Major Hub Elevation Issues/Questions

  • Jet-Pack (IPACS)


    I've noticed major elevation faults at the following airports: (Hills over 40ft tall)

    -KLAX: Massive hills next to 24R

    -LFPG: Hills between terminals and 26R

    -EDDF: Hills between terminals and 25R

    -LSGG: The runway is sloped down and to the right at the threshold of RWY23, which makes turning onto it difficult. In real life, it is level ground. There are also hills north of the runway which aren't there IRL.

    What is the cause of these issues? Most of these faults have been present since FS2022. With streaming, wouldn't the elevation data be better?

    Two other questions I causally see as important to me:

    -Can/will KMSP be made 3D?

    -Will the Air France A320 be improved? I'd like to know if it will or if it'll never happen.

    Kind regards and safe flying.


  • The elevation data is not at highest resolution everywhere and some sources have the trees included in the height data. This means the terrain data itself is somewhat sloped at placed where it really should not be. The runway and apron are smoothed out when the airport is loaded but not the terrain next to it. That's why you sometimes see the bad elevation data poke through.

  • The elevation data is not at highest resolution everywhere and some sources have the trees included in the height data. This means the terrain data itself is somewhat sloped at placed where it really should not be. The runway and apron are smoothed out when the airport is loaded but not the terrain next to it. That's why you sometimes see the bad elevation data poke through.

    Even between runways though? Can't that be resolved?

    Kind regards and safe flying.
