Just a question, are the engines still being worked on? Or are you focusing on the fuselage? Or neither or both?
The engines are more are less finished.
I am currently working on the wing adding details and making the textures.
Just a question, are the engines still being worked on? Or are you focusing on the fuselage? Or neither or both?
The engines are more are less finished.
I am currently working on the wing adding details and making the textures.
As we all are complaining about planes, after the a330, i'd like to see an embraer e190, or an atr72
In that case you have to wait for Ipacs or make it yourself. Because i won't do another.
At least not in the near future.
We are making here an A330, so please don't go of topic.
At the moment I sent this message, I'm making the Delta A330-300 livery.
edit: it's my first time, don't expect any professional level design 😂
Wait, from where did you get my texture-files? Did Eliozo give them to you?
Will you even accept it?
How often do we have to say that it is a user-made aircraft. An addon by the community.
When I make an airport for Aerofly I also don't need to ask for permission and Jet-Pack has to accept it.
The only thing which Jet-Pack needs to accept is that we use the A320 systems for the A330 (Eventhough I have actually no idea how to pull that off)
I wish you all a merry christmas and therefore I also have a small present for you:
Christmas Island Scenery with airport AND photoscenery (by Lucky)
Downloadlink: https://flight-sim.org/filebase/index…-ypxm-fs4-v1-0/
I use blender for the modeling and for textures GIMP. All free programms
Which tutorial did you use?
If you used mine, you have simply used the wrong converter.
I don`t have contentconverter.tmc" and the .tsc-file maybe is my wrong but how to settle it
If you read my tutorial properly you will see an attachment called "contentconvert.zip"
Ok, I could reproduce this problem.
So, first try to delete all the textures which the error-massage say. ("787","abctwr","airportnorth",...)
Check that you only have the textures in this folder, which you have converted by ModelconverterX.
Maybe you can show me, how your contentconvert folder looks like (with all the files) . Send a screenshot
And it is best to split up the individual models. So that each TGI-file has max. about 5-8 textures-files.
First, you have to use the Aerofly FS 2 converter not FS 4.
And did you put all the textures into the folder?
I have this same error when I export the tgi-file directly in blender.
You can also use modelconverterX to get the tgi-file. Check here a tutorial:
Tutorial: How to make the tgi-file and tmb and ttx-files for Aerofly models
If you know how to get the TGI-file directly with AC3D you can skip this part.
If not:
1. Export you 3d-model as a Collada file .dae.
Please make sure that the textures you use don't have any transparent parts. If you have them you have to convert them individually.
Then you will need a free program called: ModelconverterX https://www.scenerydesign.org/modelconverterx/
2. Import the collada file
Once the model is imported:
3.1. Open the material editor
3.2. Click "Drawcalls"
4.1. Click "Predict Drawcalls"
4.2. Then "Minimize Drawcalls" This might take a while, depending on high the resolution of the textures are and how many there are.
4.3. Change to the "Texture" tab
In the texture-tab
5.1. First select BMP-file
5.2. Select a folder where you can find the things again
5.3. Save the textures
Leave the Material Editor.
6.1. Click "Export object"
6.2. Save it as a AeroFly FS2 TGI object (.tgi) (It wil also work for FS 4)
Close ModelconverterX and find all .bmp and .tgi-files.
Bring all of them into one folder with the "contentconverter.tmc" and the .tsc-file. (Here "Convert.tsc")
I have put the files into the attachment
Open the .tsc-file with Notepad++ and write the name of the .tgi file into <[string8][geometry][ "name" ]>
For now you can ignore the coordinates ("positions")
Then you can close Notepad++ and right click the .tmc-file and choose "run with Aerofly FS 2 Content Converter"
In the "tm.log" you can find where the files have gone or you open the .tmc file with Notepad++ and edit the directory of the files manually
You wont need this .tsc you see here.
And there you go. Converted a 3D-model into files which Aerofly can read.
I hope this help. It a bit strange this way. But I know it works. If you have any Questions just write me.
ApfelFlieger will hopefully help you on how to get the object finally into Aerofly.
The .tmc -file
If you quickly want to check if the models look good then:
Take one of my airport (for example Montréal) and creat a new folder "test"
Move all the .tmb and .ttx-files into it.
Open the cyul2.tsc-file with Notepad++ and copy and paste the last of the "tmsimulator_scenery_object"
1. Change the element number to 30
2. Put the directory into <[string8][geometry][test/ "name of tgi-file" ]>
3. Change the coordinates to a place where you can find the object. (lon and lot are switched so be aware)
4. Save the .tsc-file
Open Aerofly:
How's your development going? or did you stop it completely?
I'm on vacation. So currently no update.