Artificial horizon available in Aerofly versions after RC7?

  • Hi all,

    I have been using RC7 for a long time to practice F3A schedules on a PC. I find the 'artificial horizon' included in the RC7 Landing Assist very useful for checking pitch and roll orientation

    A couple of days ago, I tried a friend's RC8 and RC9 on a PC. The artificial horizon was not shown in the Landing Assist and I was unable to find it in other options.

    is the artificial horizon available in Aerofly RC versions after RC7? If so, where can I find it?

    Thank you


  • The artificial horizon had old code that was no longer working after adding Virtual Reality (VR) and modernizing the rendering code.

    For the most part the artificial horizon was useful for lining up with runways and this feature has been implemented into the radar top down view instead.

    In Aerofly RC 10 we now have the ability to easily extended the code so that we could actually add an artificial horizon that works and looks better than the old one. But I'm not sure if or when this can be added.

