New A330! The Glider a330 can fly up to 120 kilometres without engines (Air Transat 236)😂
Looks amazing!
New A330! The Glider a330 can fly up to 120 kilometres without engines (Air Transat 236)😂
Looks amazing!
Also, how does the A330 have visual resemblance to the A320? I can see how some think the cockpit window layout is similar, but the windows are larger and differing in shape.
Bro, it was a joke from the quote a few months ago. Nothing to complain about.
Release date is not set yet.
Doors in the front and rear can be opened.
System depth is the same as A320. Any new feature will be added in both aircraft as they share a lot of the base functionality.
You told us that IPacs has a system to make it easier to convert large aircraft types into smaller ones. So do you think we will see an a319 or maybe an a318 for London City Airport?
What is the current status of the a330-300?
what does base product means i didnt understand that ?
It means the standart version without any payware planes like the 787
Such a statistic would be heavily biased towards planes that are already in the base product and aren't an in app purchase.
I don’t think so. But do you have such a statistic now?
Jet-Pack (IPACS) Can you see which plane the community uses the most?
Concorde actually
2nd place is the 747
A330 is far more popular than max ( in my opinion)
The 737 Max has only become so well known through the accidents
I don't think it's that easy to convert an airliner from an RC game into a realistic flight simulation.
But we’ll see what Ipacs will “gift” us in the near future:)
I never succeeded connecting one of those apps 🙄
There's already a usermade A330 addon building but it's sad that we can't have it in mobile... I like so much this plane and I really want to see it in Aerofly, even more because we miss Airbuses... But the 767 proposition could be nice tho
I am very optimistic that Ipacs will somehow find a way to integrate the butter machine into the mobile game.
In my opinion the B757 also would be a very cool add on but a330 is better;)
How is it going?
Well... I believe it's not a ton of votes, but certainly some to consider what the forum users or most active players actually want.
This post should be pinned to gather as much votes as possible.
In my opinion Ipacs just have to make a one-time pop up window in the main menu. In this window you can vote for different Features, like this:
is it possible to make ai traffic taxi on taxi way and park at gate?
Maybe combined with Atc. That would be cool
When will the cold and dark option be available for the Concorde? I know you guys are super busy! But would be pretty cool to see !
I think the problem with the Concorde is the complexity. There are more than 200 important switches in the cockpit
More weather effects would also be my hot pick to make Aerofly more challenging and less static. Imagine starting in bright sunshine, only to encounter bad weather which forces you to you use an alternate landing. Or a change in wind direction which needs you to reconsider your approach. Or a decrease in atmospheric pressure which you hopefully remember when your IFR flight comes near terrain.
I remember a simulated flight which became quite intense when all of the sudden visibility dropped and the airport was nowhere to be found...
I think the biggest problem of weather is the huge performance impact. It would be cool but I think I would rather fly in sunshine with 60 fps than in thunderstorm with 20 fps less
For my interest and as a little help for Ipacs:)
(You can choose your 3 most important suggestions or comment for more suggestions)
I prefer a330 over a350 cuz a350 has more fancy features such as airport map that displays on MFD but I don’t expect these features to be implemented in Aerofly which makes it less realistic. I rather have simpler but more realistic aircraft in the sim
iPacs should work on the a350. Besides the plane was first place in a poll I think it’s much more known by today’s community.
And maybe ipacs is also kind because a few people already work on a freeware a330.
Just flew on a -200 yesterday (and a week prior): I have some source info! Now flown 42 times on the 330!
My admiration for the aircraft only grows with every flight.
Unlimited Money?😂