it ON (CTRL+KP3). I notice warping in some and this for me is fixed by turning ASW OFF.
CTRL+KP1 - Disable ASW and USE ATW
CTRL+KP2 - Force apps to 45hz, DISABLE ASW
CTRL+KP3 - Force apps to 45hz, ENABLE ASW
CTRL+KP4 - Enable ASW to operate automaticallyA bit more info here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/33514-tu…move-artifacts/
I’m very familiar with those settings. I’ll try turning off ASW to test. Unfortunately, that won’t work as a long term solution for me. I can’t use VR below 90hz without ASW turned on or I get very ill due to the judder in positional tracking. If it is an ASW artifact then I’ll just accept it. It’s better than having judder. I’ll report back.
Just to update. I think the issue with warping was related to ASW. Unfortunately, the blurring of ground textures at low level around the helipad and along the track at the glider runway in Innsbruck is not ASW related. That seems to be an Orbx scenery bug.
5Ghz 7700k
2Ghz 1080ti with 11Gb Vram
32Gb ram
Windows 10
I’m also seeing blurring of ground textures around the aircraft (r22) when flying at low level (Orbx Innsbruck)
It doesn’t look like ASW artifacts and frame rate is good. I’ll try updating Nvidia drivers and see if it helps.
I have a problem of my scenery warping as I move my head. It is only obvious in distant scenery. The mountains around Innsbruck airport is a good example. If I fix my eyes on a mountain top and move my head from side to side the mountain warps (bends) as I move.
Is this a known issue?
If you fly low g as the label on the cyclic tells you not to do then you'll get the r22 to roll around it's longitudinal axis. This happens in the real aircraft too and the best action to escape death is to use positive collective input and cyclic aft input to load the rotor and stop that roll.
Yes as I said in my original post. I get the right roll.
Mast bumping is implemented, currently a hard reset takes place when it occurs and you are send back into the air.
I must not be trying hard enough! It’s a subconscious thing, It’s too good to intentionally want to break it!