Airport lights

  • Since the latest update many airports don't have working taxiway lights anymore. (e.g. Frankfurt, London, Hamburg,...)

    Furthermore all of the latest airports both generic and custom airports have no working runway and PAPI lights. ( e.g. Dubai, Tokyo, Sydney, Hong Kong)


    Tokyo Haneda:

    Edited 2 times, last by Jet-Pack (IPACS): Merged a post created by FM Aviation into this post. (November 25, 2023 at 9:29 PM).

  • I fly seldom in night. However yesterday I landed in Zurich in nighttime, no taxiway lights, nor green, nor blue (Aerofly FS4).

    I wonder why this problem does not get more attention. IPACS, what is the reason for this? Performance?



    i7-14700KF @ 5.6 GHz, Geforce RTX 4090, 32MB RAM, 1TB SSD M.2, 1TB SSD M.2, 2TB SSD M.2, 32" Monitor 4K, Pimax Crystal

    Edited once, last by Jet-Pack (IPACS): Merged a post created by TomB into this post. (November 25, 2023 at 9:29 PM).

  • Check this thread: RE: Airport lights

    The last update seems to have caused an issue with the airport lights. That thread is more than a month old, and yet the developer refuses to respond. How do you guys think that makes me feel as someone who was really close to buying this product? To me it seems like a major issue that affects multiple airports.

    When people pay that much for a product, then you should have the decency to respond, or am I being unfair now?
    Needless to say that I won't be buying this product, because I would hate to be in the same position of feeling ignored.

    Since this is negative feedback, I wouldn't be surprised when this thread is going to be deleted, but then people can draw their own conclusions.

  • I think this issue may have started when global streaming was added.

    Please give us time to correct this issue. At the moment we are working fully on the next mobile version but we will (hopefully) get back to this later when we have time.

    As always, it is most helpful to us if you provide the full details about your hardware setup and your tm.log file as described here:

    Troubleshooting | Aerofly FS

