I have the Aerofly RC7 on my imac. My spektrum dx5 is working but my new dx6 is not working. Aerofly says its not on. Is there to support for the new black dx6?
Best regards
Ola Dahlberg
I have the Aerofly RC7 on my imac. My spektrum dx5 is working but my new dx6 is not working. Aerofly says its not on. Is there to support for the new black dx6?
Best regards
Ola Dahlberg
The DX6 should be compatible with the IKARUS interface. You just have to ensure you are using the right kind of adapter. For further support please contact IKARUS at:
I have the Aerofly RC7 on my imac. My spektrum dx5 is working but my new dx6 is not working. Aerofly says its not on. Is there to support for the new black dx6?
Best regards
Ola Dahlberg
Hallo, had same trouble with Ikarus USB interface and #3024040 cable (http://www.ikarus.net/warum-wird-mei…rkannt/?lang=en).
Thats my solution:
1st update your DX6 (2014) to 1.01 firmware
2nd (for sure) turn off wired and wireless trainers
I have the Aerofly RC7 on my imac. My spektrum dx5 is working but my new dx6 is not working. Aerofly says its not on. Is there to support for the new black dx6?
Best regards
Ola Dahlberg
Update firmware in DX6 to 1.01 and use this interface adapter (oder no. #3024040): http://www.ikarus.net/warum-wird-mei…rkannt/?lang=en
I already got the adapter cable. Will try to update firmware tonight. Thank you so much!
I have updated the firmware to 1.01 but it still doesn't work. Trainer mode is off.
I bought this kit. http://shop.ikarus.net/en/aeroflyrc7/…aeroflyrc7.html
And the small adapter was included.
Really is RED one?
No its yellow. But that's the kit I bought.
Hy Ola
you should have a 3.5 mm mono jack to put in your transmitter trainer port. My old DX6 worked with the adapter cable no. 31036. My wires can seen at: my wires.
hope it should help.
No its yellow. But that's the kit I bought.
Cool, i have same kit.
But I also had trouble to connect at begin.
One more thing i did.
I reset all the models and created new.
I reset all the models and created new.
This is a must for all Simulators. Use a model without any mixing. Simpy a clean 4 channel airplane, don't use a Heli.
One more thing: Leave ur RC power switch OFF. Connect Ikarus to USB port, connect JACK 3,5 mm to TRAINER plug and than turn on RC7. DX6 will automatically turn ON.
I bought this kit. http://shop.ikarus.net/en/aeroflyrc7/…aeroflyrc7.html
And the small adapter was included.
What you require in addition to the leads you have is a stereo phone socket connected to a mono phono plug. The connections used on the socket are the two that the end of the male stereo plug will connect to, not the one that is connected to the outer case of the socket. Thats it mine now works fine. If you need more help I will take some photos for you, really very simple to make. I use a DX9 by the way.
I am a bit confused by this thread, lots of good advice but... does it work ?! Has someone actually managed to get a current DX6 to work with Aerofly 7 on a mac? How do you do it?
I am also interested in knowing if anyone else has got the current DX6 to work.
I have all the correct cables and adapters but once I plug the TX in there is zero response to inputs from it during the Windows "Set up USB Game Controller" configuration window.
Windows recognizes the USB interface but nothing from the transmitter.
Would it matter if you're plugging into a 2.0 or 3.0 USB port?
I've tried everything under the sun to get this to work with my Spektrum DX6 but no luck. I've contacted tech support but never heard back from them. Here's my setup and here's what Iv'e done.
Macbook Air 2014
OS X 10.9.5
Aerofly RC7 v7.4.3
I've purchased this USB adapter and cable. http://shop.ikarus-usa.com/en/home/745-us…aeroflyrc7.html
Although the picture shows a red adapter, mine is black. It also came with this adapter: http://www.ikarus.net/warum-wird-mei…rkannt/?lang=en
In this thread someone mentioned that the cable which has a 3.5mm stereo plug (tip, ring sleeve) requires an adapter from stereo to mono (tip, sleeve) which I ordered and tried. Still no joy.
It's been a couple weeks since I contacted tech support. You would think that would be ample time for a response. Disappointed at this point.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be very thankful.
Display MoreI've tried everything under the sun to get this to work with my Spektrum DX6 but no luck. I've contacted tech support but never heard back from them. Here's my setup and here's what Iv'e done.
Macbook Air 2014
OS X 10.9.5
Aerofly RC7 v7.4.3I've purchased this USB adapter and cable. http://shop.ikarus-usa.com/en/home/745-us…aeroflyrc7.html
Although the picture shows a red adapter, mine is black. It also came with this adapter: http://www.ikarus.net/warum-wird-mei…rkannt/?lang=enIn this thread someone mentioned that the cable which has a 3.5mm stereo plug (tip, ring sleeve) requires an adapter from stereo to mono (tip, sleeve) which I ordered and tried. Still no joy.
It's been a couple weeks since I contacted tech support. You would think that would be ample time for a response. Disappointed at this point.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be very thankful.
Hi Joer
Sorry to hear you are still having problems. I have made a few photos which show how my DX9 is connected using the extra lead that I made up.
If you take note of the connections on the photos, you may have connected them incorrectly, took me a couple of goes to get it right. If you need more help don't hesitate to ask. I found it frustrating at first.
we always recommend to contact IKARUS support at https://www.aerofly.com/www.ikarus.net in case of connection problems. They can really help a lot quicker.
Hi Joer
Sorry to hear you are still having problems. I have made a few photos which show how my DX9 is connected using the extra lead that I made up.
If you take note of the connections on the photos, you may have connected them incorrectly, took me a couple of goes to get it right. If you need more help don't hesitate to ask. I found it frustrating at first.
Hi John,
Thanks for taking the time to put that detailed post together. This forum doesn't seem to notify me when a post is made on this thread and I don't check it often so that's why I didn't respond sooner.
As you can see in my photo below, I have a similar setup to yours where I've inserted and adapter that changes the stereo male plug to a mono plug. Unfortunately it didn't do the trick. I'm wondering if it would work if I just purchased on the the $65 flight controllers from iKarus and be done with it. I've contacted IKARUS support on multiple occasions to try and get it resolved and have never received a reply. Highly unlikely I'll purchase anything from them again.
Anyway, thanks very much for taking the time to try and help me out.