NekitLH -
December 3, 2023 at 6:31 PM -
Thread is Resolved
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Riga doesn't have any satellite scenery in mobile and is surrounded by nothingness.
Wow! go around capt.
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problems on final,there's a huge pipe in front of the runway, can it be removed?
We have several airfields in the FS4 stream (I currently know of EKAH, EKBI, EETN, EVRA) where towers or masts are automatically created at the position of the last approach lighting.
Please change the programming here.
Moin Pascal,
that is a very good suggestion.
I thought about the best way to do it. My suggestion is:
- I create an AddOn directory where I add all corrections. This directory can then be deleted very easily if the FS4 stream airfields are played without obstacles.
- I name the files with the ICAO code supplemented by the RW.
I will implement this during the day.
Tschüss, Michael
I will store all files for hiding obstacles in the extension of the runways centrally here: