MacBook M1 FPS Problem

  • Generally Aerofly FS4 runs well on my M1 Max 14" MacBook Pro. But when entering high density airport areas like JFK and LAX with view at the airport there is a massive FPS drop from about 100 to 18. It seems related to MSAA Anti Aliasing, because when this is switched off in main.mcf the simulator runs constantly with about 80-100 FPS and more everywhere. Also things becoming better with MSAA on when turning the view away from the airport. This effect is only marginally related to the selected graphic quality settings.

  • Interesting, I'll try to see whether or not it affects pixelisation (by any chance, the Retina display could hide this effect so the pixels are small).

    Who knows how a Steam update resets or not the main.mcf file?

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  • New York and Los Angeles areas are indeed very demanding, a lot is being rendered probably too much, or more than is actually clearly visible.

    We will check and see if we can improve this in future updates with better settings.

    MSAA anti aliasing however is essential for rendering trees. We do not recommend to turn it off. We will see however if we can switch the MSAA mode and check if that has an effect.

    Keep in mind on Apple Mac computers with retina displays, the resolution of Aerofly FS is around 4000 pixels by 2400 pixels. This is a lot that needs to be rendered.

  • Thank you for your answer. I found such stutters also in other scenery areas i.e. between EDDK und EDDL. It seems related to a kind of an object in the scenery, what has problems with MSAA and the M1 CPU. I have tried to turn the trees off, that didn't help.

    Is there no chance to select a lower resolution?

    I hope you will have success with fixing this problem.