• since i added new ios update , now having problems with setting an altitude with autopilot , keep getting a constant ticking sound , which normally disengages when aircraft is lightning up for selected runway upon pressing landing icon , if i turn autopilot off it stops turn back on comes back , it’s totally unplayable and unreliable to use 777 at this time , a similar glitch 787 , with the latest update has their been any optimisation for ios 16.6 as fs runs a lot smoother now iphone 12 64 gig 4gb ram ios 16.6

  • since i added new ios update , now having problems with setting an altitude with autopilot , keep getting a constant ticking sound , which normally disengages when aircraft is lightning up for selected runway upon pressing landing icon , if i turn autopilot off it stops turn back on comes back , it’s totally unplayable and unreliable to use 777 at this time , a similar glitch 787 , with the latest update has their been any optimisation for ios 16.6 as fs runs a lot smoother now iphone 12 64 gig 4gb ram ios 16.6

    Yes also on the concord