Posts by RIVAJES

    I tested your output path 'C:\' and scenproc throws an exception error. Make a directory with any name you choose, for example 'TOC_output', then change your export line to:
    Do not use a '\' at the end of the full path name.

    - Rich

    ps: Don't try to just dump your toc into your C: root directory using just 'C:' as the root. I did just to test. The script ran to completion. It said it wrote the file. But' it's not in the root directory. Either it really did not write the file, or I have a test toc, who knows where, on the C: drive. LOL

    I´ve got it :)

    I did the same Toc_output and it worked thank you very much.

    Al aire libre

    Aquí hay una versión actualizada del archivo SPC que necesita [attach = '11325'] [/ attach]. Para usar este script, necesita descargar esta versión de scenProc . Nuevamente, antes de comenzar estos dos pasos, debe recopilar sus datos OSM de openstreetmap o recopilar los datos OSM de un programa llamado JOSM (yo prefiero el método JOSM porque puede editar sus datos OSM). Una vez que se recopilen los datos de OSM, abra scenProc, haga clic en abrir, cargue el archivo SPC. Desde allí, debe reubicar las líneas "ImportOGR" y "ExportTOC" en una ubicación de la que desee recopilar sus archivos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, simplemente envíeme un correo electrónico y estaré encantado de ayudarle:)

    I did everything following the rodeo´s tutorial when I execute run all seems to be ok but when the program is finishing gives a error message I did a screenshot.

    I tried with many maps from diferent places always the same message

    Here is an updated version of the SPC file you need cultivation script . To use this script you need to download this version of scenProc . Again before you begin these two steps, you need to collect your OSM data from openstreetmap or collect the OSM data from a program called JOSM (I perfer JOSM method because you can edit your OSM data). Once your OSM data is collected, open scenProc, click open, load SPC file. From there you need to relocate your "ImportOGR" and "ExportTOC" lines to a location you want to collect your files from. If you have any questions just inbox me and I will be happy to help :)

    thank you very much I will try

    • Lanzar FS2 en VR
    • Haga clic en el botón de menú táctil,
    • haga clic para ver el escritorio
    • encontrar el bloc de notas
    • Apúntelo con la tecla táctil, haga clic y mantenga presionado el disparador mientras usa la acción de agarrar para extraerlo del escritorio en su propia ventana
    • Ahora, mientras mantienes el agarre, muévelo donde quieras.
    • Tamaño con el joystick del pulgar.
    • Apunte al icono de pin en la parte inferior derecha para fijarlo dentro de su vista VR
    • Ahora haga clic nuevamente en el menú táctil para volver a FS2
    • Ensucia un poco el agarre y el movimiento para colocarlo donde quieras en el avión

    It works. Thank you so much

    Hello tzawad welcome to the community

    what you have to do is very simple:

    once you have installed htc drivers and you verify working

    Find via google Aerofly Fs2 steam edition then install steam program and you must acquire the Aerofly steam version

    The time installation depends on your internet speed after installation a promp indicates iniciate

    When you execute it you will be asked if you want to start in vr mode.

    You wont regret of use Aerofly is the best on Virtual Reallity:)



    • Launch FS2 in VR
    • Click the Touch menu button,
    • click to view the desktop
    • find notepad
    • Point at it with Touch, click and hold the trigger while you use the grab action to pull it out of the desktop into its own window
    • Now while holding the grab, move it where you want it
    • Size it with the thumb joystick
    • Point at the pin icon bottom right to pin it inside your VR view
    • Now click the touch menu again to return to FS2
    • Mess around a bit grabbing and moving to position it where you want in the aircraft

    Thank you so much I will try later



    Actually I found that the slider 100% is not even far enough for some days. There are days where you can see very far!
    E.g. I've seen the alps from over 100km away at 2500m high up on several days.

    And if you are at cruise altitude on an airliner you might be able to see thunderstorms some several hundred miles away. Or at least I've seen a CB when we flew over Frankfurt and I could still see it as we were descending on the approach into Berlin. That's roughly 300+ km of visibility. This works because at this high altitude the horizon line is also that far away plus you get the extra 10km of height of the CB... So from the ground you couldn't see it but from up high, yup.

    And I eventually want to see weather that far out in Aerofly. It would be mind blowing to fly towards a thunderstorm for more than an hour and see it getting bigger and bigger on your wind screen until you are just the tiny little airplane underneath it. Would also be cool to see some flashes of light at night.

    You're right I mean In the real world you rarely have 100% visibility in cities.

